Para watches and ranks every SGDQ '22 run

Board 8

Sonic Generations

Never played this game, didn't know that the 3DS version was different from the others. I have sort of a muted relationship with Sonic. None of the Sonic games are really among my favorites and I didn't grow up with them as a nostalgic thing. Sonic speedruns are hit or miss for me - the best ones are really great, but sometimes it's hard to really appreciate the action in them.

As far as Sonic games go, I found this run a little bit on the dull side. The action in the modern levels was pretty good, but the classic levels just felt kind of wrong. Way, WAY too many autoscrollers in this game, and that unfortunately included many of the bosses. Not the most cleanly executed run either, which didn't help. The commentary was okay, but a bit of a step down from SotC. I'd skip this one unless you're just a huge Sonic fan and you'll watch any Sonic game. I just didn't find a lot to latch onto here.

- BIG THE CAT! BIG THE CAT! BIG THE CAT! Big the Cat was a big meme throughout this run despite the fact that he does not appear in this game. I appreciate this.

- I know the special stages make for good donation fodder and all but it just really sucks to run a game with this many absolutely brutally dull autoscrollers. Other Sonic games have this problem too. The only good thing is that Sonic's run cycle at the start of them is fucking hilarious.

- The Big Arms theme was cruelly cut short by one of the only bosses that you COULD beat quickly in this game.

- We got a mention of orbs in this one, which makes the first time I think we've had a standard GDQ meme trotted out. I guess it's been three years since we've had an audience, so there's a pretty large gap in time since the last time anyone had anything to meme. I'm curious to see going forward if the old standard memes have dropped off a little bit.

- The music in that one water level sounds like Louie Louie and I can't get over it.

- I don't have a lot more to say about this run - I tuned a lot of it out. I ended up focusing on weird shit. Like, what's up with the houseplant? I get that they're all in armchairs in order to create social distancing but why the office vibe?