Punny's sponsored playthough of Hollow Knight for b8 by b8 *SPOILERS*

Board 8

Alright we made some progress

I discovered the sewer system and I got the item that lets you swim in Acid from it

and we took on the spider nest a few times and so far we got the tram pass

I still have to go back to it. There is still the area east of the King's station I can explore and theres still the upper part of the Crystal Peak I can check out now that I have the double jump

okay so a few things happened too

I deposited some money , 3k to be exact, some time ago

I decided to go get it back because I found this pond that required you to throw money into it

.....the banker is gone

Luckily I received a tip from a viewer and was told of her general area, City of Tears. I looked high and low and I found a location that required a simple key to open

she was chillin in a hot springs

she was like, Its all gone, so please leave, so I decided to fight her and she spills money, I spilled her dry, not only did I get my 3k back, I got 6k in total

but heres the thing, this is a gag, this is a way to get more money, but it took away something else from me

I was PRAISING the game for having a banking system, its rare, but I LOVE it when the game has a bank system. I HATE wasting money when you have a full wallet or something. Majora's Mask comes to mind. but yea, this game ROBBED me of not only my money, BUT OF THAT TOO, I WANTED TO HAVE THAT SO BAD!

its not even about the COMFORT of having a safe place to put your money being taken way, its the idea of the actual GAME MECHANIC I was pissed off about, I'm looking at it from outside of the game here. Ughhhh bastards

well anyways, heres another thing that happened

Lolo gave me a tip and said "I know something you can do when you get 9k monies"
So I sold some vendor trash and got it, he told me to go to Howling Cliffs, I found this huge flame I activated, I'm surprised I didn't see this thing earlier
it caused a Circus Troupe to arrive. They gave me a sidequest of finding flames throughout the world. Damn I guess I have to do that some time. well then this other person named Divine was there, she wanted to look at my Fragile Heart badge, this one is one I actually have equipped at all times, its one of my regulars. I was apprehensive, but Lolo confirmed this is the person you give the money to, so I assume she makes it NOT fragile. she ate it


talked it her a few times

finally she was like, okay give me money



....thats....not 9k

looks like Lolo misremembered

but yea, 3k is both not alot and alot at the same time

and as I said, this badge is one I regularly have and she most definitely took it away from my inventory

..so yea, I am ...in limbo and don't have it at the moment ._.