Platinum #294 - Murdered: Soul Suspect

Board 8

Murdered: Soul Suspect stars detective Ronan O'Connor, who is murdered at the beginning of the game by a serial killer known as the Bell Killer. Ronan returns as a ghost and is able to use several abilities at his disposal to find out the truth behind his murder. It is a decent adventure game, and the story is well done. I also liked some of the short stories that unlocked after you collected a number of items in each area.

Speaking of collectibles, though - there are 242 collectibles scattered throughout the entire game. It's almost impossible to find all of them without a guide, especially in the case of the Ghost Girl messages which are just hidden on random walls in the game. Not to mention that one area becomes inaccessible at one point, so hopefully you got all of the ones in there before then! The combat and stealth mechanics are basically just a simple QTE and don't add anything to the game - it would be probably better if expanded or just removed all together. The investigation mechanics are also very simple, basically run around the room and investigate everything, then either come up with a conclusion - or the game will just solve it on its own and you don't get to actually do anything. I also had numerous bugs that popped up during the play through, one where the audio just completely cut out, and another where the 'next objective' was escape the attic for the entire play through even hours after I did so, even in the final area. All of these add up to a pretty mediocre title overall, even with the decent storyline.

In conclusion, if you want a good detective game where the main character is a ghost, play Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective instead. Good thing it's being remastered for release later this year!