To those of you contributed to the Pun twitch project, thank you so much

Board 8

I mean going BACK to LK1 after LK2 is exactly how I initially played the games. I rented LK2 on blockbuster, enjoyed it then rented the first... and eventually bought both on some christmas eb games shopping spree of like 20 gamecube games thanks to my mom

They are connected but it's moreso like a historical lore thing and I don't feel it's really necessary to be in-order, you can easily treat LK1 as a prequel that provides historical backstory... not that these are even really plot-heavy games. LK2 takes place 200 years after the first.
I request affiliated many pipes.
Been a bad girl, I know I am. And I'm so hot, I need a fan. I don't want a boy, I need a man.