ITT I Watch Horror Movies During October (Year 3)

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Board 8 » ITT I Watch Horror Movies During October (Year 3)
80. Puppet Master (Peacock)

I have actually never seen any of the Puppet Master movies. It sure is a franchise though.

Puppet Master is about a group of who go see their psychic friend who passed away, but then there's puppets coming to kill them.

I wasn't sure what to make of this at first, but I really dug it. There's a lot of creativity involved with these puppets and I feel like the creator really had a lot of ideas in mind. The puppets are all so diverse and their murders were actually pretty fun.

The psychic thing was kind of whatever to me. I was more interested in all of the puppets because, well, they're more interesting. I didn't much care about the characters, aside from the weird nazi intro which was rather strange, but I guess they have their ideas.

The ending to this movie is really good, and the descending horror of these puppets was made very clear. It would be easy to make these too cartoony, but I think they managed to balance that out rather well.

I'm kind of more interested in the rest of the franchise now after this weird beginning. I have no idea how they go about making movies but I just looked it up and there's like a dozen of these fucking things how in the world? So uh, I guess I'll see sometime.

Rating: 7/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
81. V/H/S 94 (Shudder)

Awww yeah, onto the reboot(?) anthology series here. I think this is probably the best one of the bunch so far.

V/H/S 94 has a framing of a horrifying cult that records these movies and a SWAT team investigating it. It's really solid, and I enjoy the style it was made in. Shockingly, the ending of it kind of brings us more fully into the V/H/S Cinematic Universe with explanations!

The first main story, by Chloe Okuno, is about a news reporter that goes to see the local cryptid who lives in the series. This one was actually really, really good and I loved every part of it.

The second story is about a girl who is hosting a wake for a deceased fella during a terrible storm, and she swears that the man inside the casket must be awake still. Nobody seems to be showing up to the wake due to the storm. This one is by Simon Barrett, and I thought this one was super simple but still really strong. A lot of really quality stuff involved with this one.

Timo Tjahjanto directs the third story about a mad scientist who makes cyborgs, and the scene turns into complete mayhem eventually. This one was so fucking cool and had a lot of action and insanity. It did not hold back on the gore.

And the last story is by Ryan Prows and is just about a white supremacist group that is armed with weapons and invades. Except a vampire is involved to stop them. It is bloody and crazy.

This one is such a step up from the previous VHS entries. I don't know what it is, but it feels higher quality. Like there was a standard they wanted everyone to meet this time. It made for a much stronger entry, and the best it's been. Definitely recommend this one!

As for the directors involved...

Jennifer Reeder does the framing story with the movie cult, and she's done a bunch of small films I promise none of us have heard of.

Chloe Okuno does Rat Man, and her latest film is Watcher, which just came out recently on Shudder! I reviewed that already and really enjoyed it!

Simon Barrett did the Wake story, and he usually collaborates to write for Adam Wingert. He wrote You're Next, The Guest, Blair Witch, Temple, and will be writing the new Godzilla vs. Kong movie. He directed a movie called Seance as well that came out last year.

Timo Tjahjanto did the cyborg story, and he's the guy behind May the Devil Take You 1 & 2 and The Night Comes For Us. He also did the fucking amazing story Safe Haven in V/H/S 2 that was the clear highlight of that entry.

Ryan Prows did the white supremacist story and he has nothing of note to his name otherwise. Good for him though.

Anyway, watch V/H/S 94. It was awesome.

Rating: 8.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
82. Bad Ben (Tubi)


Bad Ben is about a guy named Tom Riley who is being haunted in his new home, and he discovers an entity is trying to kill him.

The Bad Ben movies are not good films. But good god in heaven do I ever have so much fun watching them.

Imagine a man who has so much enthusiasm to create a bad Paranormal Activity knock off. He rips it off so hard, and nothing he does is particularly good, but he gets his camera, he gets his editing software, and he makes it happen. God bless Nigel Bach, a man braver than any of us.

So I need to reiterate that the Bad Ben movies are bad, and this one in particular. But Nigel Bach as Tom Riley just... acts like an every man. He's just that weird fucking uncle you have, and when he's faced with this demon haunting him, he doesn't just start cowering. He says things like "Okay, what the fuck do you want? I'm really getting sick of this shit." The man makes this movies so unique with him not wanting to fuck with this demon bullshit at all. The man just wants to enjoy his new home.

It's a movie that feels a little long, and I honestly usually have these on in the background while I'm doing something else because it's not a movie that needs your full attention. But there's moments here that I genuinely love and adore.

This series with this man who wants to do his silly movies is outstanding, and if you tell him that his movies suck, he'll keep making them all the same. Praise be to Nigel Bach, and may we forever keep getting Bad Ben films.

Rating: 7/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
83. Aftermath (Netflix)

This is a movie I absolutely should not like but I did like.

Aftermath is about a couple that buys the house that another couple had a murder suicide in to fix their relationship. And then spooky stuff happens.

I don't know if it's supposed to be a secret or not, but I thought it was profoundly obvious it was another phrogging story about someone living in their house and not a spirit. I actually dont know if that was the intent or not.

Anyway, the strongest part is the script and then the lead actors involved. Shawn Ashmore and Ashley Greene do a great job playing a very endearing couple, and despite their marital issues, you find yourself rooting for them through all the bullshit. If it wasn't through that, this two hour movie would have been a complete slog.

And the actual spooky stuff is directed and edited extremely well. I was surprised at how effective it was. Usually this sort of movie is directed in the same way, but this time it was really strong. It actually freaked me out a bit, which I didn't expect from this.

There's probably somewhere they could have trimmed this script though. It being over two hours long is just unnecessary. I do have mostly positive things to say about it, and if this sort of movie interests you, check it out.

Rating: 7/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
84. Annabelle: Creation (Hulu)

For some reason they put this Annabelle and this one only in the middle of the month from HBO Max to Hulu.

Annabelle: Creation is about the origin of Annabelle involving a group of orphans staying at pair of parents' home after they lost their child in a car accident. But there is eeeevil there.

I think I had more of a fondness for this when I first saw it than I do now. That said, it's not bad, and in fact I think a lot of it is really good. It's a clear, huge step up from the previous Annabelle movie because they have David Sandberg at the helm of this. He did Lights Out a year prior, and has since been doing the Shazam movies, and he just actually gets it. He has a vision and he goes right into it.

This movie focuses more on the demon than anything, and it actually does create some intense and chilling scenes. I got the sense nothing was happening a lot of time, but between that nothing there is a ton of good scares that really take it's time. They set things up, it gets used in great horror later, and it's pretty much your cookie cutter sort of film.

Oh, and Grace Caroline Currey is in it, who was recently amazing in Fall! She stands out in this movie as something special.

As a prequel to the spin-off, this works as a way to explain the evil of Annabelle and those shenanigans involved, and it actually does lead into the first movie in the end which is crazy. This film also includes a secret ending sequence to set up the next Conjuring Cinematic Universe movie, The Nun, which I was really amused by. (It sucked though.)

