Have you ever beated a video game in full at an anime convention?

Board 8

Have you?

Asking because I was just at a con this past weekend and I spent like 7 hours of my time (I got to the con two hours in and had to leave with a couple hours to go) playing the first Sly Cooper game, which I'd never played before, and I got 68% completion (halfway through world 4). This was over multiple visits to the same PS2 with the applicable memory card. I went ahead and watched the rest on YouTube.

To note: If you played a game for one extended sitting that lasted 8 hours or more, vote for the first option. My intent with these is to distinguish those who beated short games from those who beated long ones, and I thought about 8ish hours would be the happy medium since conventions typically last about 50, and most people go sleep for a few hours each night. I may be off there but I don't know how anyone else manages their time at a con >_>
Come check out my movie watchthrough topic: