Paper Mario Mafia Topic 5 - I swear that I, Kooper, will follow you anywhere!

Board 8

UltimaterializerX posted...
SBell literally always wants me lynched or replaced if hes scum, or he makes an advance excuse for going inactive. He cannot help himself. Its the easiest read there is and I would have killed him on the spot for that garbage if I was actually here on day one.

From earlier in the topic.

Did Ulti decide to go back and actually reread Day 1, and forgot he already let us know he knew SBell was Scum?

Like, these catchups read like someone trying to feign live reactions to the topics... but they don't make sense at all.
"Bordate is a pretty shady place, what with the gangs, casinos, evil corporations and water park." - FAHtastic