Punny's sponsored playthough of Hollow Knight for b8 by b8 *SPOILERS*

Board 8

what I did last time is round up loose ends

I finished the Essence sidequest, the lady was like "NOW I MUST GO, MY PLANET NEEDS ME" and dipped the fuck off

I upgraded my nail to its fullest, and I spared the blacksmith and refused to strike him down with it

I found the rest of the badges

I got that fucking "Blessing" from that one lady, now her spirit shows up everytime I sit on a bench ._.

the only quests I have left are the flower one and the arena , I think

I got one of the endings, you fight the Titular Hollow Knight, and I had no idea he was sealed in that egg thing

and your guy takes his place and thats it

I guess i'll get the true ending next time