Paper Mario Mafia Topic 3 - Hey Mario! I'm Goombario. I'm your biggest fan!

Board 8

OK, in an effort to try and contribute something on day 1, I went back and looked over who all was answering my questions, or genuinely being helpful to me as a new player. It was actually predominantly the same few people.


I don't really know that there's anything to read from this, but my gut tells me that at least one person on this list will end up being scum. Being friendly to the token new person feels like a good way to create a positive relationship that could potentially be exploited later in the game. I wouldn't advocate voting any of them in particular off of this, especially on day 1, but I thought it might be worth noting for down the line.

Or they're all just helpful, considerate people. I appreciate y'all :)
"Video games are meant to be just one thing. Fun. Fun for everyone." -Satoru Iwata
"11533 >>> 1001 imo" - Jeff Zero