Punny's sponsored playthough of Hollow Knight for b8 by b8 *SPOILERS*

Board 8

we finally made some progress and found Hornet again infront of the Hollow Knight statue (TITLE DROP)

Lolo was nice enough to drop a hint about a shop keeper that buys my vendor trash, the journals and shit

so I had like 3k+ monies at this point


I bought everything of use from the guy in Dirtmouth, and went and bought a notch from the badge lady and eventually bought the other fragile badges too

one of the items I got was the firefly or whatever, so I can see in dark rooms now

I found a path in the crossroads that led me to the city of tears, I found my way to the graveyard area and three spirits are just PISSSED at me and now I gotta go kill them, I got the dream nail too

I discovered the southern basin but I can't do much yet

I got the ground pound attack and I'm ASSUMING I have to find somewhere I have to destroy to proceed but I don't remember seeing anything like that

so I'm...not stuck per se, I just ...don't know where to go from this point LOL

I got a bunch of things but I don't know what to do with them

everytime this happens I just reexplore the world but damn this is like the 4th time LOL

but again, I guess its just the name of the game, the metroidvania game