So yeah, I'd have to watch the newest Annabelle again, but I remember being most impressed with this one.

Rating: 7/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
85. Slasher: Guilty Party (TV Series) (Netflix)

We're back with another season of Slasher, an anthology centering on a different slasher killer each season!

Guilty Party is about a group of camp counselors who accidentally kill one of their own while trying to prank her. They return to the site in the winter to dig up her body and dispose of it, but there's a killer who is attacking them and a commune of folks living close by.

So I enjoy this one a hell of a lot. I like it about as much as the first season, Executioner. This one takes you on a wild ride, and what I like most about it is that it digs into the pasts of a lot of these characters really well. You really end up caring about a lot of them, and you're even more interested in the rest of the unveiling plot and mysteries.

This season is also a step up quality-wise with the gore and killings. They don't hold back on any of these and they're wildly creative and you rarely see any of them coming.

I think it has a really strong ending too. Just some really great stuff here and I feel very satisfied with how it all concludes. I definitely recommend this season, as I really don't have too many complaints about it! It's great stuff!

Rating: 8.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
86. Mom and Dad (Starz)

Nicholas Cage is a fucking mad man and I adore him for this.

In Mom and Dad, one day parents get this uncontrollable urge to murder all of their fucking children.

That's really all there is to it. I didn't think this was particularly good, and I felt it was downright bad at times, but Nicholas Cage carries the film hard while Selma Blair also does a good job. Also, the son in this movie is the lead character in the Chucky series.

Honestly, I didn't really care or enjoy this movie a tremendous amount, but Nicholas Cage drags it through to great levels. He has monologues here where he is amazing. Just peak Cage here losing his god damned mind. Aside from that, there's some crazy moments towards the end that are fun too.

But man does this ending fucking suck. Just awful. Can't possibly enjoy it. Made me angry upon watching it. The points here mostly come from Cage. Bless that man. He's a treasured soul and a once in a lifetime actor. If you want to see some peak Cage, check it out.

Rating: 6/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
87. The Woman In Black (Paramount+)

I have always really enjoyed this movie. It's so damn good.

The Woman In Black is about a lawyer who goes to peruse through a recently deceased woman's estate. The town doesn't want him to go there and when he does, he sees a haunting woman dressed in black, and bad things seem to happen from there.

Daniel Radcliffe is captivating in this movie. He just finds a way to really suck you in each time he looks afraid. Any tense moments are so tense, and his added expressions and reactions just make it so much better.

And the tense moments are just that. They find a way to make this rustic home even more terrifying with awful decor and the worst toys you've ever seen. And to top it off, they make such good use with the spacing. James Watkins just gets it, and it's really sad that he hasn't done a whole lot since this, aside from one of my favorite episodes of Black Mirror.

The story here is so good, and they do a great job of you slowly unraveling everything right before the reveal. It feels incredibly satisfying. And of course, everything in the last act of the film is phenomenal, and they bring you to the ending which is expected but just perfect.

It's a great gothic horror that I love watching every time. One of my favorites for sure. Big recommend!

Rating: 9.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Saw Predator 2 , don't know how exactly to write about it or how much of a horror movie it counts as. Outwardly I do think it does a good job expanding on the premise of the original film and it's clearly having a lot of fun with itself. There's not much to the plot but the movie is consistently engaging in some way...yeah I don't know how to properly assess this movie. I would say I like it overall for the reasons I brought up earlier, in that it sets up a lot of interesting ideas in the first act and have them come together in a satisfactory if not standout way.

Rating: 7/10
Why do people act like the left is the party of social justice crusaders?
88. Under The Skin (HBO Max)

So this was certainly a movie.

Under The Skin is about Scarlett Johansson as an alien seducing men to send their meat to her home planet and learning about human life and mostly not liking it.

This is one hell of an artsy movie. I don't necessarily love these kind of films, and this one isn't an exception. There's a lot of impeccable directing and scenes that will stick with me, but I had to put on subtitles because the audio was such shit I couldn't understand the very little dialogue we got here.

It leaves pretty much all interpretation directly to you watching it. They explain nothing, but it's illustrated fine enough. I had no trouble understanding what happened and the themes they were going for here. It just moves at a snail's pace which isn't too too bad but there's long scenes dedicated to one thing and I'm just like "That's it?"

Still, it's very interesting I think. I enjoyed it, but I didn't love it. The ending is also pretty awful and makes the one overarching story they had feel kind of irrelevant. But with a movie like this, I dunno that you can have a fully satisfying ending.

I dunno. If you want to see Scarlett Johansson acting like a sexy alien in an artsy fartsy film, check it out. Otherwise, you can skip.

Rating: 7/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
89. Videodrome (Peacock)

David Cronenberg is on his shit again with another nightmare.

Videodrome is about James Woods' character looking for new programming to put on his TV network, finding Videodrome, which is full of torture and snuff. He has to look further into it though when something strange happens.

So yeah, this is a nightmare, but I want to say without seeing the entire Cronenberg library that this may actually be the best thing he's done. I don't foresee anything topping this. This is a movie that is terrifying and has a lot to say in subtext, and I really appreciate that. Because you can make a movie like this and have it be awful. That would be super easy for him. But he made something with legs.

James Woods does an exceptional job selling this increasingly insane nightmare to us, and I think the vision Cronenberg has really sells you on the sheer discomfort and disturbing nature of what we're watching. It gets increasingly more crazy, and the body horror is just outstanding here with visuals that will stick with me. The ending was outstanding as well, and I love how it all wrapped up in what is probably the most perfect way it could.

So yeah, this has to be the best thing Cronenberg has ever put out. It definitely has to be his most thought-provoking movie, and everything he wants to say with it is very much true today, despite it being nearly 40 years old at this point. Big recommend here!

Rating: 9.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
90. May (Shudder/Tubi)

I have wanted to watch this for a while but honestly I just thought it was alright.

May is about a troubled girl who struggles who can't seem to get a lot of luck with love or friendship and starts to lose it.

I understand this is a cult classic and I can kind of see why... but I also just don't think it's a truly great movie. I think the whole story is goofy and unsettling, but not in any sort of way that works. Scenes feel sloppily strung together. It tries to tell a story and you really do feel for the protagonist, but there's just not enough here.

By the time things, uh, escalate, I couldn't bring myself to care a hell of a lot. I think there's a solid idea here, and I think better filmmakers could do more with it, but I just don't think it's a great film. I just flat out wasn't very interested.

Rating: 5.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
91. The Lazarus Effect (Tubi)

I cannot believe the number of actual stars in this movie that were here and how they got convinced to be in this trash.

The Lazarus Effect is about a bunch of researchers doing ressurection projects and then one of them dies but goes a little nutters and also she has super powers.

