Politics Containment Topic 396: America's Mid(terms)

Board 8

Kenri posted...
Gotta keep in mind too that the average American is extremely uninformed about politics. I don't even mean day-to-day politics but like. The average American doesn't know how a president is elected or how long a representative serves or how a bill becomes law or that there's a difference between state senators and US senators from a particular state. It's difficult to answer the question of "are Americans okay with fascism" because very few could even tell you what that is and even less would be correct about it if they did.

So swing voters exist because some people vote randomly, or on vibes, or based on this year's propaganda or whatever. I'm not convinced that fully informed swing voters exist in any appreciable number.
This is the most important takeaway, and it applies to most countries in the world. Your average voters is shockingly ignorant.
It's Reyn Time.