Politics Containment Topic 402: This Election Sucks and is Now About Trains

Board 8

SCOTUS hearing arguments about Biden's student debt forgiveness.

Essentially the take I'm getting from reporters listening to oral arguments is:

The 3 liberals think the states have no standing to sue and that the Biden admin has the authority to forgive student debt.

Alito, despite it being a complete 180 from his erosion of Article III standing, is just going "fuck it" and inventing a reason why the states have standing to bring this suit. And obviously thinks Biden can't forgive student debt.

Roberts, Thomas, Gorsuch, and Kav seem opposed to the idea that Biden can forgive student debt but haven't given many tells on where they stand on standing.

Barett appears to think the states don't have standing and hasn't given a tell on whether Biden can forgive student debt.

tl;dr: It sounds like there are the votes there to say Biden can't forgive student debt but it's unclear if there are the votes to say the states have standing to even bring the suit. So it looks like the best we can hope for is that the liberals, Barrett, and someone not named Alito reject standing and dismiss the case on that basis and don't touch the merits of the case.

But this tweet is basically where I'm at:


Somehow, some way they'll find a way to kill student debt forgiveness.
May you find your book in this place.
Formerly known as xp1337.