I just don't get this movie. It's so boring, so bland, so uninteresting for a movie that could be a lot more than that. It's a concept that could work, but it's all so booooooring and I don't care about any of the characters at all despite their half-cocked efforts to make you care about them.

Olivia Wilde, Donald Glover, and Evan Peters all made a choice to be in this--even Mark Duplass who I like a lot! The ending of this continues to suck and I just don't understand how it got off the ground. It's so bad. It's so boring. It's so uninteresting, even though we have honest to goodness superpowers and a concept that can work!

I'm repeating myself because I have nothing else to really say about it. It's just such an unremarkable movie. I can't even find any information on it. It seems like it appeared out of nowhere with no production notes, probably because nobody ever cared to ask about it.

I do not recommend The Lazarus Effect.

Rating: 0.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
So I got a really bad flu yesterday, so I was down for the count. I did end up watching 1.5 episodes of Guillermo Del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities! Seems really promising so far! But as for what I did watch...

92. The Bridge Curse (Netflix)

This is a Taiwanese horror that I guess they've made video game spin-offs out of?

The Bridge Curse is about a group of college kids see if they can summon a ghost that haunts their campus on a bridge. The ghost is real and it is not good for them

So alright, this movie did not hook me until the final act. It did this weird thing where half of it was a pseudo-found footage with a cell phone and then filmed regularly the other half. The ghost wasn't doing a ton of too scary stuff and I wasn't feeling it. But that last act was pretty top notch and really brought everything back.

I won't spoil it, but it was actually pretty quality. The issue is sitting through the rest of it. There's a couple of solid moments before the last act, but I don't think it was great. It's a movie built around a good twist, but the rest of it feels cheap and not really great. The budget shows.

I don't have much else to say. Okay-ish until really good at the end.

Rating: 6/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
93. The Hitcher (2007) (Hulu)

I don't know why, but I think this movie is better than I originally thought.

The Hitcher remake is about a man whose car broke down, and after passing him up initially, a couple on a road trip ends up speaking with him at the next truck stop and end up giving him a ride. He's fucking crazy though.

Sean Bean essentially carries this movie so much. What a phenomenal actor he is, and he really gives Rutger Hauer a run for his money here. He's such a casually sinister evil and there's so much nuance to his performance that makes it feel so much different than Hauer's performance. Just little pieces of his acting just pops when you pay attention and I'm shocked at how well he did it.

This movie also feels a little bit better paced than the original which has a lot more standing around. They give you no time to do so. That said, I didn't care about the protagonists in this one nearly as much as I did in the original. I just don't think their acting is as good and I don't think they're nearly as interesting. They feel like every 2000's horror college aged protagonist you've ever seen. But at least Neal McDonough is here to give us one great performance as Captain Esteridge. That guy just kills it every time.

All of that aside, it's a pretty solid take on the classic. There are changes made, and I think they were fine for the most part. Nothing felt wrong about any changes they made, but it absolutely feels like an updated take. I do think it gets lost in the weeds with the chase scenes a bit, but I remember that the original seemed to do that too.

So I like this, but I think I liked it slightly less than the original. But if you want to see Sean Bean be a perfect maniac, it's definitely worth it.

Rating: 7/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
94. Fear of Rain (Hulu)

I don't know if this ended up as a horror movie or not, but I enjoyed it.

Fear of Rain is about a girl named Rain who is battling schizophrenia and isn't sure who or what around her is real. But she swears that she has been seeing a little girl in her neighbor's house being held captive.

This movie doesn't really feel like horror until the last act, despite having elements of horror within it. It does a lot of interesting stuff with the girl's schizophrenia and I think it does a good job with it. The drama with her, her parents, and her potential boyfriend feels really good as well.

When everything becomes unraveled, it feels great too. I really loved the reveals in this movie and felt they were really well-earned. It feels slow at times, but I think it's worth it for the payoffs you get there.

Overall, good film. Not as much horror, but still good stuff.

Rating: 6.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
95. Wes Craven's New Nightmare (HBO Max)

Finally, we have a Freddy back to what he was meant to be.

New Nightmare is a meta about Heather Langenkamp, the actress from the original, having her son haunted by Freddy Krueger, and she must try to save him and defeat him for good.

I'll be honest, I don't think I like this movie as much as other people do, but I do love Freddy Krueger just being a terrifying badass again. There's a lot, and I mean a lot, here to like about this movie. Wes Craven really understands how to make terror with this character, and it's no surprise the only good movies have been the ones he had his hands on.

My issues stem from it feeling like of cheesy at times, and the meta stuff all being a little too heavy handed for me and not as effective as say, the Scream movies. Also, this child actor was not a very good child actor.

Aside from that, I like it a lot though. There's a ton of effective scares in here and the story is interesting as a take on the horror of Freddy as an entity outside of the movies. The scares here certainly feel a lot more clever and inventive than the last three movies. I really appreciate Wes Craven giving a final, creative crack at these movies after the run of awful garbage we had before.

I have the remake to watch again, but... I dunno. I might just save that one for next year. But I'm almost done with this franchise now. Glad it ended on a good note.

Rating: 7.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
96. Resurrection (Shudder)

This just came out on Shudder! Go out of your way to watch it!

Resurrection is about a woman raising her 18 year old daughter alone when a man from her past appears. She becomes increasingly more rattled the more she sees him and the more they engage.

So Rebecca Hall and Tim Roth are in this movie and they're incredibly good here. Rebecca Hall goes through the entire cycle of madness here and you can see her destroying everything around her because of the man from her past coming in. Every relationship she has just starts falling apart and it's really just hard to watch as a result.

And that man, played by Tim Roth, is absolutely insane. Tim Roth plays this character so god damn well and I can't get over how effective he was in it. The things he says are so vile and awful, but he manages to play them off as so matter-of-fact that it's horrible.

The crux of all of this, that I won't spoil because holy shit it's such an insane idea for this, is what drives it. You can understand why Rebecca Hall's character is so fucked up because of what the man did. And the movie is centered on that and you're just in disbelief of it all as it grows more and more intense as a result.

I was shocked at how gripping this was and how everything is being destroyed around the protagonist. You just hate to see it. And I think the ending is great, although some people may not love it. But I think they just blew it away here. Huge recommendation for Resurrection. Just a gripping, horrifying work.

Rating: 9.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
97. They/Them (Peacock)

Fuck, this movie was terrible.

They/Them is about a group of teens attending a gay conversion camp. You might be thinking that a bunch of murders happen but they actually don't. It's just escalating horribleness from the counselors, and then murders.

I don't care about spoiling this one so DO NOT READ FURTHER IF YOU DO NOT WANT SPOILED.

This movie is entirely carried by Kevin Bacon being such a great actor. He just makes so many things watchable by his ability to draw you in and force any emotion he wants out of you.

