Do you tip on coffee at coffee shops?

Board 8

Board 8 » Do you tip on coffee at coffee shops?
Do you tip on coffee at coffee shops/cafes?

I've always kind of wondered what the norm is for coffee, since it seems a little less clear than dining/bars
I tip the change - which, using plastic, means I round up to the next dollar (unless I'm feeling cheap). That said, I mostly make my own coffee these days. Affordability is huge and this Keuring K-Cafe I picked up from The Bench has been amazing for that.
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oh my god what is wrong with your country
Born to bear and bring to all the details of our ending
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Steiner posted...
oh my god what is wrong with your country

I just decided to change this sig.
Blaaaaaaargh azuarc
Steiner posted...
oh my god what is wrong with your country

If you think that's bad wait until you hear about service charges which are explicitly not tips
is "coffee" here being used synonymously with stuff like lattes?

because you absolutely should tip at least a dollar on a latte or any drink that requires preparation. If it's just drip coffee you can just round up/keep change.
while you slept, the world changed
VintageGin posted...
If you think that's bad wait until you hear about service charges which are explicitly not tips
And they also tell you to tip your driver and even include it at the end of commercials like this one.
colliding posted...
is "coffee" here being used synonymously with stuff like lattes?

because you absolutely should tip at least a dollar on a latte or any drink that requires preparation. If it's just drip coffee you can just round up/keep change.
Why would you tip on drinks like that but not fast food?
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
MacArrowny posted...
Why would you tip on drinks like that but not fast food?

personally I think you should tip fast food too, but it's part of their established business model to not have tips.if restaurants started putting tip lines on their receipts I'd have no problem tipping.

also this depends a lot on the place. if this is a non-chain coffee shop, I want to support that place/the people who work there, so I'll probably tip a dollar or two. If it's starbucks/a big chain I'm more likely to just round up.

I'd love to get rid of tipping as a practice all together and pay people living wages, but it's just not happening so until then I'm tipping

while you slept, the world changed
I don't go anywhere or get anything that requires tips because fuck tipping culture
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
my favorite is when you go to a counter service place and it asks you for a tip on the tablets and the choices are 18%, 20%, and 25%.

Like for a sit down resturant sure, but i'm not tipping that much for you to maybe bring my food to the table (if that)
DPOblivion beat us all.
colliding posted...
personally I think you should tip fast food too, but it's part of their established business model to not have tips
Do coffee shops only pay tips to their employees? I didn't think so but I don't know
he says listen to my story this maybe are last chance
I'll tip at my local coffee shop because I like going there and it's a small business so I want to support it and the workers.
foolm0r0n posted...
Do coffee shops only pay tips to their employees? I didn't think so but I don't know

in my experience they get paid minimum wage or a bit more, but I'm not sure if this is true everywhere.
while you slept, the world changed
MysteriousStan posted...
I'll tip at my local coffee shop because I like going there and it's a small business so I want to support it and the workers.

isn't that what buying the coffee is for
Born to bear and bring to all the details of our ending
To write it down for all the world to see
Steiner posted...
oh my god what is wrong with your country

Steiner posted...
isn't that what buying the coffee is for
No that goes to the MQ-9 Reaper
he says listen to my story this maybe are last chance
Did I have it delivered? Tip
Is it a sit-down experience where I am personally catered to? Tip
Is it something other than those two? No tip.

I had to stand and wait in line, then wait for you to put a cup on a counter and you want me to tip you when I know you get at least minimum wage (unlike actual servers in most states) and you spelled my name wrong. Check yo self before you wreck yo self. Or just f yo self. Wait staff does work that makes your local barista (and delivery people, if I'm being honest) look like a crybaby and in most states they do it for 2.35 an hour. No, I didn't forget a digit. $2.35 an hour. Tip that person, tell your Starbucks barista to get some perspective - that's the only tip they earned.
"If you ever feel good about yourself, just look on the Internet." - Ryan Reynolds
colliding posted...
personally I think you should tip fast food too, but it's part of their established business model to not have tips.if restaurants started putting tip lines on their receipts I'd have no problem tipping.

also this depends a lot on the place. if this is a non-chain coffee shop, I want to support that place/the people who work there, so I'll probably tip a dollar or two. If it's starbucks/a big chain I'm more likely to just round up.

