Para watches and ranks every SGDQ '22 run

Board 8

Let's get this show on the road.

I'm mostly skipping downtime in between games (unless I decide to just let it run for background noise for a bit) but for the time being - until I get bored of it - I'll be watching interviews and prize segments. And I wanted to get off my GDQ watching right, so I decided to watch the whole pre-show to get in the mood.

- The hosting team here is great - I love these lovable dorks. adef steals the show here though - his comedy bits are legitimately funny (one of the rare people who is actually funny when he's trying to do comedy) and every delivery he does is solid gold. I loved the cutaway of him sprinting through the parking lot to get ketchup packets from McDonald's. I hope he replaces SpikeVegeta forever (sorry Spike).

- The cut to Shout holding a Mareep was also great. I want that Mareep.

- I admire the bit they did with people racing using goofy speedrunning moves but it went on a bit long.

- It's funny to hear them hyping up runs knowing that some of them go awry in the future - I'm aware that people didn't like FNAF and Emerald Randomizer went hella over estimate.

- Love the MSF representative here not dancing around the political issues of the day here - they're doing work in Ukraine, they're putting vaccines in arms, and yes, abortion is part of healthcare. That last one was particularly pointed.

Okay, actual runs now.

Shadow of the Colossus

I briefly played Shadow of the Colossus once a long time ago - I think I beat like four or five of the bosses and didn't play the rest. It's a good game, but it's not really 'my thing'. I admire the design of the game and the design of the bosses and such but it's a game I would rather watch someone else play than play myself. So this run is perfect!

I don't think I've ever seen a speedrun of this game before because I honestly had no idea that it had a time trial mode, and I don't think I've seen some of these later game colossuses before, so this a new experience for me, at least I think. It's a good one! I liked this run a lot and it made for a really high energy run to start off the marathon. It's all killer, no filler; getting rid of all the explory parts of SotC and getting right to the meat keeps the pacing of this one brisk and entertaining throughout.

- I love the props of the whiteboard and the giant dice here. They're fun! The concept of fighting all the bosses in a random order is good and adds a little extra spice to this run. I smiled every time the camera zoomed in on the whiteboard - it's so amusingly low-tech.

- Horse pets were the donation gimmick of this run and I enjoyed it dearly. Everyone counting while the runner gently pats a horse is great. (I had no idea until now that Agro was a girl btw)

- I appreciate this game's commitment to designing bosses with butt ladders to grab onto.

- Some cool skips in this run though they sadly didn't all go off without a hitch. I enjoyed the Gaius jump, aka "Space Jam." I've played enough of this game to be impressed by the number of ways you can send Wander flying up to the exact spot you need to be.

- Also loved dropping a torch off the edge and getting sent flying by a colossus trying to kill itself.

- "Foxy, just so you know, you're my beardy boy." "Thank you. I wear it with uh... it's pride."

- The jump stab, or the sexy slash as they like to call it. I'm going to document every instance of a stupid tech name.

- Pathing through all the 16th colossus's missiles were cool - I like how they just kinda had a route devised that happens to make every missile miss slightly.

- That's never happened before x1

- I was slightly worried about the promised ukulele duet at the end of this run, but I needn't have been. It was fire. Absolute banger.

- Sent why are you wearing your mask weird.