Aside from that, this movie is basically just an LGBT empowerment movie. Which, you know, is fine. But it's not necessarily interesting or good. It's mostly just them all proclaiming they're proud of being gay, and then some entirely too long sex scenes happening. The horror mostly comes out of select scenes where Kevin Bacon's character goes completely mask off and goes into terrible shitbag territory, which are easy the best parts of the film entirely because of his acting.

But outside of that, they just felt too chickenshit to actually go in on giving them any actual terror. The killer is a complete afterthought in this movie until the last act, and then it's just one of the counselors who is killing only the counselors because she was a victim of this gay conversion in the past and decided she would expose them all by murdering them all first...? Thus taking all of the focus away from the terrible shit they were doing to children and and placing it on the gruesome murders she committed...?

I dunno. This movie was really bad, and there's an impromptu song and dance number that just triggered me to want everyone who involved themselves in that to be killed. I saw red when it happened.

It isn't a good movie, and I can't speak on how well it affirms queer identity or anything, but I feel as though anyone going into it looking for that also won't find much out of it. Not a great movie and I'm confused how John Logan, with so many writing credits to his name (and his first time directing) managed to make such a stinker.

Rating: 1/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
98. We're All Going to the World's Fair (HBO Max)

This movie got a lot of rave reviews but I don't really get it.

This movie is about a teenager who gets too immersed in a sort of creepypasta roleplaying BS thing and befriends someone trying to help her.

It's kind of just a depressing movie, really. Not particularly great, but it's just... sad. You just follow this teenager who is getting into this World's Fair Challenge thing and posting videos online. And then you have this guy who is a middle-aged man who is also terribly lonely and immersed in this too. Before you have any ideas, they don't actually get too creepy with the adult here.

But while this does have some unsettling parts when you're watching her, for the most part it's kind of dull and not interesting for the majority of the run time. You just feel sorry for both characters involved and it's not entertaining enough to make up for that?

The ending feels... strange. Extremely open-ended for what happened, if it's as straight-forward as we see, or whatever. I just don't think it lands properly. I don't think it's good, and I didn't enjoy my time watching. I think it would have been far better as a short film.

Rating: 2/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
99. Where the Scary Things Are (Paramount+)

This movie is so bad and I was angry just watching it.

Where the Scary Things Are is about the worst group of children you've ever seen trying to make their own urban legend with a creature they find and make viral videos out of and abuse.

This is completely miserable to sit through. They want you to think this is some kind of fun group of young kids like in It or The Goonies, but it's actually a bunch of complete assholes. They break property, set homeless people on fire, and are terrible to other children with issues. Utterly unlikable group of children to the likes I have never seen before. And the youngest out of them is the most annoying.

The thing that makes me hate that I can't just give it 0/10 and call it a day is that the creature is some kind of oil monster thing that actually looks awesome and I have to give them props for at least that. But everything else is so awful.

The one girl who basically leads them just uses sex appeal to keep all the boys in check and it's so bizarre and uncomfortable when these scenes go on for way too long. And they want to tell a story about kids who are way too online and turn terrible, but they're already terrible. The lead girl also just feeds people to this monster that she doesn't like. There is a girl who has issues and cries in class and she's just completely cruel to her and keeps trying to get her kicked out. And then she writes a letter to the principal to get the teacher in trouble over it. And then she kidnaps and has the creature eat her, literally only because, "I fucking hate that bitch." No other reason.

It's insane. I don't understand what this movie is supposed to be aside from a mean-spirited and sexually uncomfortable adventure with an Actually Cool monster. Fuck, this movie is bad. Don't watch.

Rating: 0.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Oh lot to catch up on here. I absolutely adored We're All Going to the World's Fair but I completely understand why it wouldn't click with most people. It's just one of the most unsettlingly weird and strange films I've ever seen, just a very atypical structure and pace but the subtext of everything really hits me hard.

I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
Snake5555555555 posted...
Oh lot to catch up on here. I absolutely adored We're All Going to the World's Fair but I completely understand why it wouldn't click with most people. It's just one of the most unsettlingly weird and strange films I've ever seen, just a very atypical structure and pace but the subtext of everything really hits me hard.
The subtext of it all is what made me give it 2/10. It's obviously saying a lot about isolation and loneliness and dependence on the internet for any sort of human interaction. I don't think the unsettling nature of it hit me nearly as hard though.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Me getting the flu blew up all my weekend plans, so I ended up with more time to watch horror schlock.

100. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) (HBO Max)

This has always been one of my favorite alien invasion movies.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers remake is about two Health Department workers noticing something strange is happening with the people around them. Soon, with a few of their friends, they realize the world is being taken over and their bodies replaced.

So I remember I used to see the ending of this movie so many times somehow. I vividly remembered the ending from like the last 20 minutes onward before I sat down to actually watch the whole thing. It always stuck with me and I never knew why I didn't seek it out.

In any case, this movie is great. It has an incredible pacing as we slowly unveil what's going on and the horror ramps up. All of the leads here are just outstanding from Donald Sutherland, Brooke Adams, Jeff Goldblum, Veronica Cartwright, and Leonard Nimoy. They're so damn good in this film and really serve to make you care so much about these characters. Without their strong performances, I don't think this movie is nearly as good.

The way they convey these horrifying pod people is something special too. It's actually chilling and nightmarish when you see them. And then when you see what happens to people as well, and... well, everything, it's so good. Seeing the entire armada of pod people all in uniform is horrifying too to see how well they organize and just how impossible of a threat it is to overcome.

This movie is so special and I think it's absolutely one of the best alien movies out there. I'm entertained every time I watch it, and I think there's so much that's memorable about this. The ending, in particular, I think is completely outstanding and just perfect. Definitely recommend this one!

Rating: 10/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
101. Dark Water (2002) (Tubi)

We're back with another Japanese horror classic. I actually like this one quite a bit.

Dark Water is about a woman and her daughter she is struggling to take care of amidst a divorce. But when her apartment begins leaking inexplicably, she is being haunted.

This one is a slow burn, like I feel a lot of these Japanese horrors really are with some exceptions. I like this one a lot and I think they do a great job showing the complete struggles and difficulties with the mother just trying to do the right thing int he midst of almost losing her daughter.

I think a lot of the horror with the ghost is really good too. The haunting is pretty low-key but effective. I was always more interested in the mother-daughter drama though, and I think that's supposed to be the crux of the film as well.

By the time we get to the conclusion, I think it really hits you hard and it's built up to a tragic, yet understandable ending. It's sad, haunting, and I think the way it's done just works. The very last scene too, I think is very effective as well. It's one of those that I always remember as well.

That said, I do like this original a hell of a lot better than the American version they spit out. Definitely recommend this one if you're looking for some J-Horror.

Rating: 8.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
102. The Seventh Day (Netflix)

Well, I don't think I'll see Prey for the Devil now, so I found a replacement.

The Seventh Day is about a rookie priest teaming up with a veteran exorcist and they must save a kid from being possessed.

