I'm at LAX and pretty much everyone is coughing.

Board 8

Board 8 » I'm at LAX and pretty much everyone is coughing.
Good job world.
Also I expected this and was trying to be in the airport as little as possible but my flight is delayed 49 minutes.
I was at a youth sporting event recently and the amount of ppl openly coughing there was disturbing.
Don't mind me. I'm just here for the contest.
So basically the pandemic taught us nothing?
Only nothing if we dont count negative progress.
What fraction of people are wearing masks?

The last time I flew was back in June shortly after the mask mandate was struck down and even then I'd guess it was only like 1/3.
Congrats to azuarc , GotD2 Guru champ!
I cough pretty much perpetually. It happens when my throat gets dry.

I'm sure that's not the case for everyone else, but if you see me coughing, don't think anything of it unless it's a hacking cough.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
azuarc posted...
I cough pretty much perpetually. It happens when my throat gets dry.

I'm sure that's not the case for everyone else, but if you see me coughing, don't think anything of it unless it's a hacking cough.
RSV has also been going around. I had it pretty bad and I still have a cough a month later on occasion--mostly in the mornings.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
I cough because my lungs are still fucked from getting covid in 2020
What exactly were you hoping for.
LordoftheMorons posted...
What fraction of people are wearing masks?

The last time I flew was back in June shortly after the mask mandate was struck down and even then I'd guess it was only like 1/3.
Maybe 10% at the most.
I got 3 shiny Rockruff with my dose of covid/flu/rsv.
masterplum posted...
What exactly were you hoping for.
Not literally everyone being walking disease monsters that likely have evolved to thinking they no longer have to cover their cough to prove a point.
It's cold season of course everyone is coughing
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
CassandraCain posted...
It's cold season of course everyone is coughing
People have never been this bad about it.
Leafeon13N posted...
People have never been this bad about it.
You are absolutely just not remembering how awful people have been about it pre-pandemic. Lol
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
azuarc posted...
I cough pretty much perpetually. It happens when my throat gets dry.

I'm sure that's not the case for everyone else, but if you see me coughing, don't think anything of it unless it's a hacking cough.
I've been like this for over 20 years and constantly get confused for being sick when I'm not.

It's made the pandemic... Interesting.
So a planet's somewhere out there, their history the same as ours is written. The only difference is that... Everyone's a kitten!
PrivateBiscuit1 posted...
You are absolutely just not remembering how awful people have been about it pre-pandemic. Lol
Been to LAX this week specifically a bunch of times(week before kids get out of school is a great vacation week if you can swing it).

It was never this bad.
Looks like LAX is pretty lax.

But, like, they're not even covering their mouth or at least coughing downward?
well maybe you should have stayed home to stop the spread rather than going out in public like those people if you were so concerned
It WAS always this bad before the pandemic and you're delusional if you think otherwise. For our entire lives the flu has come from China every year, how does that happen unless you have airports full of people taking no precautions? It doesn't. This is the same normality we had before 2020.
"If you ever feel good about yourself, just look on the Internet." - Ryan Reynolds
ChichiriMuyo posted...
It WAS always this bad before the pandemic and you're delusional if you think otherwise. For our entire lives the flu has come from China every year, how does that happen unless you have airports full of people taking no precautions? It doesn't. This is the same normality we had before 2020.
Lol sure.

As the person on board 8 that I wager is more often in highly congested crowds than anyone else here.

No. Not normal.
yikez posted...
well maybe you should have stayed home to stop the spread rather than going out in public like those people if you were so concerned
Caution and not being a fucking moron has kept me from being sick for 3 years despite spending an inordinate amount of time at Disneyland, baseball games, and other miscellaneous events.

At this point I have no concern for anyone but myself.
Post #25 was unavailable or deleted.
How ya feelin?
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
Mega_Mana posted...
How ya feelin?
Seem fine, think I escaped the airport unscathed.
People have always been coughing all of the time. But I'm hyper aware of it ever since COVID.
Azuarc is my favorite arc of the Game of the Decade 2020 anime.
Maybe they're just heavy smokers
UltimaterializerX posted...
Its been normal for hundreds of years. People like you are just crazy.

Youre the kind of guy that sees this video and thinks the adults are actually doing the right thing even though its child abuse: https://youtu.be/9hPxawPNeN8
Oh yeah internet tough guy ulti posting something dumb and entirely unrelated.
Post #31 was unavailable or deleted.
Sure it is Ulti. Just keep telling yourself that. We all know this is a subject you cant handle yourself on dont know why you bother.
Post #33 was unavailable or deleted.
Ulti. You cant handle this subject.

You get off the rails, start taking things out of context, start talking about other subjects and then you start putting words and stereotypes to other peoples mouths.

Not really debatable.
Hell your second paragraph in that post shows exactly how out of context your brain places things.
Post #36 was unavailable or deleted.
UltimaterializerX posted...
Did you seriously miss that whole bit where I got covid last year right after Christmas and almost died, or what. I got vaxxed twice, I think the denialists are morons, the whole thing. I just don't get anxiety every time someone else coughs, because it's a waste of mental energy.
Again, out of context. Applying statements to me that are factually inaccurate.

You need to handle this better or realize you should back off.
Post #39 was unavailable or deleted.
UltimaterializerX posted...
Nah. You're a clown and I enjoy having my fun with you.
Whatever you say ulti. You are the one that inevitably resorts to personal attacks whenever it is pointed out that things dont match the narrative you have spun in your head.

Pretty sure you already did in fact.
Post #41 was unavailable or deleted.
damn i missed it
You found my reddit account where I post in threads about...Disneyland? Congrats?

I go about 50/50 by myself/with people. It is s very pleasant place to just kind of drown your brain out with various stimuli.
So many ninja posts.
"A blank page or canvas, his favorite. So many possibilities."
- RIP Stephen Sondheim, 1930-2021
greengravy294 posted...
damn i missed it
Dont think you missed anything. I quoted one, didn't see another, and then I think a new one got deleted but I basically made reference to the entirety of it.
Not everyone can be blessed to be blocked by ulti I guess. But yea I have a bunch of flights coming up in January and are really dreading being around that type of public. Got lucky that people around in my town got the hunt from covid and from what I've seen wear masks now when sick.
My flight back home is delayed before i even fell asleep tonight.
People have always been disgusting, I wouldn't say much of anything has changed. That, of course, is kinda the issue. You'd think perhaps COVID could have done some good in the world and taught people to be a little more courteous in public, but that hasn't really seemed to be the case. Recently I had the unpleasant experience of just walking down a downtown area somewhere, and a couple with their 5 year oldish kid crossed our paths. The kid wanders over towards me, faces my legs and coughs several times right on me. No comments from the parents and everyone just kept walking like it was all okay.

I'm just not good with that. If it makes me a child hater than whatever, but the age you can freely walk around in a city you shouldn't be running up to strangers to cough on their person. Plus if you're a parent you should at least apologize. But yeah, if you remember some world where people ever game a damn about cleanliness you're remembering it wrong. That place has never, and I guess will never, exist.
Truly smilin'
Board 8 » I'm at LAX and pretty much everyone is coughing.