Platinum #265 - Spirit Hunter: NG

Board 8

The sequel to Death Mark, Spirit Hunter: NG tells a similar story, with the main character being cursed by a spirit and the exorcism of other spirits to finally remove the curse. I found NG to be a bit worse than Death Mark overall, though, due to its extremely small maps compared to its predecessor. You could probably fit the entirety of the first three chapters' maps in the school from the first game, which for an adventure game like this seems somewhat of a lack of content. The Vita version, which I played, also suffers from text going off the text box in many places, most commonly in the notes between chapters and in some of the crisis choices, so Aksys clearly did not test this version at all since both problems are very obvious.

However, the game does a lot better with the characters compared to the first game. Most of the characters in Death Mark would only stay around for a chapter or two and then disappear - the main cast of NG sticks around throughout the whole game and there are a few character endings depending on your dialogue options.

I hope Spirit Hunter: Death Mark II fixes some of the problems this has, and keeps the expanded characterization. Could be a great horror adventure game if so!