So this one has Guy Pierce and Stephen Lang with a tinge of Keith David in it. All good actors! And it has some good stuff here that's actually pretty scary. They somehow find a way to add new ideas to this genre and I was pretty into it. Guy Pierce is an asshole exorcist who has enough charm to make this entertaining.

I thought it was an interesting dynamic with a couple twists and turns and things I didn't expect to make this good too. I expected a more middle road sort of exorcist movie but it surprised me by being more than that. It has a pretty solid twist that I feel like if I thought more about that I might not like as much, but I was entertained enough by it to enjoy it.

Sure, I recommend this Netflix exorcism movie.

Rating: 7/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
I'm increasingly on board with the Goldblum memes the more stuff I see him in. He was one of the best things about Lost World hands down.
Why do people act like the left is the party of social justice crusaders?
103. Escape the Field (Hulu)

This movie came out this year. Somehow I watched this but I have no memory of how or why. I totally forgot I did until like 3/4 of the way through this movie.

Escape the Field is about six people who each have an item and must escape a corn field with puzzle solving.

This one is... fine. If this is a genre of film you might like is a bunch of strangers wake up and have to do a bunch of tests. It has some competent acting from the characters who matter in this, and it gets annoying at times, and it's all just weird escape room nonsense with more nonsense thrown on top of it.

Like it's weird. It's not great. I didn't love it. I don't have too much else to say about it either because it's just this weird bullshit film that ends in such an unsatisfying way. But at the same time, I kind of enjoyed it. So watch if you dare, I guess.

Rating: 5.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
104. Green Room (Showtime)

Awful Punk Rockers vs. Nazis somehow makes for an extremely tense movie.

Green Room is about a bunch of punk rockers who witness a murder in a venue owned by nazis and they must escape before they are killed.

This movie is directed so well and it's so much fun to watch, while also being tense as all get out. It's unpredictable and shocking with each development and I love how this movie never lets you rest and get comfortable, just like our protagonists.

Anton Yelchin (RIP), Imogen Poots, and Patrick Stewart do a blow away job in this film. Patrick Stewart being in this movie is astounding in the first place, but him being a cold, calculating leader of a group of nazis is so good. He's very no-nonsense and always thinking of a way to resolve this. I also love watching Imogen Poots in anything because she's always playing such a strange, awkward woman in everything she's in. Her presence here is also great for that reason. It's always a treat to see her.

But this movie just never lets off and feels so raw and realistic with the premise. It doesn't shock you or surprise you with luck or anything. A lot of it just feels like it's playing out exactly how it should. And by the time you get to the ending, it feels earned.

Green Room is awesome. Watch Green Room.

Rating: 8.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!

105. Hubie Halloween (Netflix)

This movie is just really bad and not funny. I don't know what else to say.

Hubie Halloween is about Adam Sandler playing a well-meaning dope trying to protect people on Halloween but everyone in the town hates him besides one attractive woman.

My recollection of this movie is that my sister visited me one year and then said she was really excited to see this new Adam Sandler movie, Hubie Halloween, on Netflix. I was like "Oh cool let me know how it is." She texted me that night and said "It was really bad. lol"

That is pretty much my reaction too. I don't know if maybe this is funnier to kids or anything--I mean, it has to be. I cannot be catered to 20-somethings and adults. But even then, it's some of the most low-brow unfunny humor I've seen.

What's insane is that it feels like as much thought went into this movie as the other Adam Sandler movies of old did, where they actually wanted a fleshed out weirdo character with gimmicks to stand the test of time. He's even got the dumb voice and everything. It feels like creativity was involved, but it just wasn't funny, or good, or entertaining. It wanted to capture the magic of old Adam Sandler film absurdity but it just feels like a failed attempt.

All that said, it's actually not as terrible as I was expecting it to be. It's not good by any stretch, but I feel like it could have been many times more horrible. I didn't find myself loathing it nearly as much as I thought, only because I went into it considering that children would at least find it humorous.

Obviously do not watch this movie at all, but I'm sure there's worse Halloween comedies out there.

Rating: 2/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
106. The Terror: Infamy (TV Series) (Hulu)

Not as good as the first season, but an interesting look at this era through the lens of Japanese Americans.

The Terror Season 2 follows many Japanese Americans during World War II wherein they must deal with the war, internment camps, and a spooky spirit coming after one Japanese American whose girlfriend is pregnant.

There's a lot to cover here, and it almost feels overwhelming at times. There was so much going on with this season that I almost began losing track. It has its series of ups and downs, and in general I just don't think it's as strong as the first season.

The supernatural spirit stuff also felt wildly out of place at times when everything else seems so grounded; only because when the supernatural stuff happens it is intense.

I do enjoy a lot of the storylines, as they make it feel like they're all just smaller bit stories instead of one long, overarching one. Because when we get to the end it's a little wild to think about the amount of distance we've traveld with these characters.

Ultimately, I found the most interesting parts where we got to see a look in the lives of Japanese Americans in this horrible time in history and how they all dealt with it. It was awful, but I feel like there's not enough media here to show off from the Japanese American perspective. Honestly, it's worth watching for that alone.

So yeah, it's solid but not anything I enjoyed as much as Season 1. It's got great production, direction, and acting. Worth checking out if you're interested!

Rating: 7.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
107. The Patient (TV Series) (Hulu)

I debated tossing this on here, but I think that it's definitely horror enough to fit in.

The Patient is about a serial killer who kidnaps his therapist and locks him up in his basement in the hopes that his therapist can keep him from acting on his murderous impulses.

Steve Carell stars in this show with Domhnall Gleeson and both of them are just completely phenomenal in this show. The acting here is so gripping and without these strong performances it isn't nearly as good.

And man does it ever stay tense a lot of the time. They keep creating scenarios that create these awful situations you're just praying and hoping work out with this unhinged serial killer here. They make so many layers to it and when it all plays out, you're on the edge of your seat.

And that's not even delving into the drama with Steve Carell's character who has so much going on in his life and his background. His background with Jewish faith is extremely interesting as well, and when the show takes its time with him, it's a nice break from the nightmare he's living in chained to a bed. I haven't sought out a lot of Steve Carell's serious roles, but this has to be among the best ones. He's actually an outstanding dramatic actor.

I ended up being extremely happy with how this series ended up, and I legitimately had no idea where it was going throughout the whole thing. The fact they could surprise me with that was great. So yeah, watch The Patient! It's a great, tense ride!

Rating: 9/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
108. Crimes of the Future (Hulu)

Fucking David Cronenberg, Jesus Christ.

Crimes of the future is about a performance artists who can metamorphise his organs, and the political groups surrounding the digestion of human evolution.

I have no idea if that's a good description because fuck this movie is a trip. I don't know if I loved it as much as other people, but I do appreciate the sheer creativity of what Cronenberg wants to say about pollution, evolution, the government, performance art, among so many other things. It really is a film with so many clear layers to what Cronenberg wants to say and I have to just appreciate his twisted mind.

