Counter-Strike 2 announced

Board 8

Board 8 » Counter-Strike 2 announced
Yes, not 3 of course
That sub-tick technology sounds legitimately incredible. Like, to put it in context, this is even bigger for shooters than rollback netcode is for fighters if it's legit - would completely redefine the gold standard for fps multiplayer.
Let the voice of love take you higher,
With this gathering power, go beyond even time!
CS GO 2 the polls
The Artist Formerly Known as Hannyabal
Finally, the sequel I always wanted
that subtick stuff sounds horrendous. i'm booming hard over here. i need the leeway of slow tick refreshes for my shots to go through before these damn zoomers take me out. im gonna get subticked off the map.

The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG
changmas posted...
CS GO 2 the polls

Love this

I'd argue this should even be Counter-Strike 4
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
CS:S will always be my fav. This just looks like CS:GO again.
Board 8 » Counter-Strike 2 announced