With RE4Make on the horizon, let's have an All-Purpose Resident Evil Topic

Board 8

RE4R is looking good, but there's one thing I'm most curious out (which I'll spoiler tag in case people are going in completely blind and haven't watched any trailers)

I'm both simultaneously excited and concerned at the expanded role Luis seems to be getting. Obviously given the username I've had for...almost 18 years now (yikes) I've got some investment in this character. He gets bumped off by Saddler a little early in the original game, but he's a memorable character for the bits he's there for. The fact he's seen alive in the latest trailer in parts of the game he's already dead by in 4 gives me hope they're doing him more justice this go-around (assuming it's not a fake-out), but I'm worried they're taking his character in a more goofy sidekick direction, which I would just find so disappointing. I wouldn't mind the odd bit of excessive wisecracking and visual slapstick if it gives him a lot more screentime and importance to the plot, but here's hoping he's ultimately still the same competent, cool and collected cop with one liners!
"Eet's game time..."