I don't like the uncomfortableness of it, but I don't think you should. A lot of it is outrageously grotesque and I couldn't even look at times. Again, likely the point, but it does take away from the film for me.

The story never seemed to really hook me, unfortunately. I felt it was a bit slow and I didn't get so enthralled by some of the frankly bizarre performances. It's all just a strange film to behold.

I feel like this is a film I could talk about a lot, but as a sheer review, I don't think it's a story that has any kind of strong ending as well, and yet it feels like a completely suitable one. It's not a movie for me, despite what I appreciate about this strange, strange story and presentation. But I like that Cronenberg can continue to push boundaries and tell stories in a way nobody else can.

Rating: 6.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
109. Werewolves Within (Showtime)

This was a very fun, very entertaining horror comedy.

Werewolves Within is about a group of people in a small town who are trapped in an inn during a snow storm when they believe a werewolf is attacking them.

This is just a funny film. I think the humor sort of ramps up and doesn't land at first, but then it's actually really good. I enjoyed all of the characters, in all of their weird glory. But the real key here is the mystery of it all.

It kept me guessing literally the whole time. I didn't predict a damn thing in this movie and I credit that to the makers of it quite a bit. I'm stunned I didn't guess anything here. The absurdity and madness makes you forget about things a lot of the time, and there's enough going on that you frankly don't have time to sit and ponder everything.

But man, this movie was just great. It wasn't the funniest film I've ever seen, but there's some really funny stuff in here. I definitely recommend it, because I think it's a really cool premise and a great mystery. You'll enjoy it!

Rating: 8/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
110. V/H/S 99 (Shudder)

I decided to round off my October horror fest by finishing off another series: V/H/S.

V/H/S 94 has... actually not as much of a framing story this time. But one that breaks up with a weird toy army roleplay.

The first story is about a band of teenagers who are all annoying pranksters, created by Maggie Levin. And they end up going to a venue where they believe is haunted by a band that died in an accident before.

The second story is about a girl who wants to join a sorority, but must stay buried in a coffin all night. This is by Johannes Roberts and uh it does not go well.

The third story is about a horrible 90's children's game show, where the host of it ends up in a terrible position, created by Flying Lotus.

The fourth story with comes out of the framing story is about a group of perverted kids spying on their hot neighbor girl constantly, when something happens because it always does. This one is by Tyler MacIntyre.

And our final story is about a bunch of witches performing a ritual where two guys are hired to film it. It goes sideways and they are sent through a portal to Hell. This one is by Vanessa & Joseph Winter.

All of these are really strong stories. I said it before, but with V/H/S 94 it seems like there's so much more quality control now. V/H/S 99 definitely continues this trend and it's so much better for it. I don't think this one is as strong as the previous entry, though. I think the first story and the 90's game show one aren't as strong, and the pervy kids would have been better if they cut down a ton of it. It's still a tremendous entry to the series and the buried alive and ritual ones are pretty perfect. So I recommend checking this one out too!

But as for our directors...

Maggie Levin, who did the punk rock band one, also did an Into The Dark film (a Hulu series I'll have to explore again sometime) called My Valentine, which I remember enjoying.

Johannes Roberts who did the buried alive sorority story is probably the most decorated one. He did 47 Meters Down and the sequel, The Strangers: Prey at Night, and Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City.

Flying Lotus who did the '90s gameshow story hasn't done anything else! He mostly does music though.

Tyler McIntyre who did the pervy kids story also did Patchwork, Tragedy Girls (which I remember enjoying), and Good Boy on Into the Dark which I thought was a ridiculous delight.

And finally, Vanessa and Joseph Winter who did the ritual story also did Deadstream (which Joseph also starred in). I enjoyed their short here more than I did Deadstream!

In any case, this is definitely the second best V/H/S entry, so check it out!

Rating: 8/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Well everyone, I made it another year. If you liked this at all, please be vocal because this got a lot less chatter than usual. I do post this with another group of friends, so it doesn't bug me as much. But if you enjoy it or want to discuss any of these or at least express interest in a potential Year 4, let me know!

But here's Year 3's roundup of rankings. I'll mash all three years up tomorrow likely.

The Best of the Best:
American Psycho - 10/10
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) - 10/10

Must Watch:
Phantasm - 9.5/10
Resurrection - 9.5/10
Shining Vale: Season 1 (TV Series) - 9.5/10
Videodrome - 9.5/10
The Woman in Black - 9.5/10
Black Swan - 9/10
Channel Zero: Butcher's Block (TV Series) - 9/10
Chucky: Season 1 (TV Series) - 9/10
The Fly (1986) - 9/10
Martyrs (2008) - 9/10
The Patient (TV Series) - 9/10
Scream 2 - 9/10
Terrifier 2 - 9/10
10 Cloverfield Lane - 8.5/10
Dark Water (2002) - 8.5/10
Dashcam - 8.5/10
From: Season 1 (TV Series) - 8.5/10
Green Room - 8.5/10
Hellraiser (2022) - 8.5/10
Midnight Club (TV Series) - 8.5/10
Orphan: First Kill - 8.5/10
Pulse (2001) - 8.5/10
Raw - 8.5/10
Rec - 8.5/10
Rosemary's Baby - 8.5/10
Slasher: Guilty Party - 8.5/10
Smile - 8.5/10
V/H/S 94 - 8.5/10

The Changeling - 8/10
The Hatching - 8/10
Hocus Pocus - 8/10
The Host (2006) - 8/10
The Mist - 8/10
Significant Other - 8/10
Spell - 8/10
V/H/S 99 - 8/10
Werewolves Within - 8/10
The Belko Experiment - 7.5/10
Channel Zero: The Dream Door (TV Series) - 7.5/10
The Endless - 7.5/10
The Orphan - 7.5/10
The Terror: Infamy (TV Series) - 7.5/10
Wes Craven's New Nightmare - 7.5/10
Aftermath - 7/10
Annabelle: Creation - 7/10
Bad Ben - 7/10
Clown - 7/10
Countdown - 7/10
Cult of Chucky - 7/10
Curse of Chucky - 7/10
The Fly (1958) - 7/10
The Hitcher (2007) - 7/10
The Invitation (2016) - 7/10
Lavender - 7/10
Puppet Master - 7/10
The Seventh Day - 7/10
Under the Skin - 7/10
The Watcher - 7/10

Pretty Good:
47 Meters Down - 6.5/10
Apostle - 6.5/10
Crimes of the Future - 6.5/10
The Deep House - 6.5/10
Fear of Rain - 6.5/10
Scream: Season 1 (TV Series) - 6.5/10
Bride of Chucky - 6/10
The Bridge Curse - 6/10
Coming Home In The Dark - 6/10
The Hills Have Eyes (1977) - 6/10
Hollow Man - 6/10
Mom and Dad - 6/10
Scream Queens: Season 2 (TV Series) - 6/10
Sissy - 6/10
Escape the Field - 5.5/10
House on Haunted Hill (1959) - 5.5/10
May - 5.5/10

Below Average:
All Hallow's Eve - 4.5/10
Halloween Ends - 4/10
Tell Me How I Die - 4/10
Dark Glasses - 3.5/10
Grimcutty - 3.5/10
Annabelle - 3/10
Nobody Sleeps In The Woods Tonight 2 - 3/10
V/H/S: Viral - 3/10
We Need To Do Something - 3/10

Alien 3 - 2/10
Deadstream - 2/10
Escape Room: Tournament of Champions - 2/10
Hubie Halloween - 2/10
We're All Going to the World's Fair - 2/10
Always Watching: A Marble Hornets Story - 1.5/10
Seed of Chucky - 1.5/10
Teeth - 1.5/10
Black Christmas (2006) - 1/10
The Boy - 1/10
Brahms: The Boy II - 1/10
The Doll - 1/10
A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child - 1/10
They/Them - 1/10
The Visit - 1/10
Aquaslash - 0.5/10
Disturbing Behavior 0.5/10
Don't Blink - 0.5/10
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare - 0.5/10
The Houses October Built 2 - 0.5/10
The Lazarus Effect - 0.5/10
Where the Scary Things Are - 0.5/10

The Worst:
Swimfan - 0/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Sorry if I didn't comment as much as previous years but I always love these topics and you do an amazing job watching and writing-up SO much stuff throughout the month, I don't know how you do it! I would of course love year 4.
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
I do read most of the writeups, but I don't really watch horror movies myself so not a lot to comment on. Still enjoyable topic both last and this year
does anyone even read this
My Horror Movie Ratings For October 2020-22!

The Best of the Best:
Aliens - 10/10
American Psycho - 10/10
The Conjuring - 10/10
The Descent - 10/10
Don't Breathe - 10/10
Halloween (1978) - 10/10
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) - 10/10
Midnight Mass (TV Series) - 10/10
A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) - 10/10
Poltergeist (1982) - 10/10
Psycho (1960) - 10/10
Scream (1996) - 10/10
Sinister - 10/10
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) - 10/10
The Thing (1982) - 10/10
The Wailing - 10/10
What We Do In The Shadows: Seasons 1-3 (TV Series) - 10/10

Must Watch:
The Color of Space - 9.5/10
Drag Me To Hell - 9.5/10
The Haunting of Bly Manor (TV Series) - 9.5/10
Last Night In Soho - 9.5/10
The Medium - 9.5/10
Phantasm - 9.5/10
Psycho Goreman - 9.5/10
Resurrection - 9.5/10
The Ring - 9.5/10
Shining Vale: Season 1 (TV Series) - 9.5/10
Videodrome - 9.5/10
The Woman in Black - 9.5/10Alien - 9/10
Black Swan - 9/10
The Fly (1986) - 9/10
The Canal - 9/10
Channel Zero: Butcher's Block (TV Series) - 9/10
Chucky: Season 1 (TV Series) - 9/10
Halloween (2018) - 9/10
Hellraiser - 9/10
Insidious - 9/10
The Invisible Man - 9/10
Malignant - 9/10
Martyrs (2008) - 9/10
The Patient (TV Series) - 9/10
Oculus - 9/10
Scream 2 - 9/10
Spiral (2019) - 9/10
Terrifier 2 - 9/10
10 Cloverfield Lane - 8.5/10
The Audition - 8.5/10
Black Christmas (1974) - 8.5/10
Censor - 8.5/10
Child's Play (1988) - 8.5/10
Cloverfield - 8.5/10
Daniel Isn't Real - 8.5/10
Dark Water (2002) - 8.5/10
Dashcam - 8.5/10
From: Season 1 (TV Series) - 8.5/10
Green Room - 8.5/10
Halloween Kills - 8.5/10
Hellraiser (2022) - 8.5/10
Host - 8.5/10
I Know What You Did Last Summer - 8.5/10
Ju-On: The Grudge 2 - 8.5/10
The Lighthouse - 8.5/10
Lovecraft Country (TV Series) - 8.5/10
Mandy - 8.5/10
Mara - 8.5/10
The Mimic - 8.5/10
Midnight Club (TV Series) - 8.5/10
Orphan: First Kill - 8.5/10
Pulse (2001) - 8.5/10
Raw - 8.5/10
Rec - 8.5/10
Rosemary's Baby - 8.5/10
Scream Queens: Season 1 (TV Series) - 8.5/10
Slasher: The Executioner (TV Series) - 8.5/10
Slasher: Guilty Party - 8.5/10
Smile - 8.5/10
Suspiria (1977) - 8.5/10
The Taking of Deborah Logan - 8.5/10
The Terror: Season 1 (TV Series) - 8.5/10
V/H/S 94 - 8.5/10

The Babysitter: Killer Queen - 8/10
Beach House - 8/10
Brand New Cherry Flavor (TV Series) - 8/10
The Changeling - 8/10
Channel Zero: Candle Cove (TV Series) - 8/10
Come Play - 8/10
The Conjuring 2 - 8/10
Crawl - 8/10
The Empty Man - 8/10
Event Horizon - 8/10
The Hatching - 8/10
Hellraiser II: Hellbound - 8/10
Hocus Pocus - 8/10
The Host (2006) - 8/10
Insidious: Chapter 2 - 8/10
Ju-On: The Grudge - 8/10
Killer Klowns From Outer Space: 8/10
The Midnight Meat Train - 8/10
The Monster - 8/10
The Mist - 8/10
A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors - 8/10
The Room - 8/10
Significant Other - 8/10
Spell - 8/10
Still/Born - 8/10
Revenge - 8/10
Terrified - 8/10
Terrifier - 8/10
V/H/S 2 - 8/10
V/H/S 99 - 8/10
Werewolves Within - 8/10
Antlers - 7.5/10
The Belko Experiment - 7.5/10
Blood Red Sky - 7.5/10
Channel Zero: The Dream Door (TV Series) - 7.5/10
Child's Play (2019) - 7.5/10
Child's Play 2 - 7.5/10
Coherence - 7.5/10
Creep - 7.5/10
Creep 2 - 7.5/10
Demonic (2015) - 7.5/10
The Endless - 7.5/10
Friday the 13th: Part III - 7.5/10
Fright Night (1985) - 7.5/10
He's Out There - 7.5/10
His House - 7.5/10
The Hitcher (1986) - 7.5/10
Insidious: Chapter 3 - 7.5/10
Mayhem - 7.5/10
Nightbreed - 7.5/10
The Orphan - 7.5/10
Paranormal Activity (5): The Marked Ones - 7.5/10
Sleepaway Camp - 7.5/10
The Terror: Infamy (TV Series) - 7.5/10
Unfriended - 7.5/10
The Void - 7.5/10
Wes Craven's New Nightmare - 7.5/10
Absentia - 7/10
Aftermath - 7/10
Annabelle: Creation - 7/10
Bad Ben - 7/10
Bad Hair - 7/10
The Blair Witch Project - 7/10
Channel Zero: No-End House (TV Series) - 7/10
A Classic Horror Story - 7/10
Clown - 7/10
Countdown - 7/10
Cult of Chucky - 7/10
Curse of Chucky - 7/10
Devil's Gate - 7/10
The Fly (1958) - 7/10
Haunt - 7/10
The Hitcher (2007) - 7/10
The House of the Devil - 7/10
The Invitation (2016) - 7/10
Lavender - 7/10
Let Me In (2010) - 7/10
Knock Knock - 7/10
Mama - 7/10
My Bloody Valentine - 7/10
Puppet Master - 7/10
The Seventh Day - 7/10
Summer of '84 - 7/10
Trick 'r Treat - 7/10
Under the Skin - 7/10
Underwater - 7/10
V/H/S - 7/10
The Watcher - 7/10

Pretty Good:
47 Meters Down - 6.5/10
Apostle - 6.5/10
Child's Play 3 - 6.5/10
Crimes of the Future - 6.5/10
The Deep House - 6.5/10
Escape Room - 6.5/10
Eyes Without a Face - 6.5/10
Fear of Rain - 6.5/10
Friday the 13th (1980) - 6.5/10
Friday the 13th: Part II - 6.5/10
Fright Night (2011) - 6.5/10
The Grudge (2004) - 6.5/10
Lore (TV Series) - 6.5/10
Malevolent - 6.5/10
Nightbooks - 6.5/10
The Ruins - 6.5/10
Scanners - 6.5/10
Scream: Season 1 (TV Series) - 6.5/10
Them - 6.5/10
There's Someone Inside Your House - 6.5/10
Willy's Wonderland - 6.5/10
Antebellum - 6/10
Bedeviled - 6/10
Bride of Chucky - 6/10
The Bridge Curse - 6/10
Cat People (1984) - 6/10
Children of the Corn - 6/10
Coming Home In The Dark - 6/10
From Within - 6/10
The Grudge 2 - 6/10
The Hills Have Eyes (1977) - 6/10
Hollow Man - 6/10
The Houses October Built - 6/10
Lake Mungo - 6/10
Mom and Dad - 6/10
The Neon Demon - 6/10
Poltergeist II: The Other Side - 6/10
Prom Night - 6/10
Ringu - 6/10
Scream Queens: Season 2 (TV Series) - 6/10
Sissy - 6/10
Slumber Party Massacre (1982) - 6/10
The Unborn (2009) - 6/10
As Above So Below - 5.5/10
Escape the Field - 5.5/10
Flatliners (1990) - 5.5/10
The Girl in the Woods (TV Series) - 5.5/10
House on Haunted Hill (1959) - 5.5/10
May - 5.5/10
Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight - 5.5/10
One Missed Call (2004) - 5.5/10
Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin - 5.5/10

Below Average:
All Hallow's Eve - 4.5/10
American Horror Story: Red Tide (TV Series) - 5/10
Darkness Falls - 5/10
Eraserhead - 5/10
False Positive - 5/10
The Gallows: Act II - 4.5/10
Halloween Ends - 4/10
Silent Hill - 4.5/10
Halloween Party - 4/10
The Nun - 4/10
Tell Me How I Die - 4/10
Thinner - 4/10
Behind You - 3.5/10
Dark Glasses - 3.5/10
Grimcutty - 3.5/10
Paranormal Activity (6): Ghost Dimension - 3.5/10
Pulse (2006) - 3.5/10
Coyote Lake - 3/10
Annabelle - 3/10
Held - 3/10
A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge - 3/10
Nobody Sleeps In The Woods Tonight 2 - 3/10
Paranormal Activity 4 - 3/10
Rings - 3/10
V/H/S: Viral - 3/10
We Need To Do Something - 3/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
The Dinner Party - 2.5/10
The Gallows - 2.5/10
Prom Night (2008) - 2.5/10
Alien 3 - 2/10
The Bye Bye Man - 2/10
Deadstream - 2/10
Escape Room: Tournament of Champions - 2/10
Hubie Halloween - 2/10
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer - 2/10
A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master - 2/10
The Ring Two - 2/10
Sinister 2 - 2/10
We're All Going to the World's Fair - 2/10
Always Watching: A Marble Hornets Story - 1.5/10
American Horror Story: Death Valley (TV Series) - 1.5/10
The Curse of Downer's Grove - 1.5/10
The Final - 1.5/10
The Hole - 1.5/10
The House of the Witch - 1.5/10
The Sandman - 1.5/10
Seed of Chucky - 1.5/10
Slender Man - 1.5/10
Slumber - 1.5/10
Teeth - 1.5/10
Unfriended: Dark Web - 1.5/10
Valentine - 1.5/10
Black Christmas (2006) - 1/10
The Boy - 1/10
Brahms: The Boy II - 1/10
Captivity - 1/10
Deadcon - 1/10
The Doll - 1/10
Aquaslash - 0.5/10
Evil Eye - 1/10
Fantasy Island - 1/10
I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer - 1/10
A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child - 1/10
Texas Chainsaw (3D) - 1/10
They/Them - 1/10
Things Heard & Seen - 1/10
The Visit - 1/10
Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 - 0.5/10
Disturbing Behavior 0.5/10
Don't Blink - 0.5/10
The Fourth Kind - 0.5/10
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare - 0.5/10
The Houses October Built 2 - 0.5/10
The Lazarus Effect - 0.5/10
Open Graves - 0.5/10
The Other Lamb - 0.5/10
When a Stranger Calls (2006) - 0.5/10
Where the Scary Things Are - 0.5/10

The Worst:
fear dot com - 0/10
Swimfan - 0/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Bump in case anyone wants to read up on it still!
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Saw Alien 3 and disagree hard. On a scale of 1-10 I'd rate it a 6. There's so much talent both in front of and behind the camera you wonder how good the movie could have been if there was actually a concrete vision behind it and the studio didn't set out to make a release date over a movie.
Why do people act like the left is the party of social justice crusaders?
My guy watch Alien and Aliens and then come back to me and tell me Alien 3 is even half as good as these.

It's really hurt by the lack of quality everywhere and frankly embarrassing effects and a story not a soul could possibly care about, and actively dumping on the previous film directly at the start of it.

Alien 3 is terrible, especially compared to the original two films. It just lacks any of the energy or tenseness from them to tell a mediocre tale on an all-male prison planet with characters you just don't like or care about with the dullest scenes and acting.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
I'm a HUGE fan of both Alien and Aliens. I will admit that Alien 3 lost me right at the start and didn't do enough to make up for it. I just didn't think it was THAT bad.
Why do people act like the left is the party of social justice crusaders?
Board 8 » ITT I Watch Horror Movies During October (Year 3)
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