I'd love to get rid of tipping as a practice all together and pay people living wages, but it's just not happening so until then I'm tipping

Wait up here... you think a kid who gives the absolute minimum effort to give you your food/coffee and is paid minimum wage or better should be given the same (or any?!) gratuity as someone who seats you, makes you feel welcome, checks up on you, brings the food to you, checks up on you, reminds you how welcome you are (despite you probably being a pain in the ass), and is paid as little as $2.35? Barista =/= Waitstaff. That person who barely spoke to you and left your drink on a counter unattended and with someone else's name on it - they typically get 3-5 times as much in wages as waitstaff at a restaurant and they did the bare fucking minimum. They did not earn a tip for their piss-poor service.

Restaurant servers work harder for less pay and that's really the only reason why they deserve tips, and the reality is they shouldn't have to "deserve" tips, they should just get paid better. And the first step to getting them paid better is telling the people who want to leach off of tipping culture to fuck off. No one, and I mean no one, who makes minimum wage should be crying about their lack of tips, or taking revenge over lack of tips, or even expecting tips at. fucking. all. Not when there are people who make $2.35 an hour and literally can't survive without tips.

Tipping culture is gross, and if you tip anyone who makes minimum wage you're helping to make it worse.
"If you ever feel good about yourself, just look on the Internet." - Ryan Reynolds
Yea how dare you give money to people who you think did a good job, they already make minimum wage and don't deserve more. You should only tip in this completely other situation where people need the tips, never both.

That said, I don't go to coffee shops ever but am a regular at a few local pizza places and will tip the staff even if it is just a pick up order. It's not expected but I remember when I was working those shit jobs that getting a few extra bucks at the end of the night was always nice and a couple dollars isn't going to kill me.
Giving people who do a good job what they deserve is called a salary. No one, and I mean no one, should have to ask for or want tips. No one should be getting paid $2.35/hr, and I sure as hell will tip them because they literally live or die by those tips, but someone making several times that shouldn't feel entitled to the same or similar or any tips. When I see tiktok vids of people dumping their ashtray into someone's food because the customer only gave them a $2 tip? Yeah, I'm going to call tipping culture bullshit and say it needs to go away. It's wrong. Outside of the US it is generally considered wrong for the exact sort of entitlement behavior I'm talking about. It's getting way the fuck out of hand to a disgusting level.

So that said, do you tip your doctor? Oh, thanks doc, here's an extra fiver because you caught my cancer early? I mean you did just imply that base wage shouldn't be accounted for, you should just tip for good service... so do you tip your garbage man? Mail carrier? Do you mail a tip in to your local radio DJ? Do you tip the person at the register when you buy a new pair of sneakers? Oh, you don't? Not for any f those things? Because they all get paid a fair wage for what they do?
"If you ever feel good about yourself, just look on the Internet." - Ryan Reynolds
Didn't know we live in a society that pays everyone what they deserve and they should want nothing extra because that is all they are worth. But really imagine being mad cause someone throws $2 at the teenagers who regularly make his weekly pizza. Can't imagine what you would think to know i do toss my mailman a gift card to Tim Hortons around every christmas cause he delivers a shit ton to my house and i talk to him almost every day for the past 10 years.

Oh and lol at getting mad at idiots on tiktoks who farm that shit for views.
ChichiriMuyo posted...
Tipping culture is gross, and if you tip anyone who makes minimum wage you're helping to make it worse.
Tipped workers are the ones that reject moving away from tipping. There are plenty of restaurants that got rid of tipping but the top servers don't want to work there because it's a pay cut to them individually, even though they know it's better for everyone overall.
he says listen to my story this maybe are last chance
I'm not mad that people tip, I'm mad that people aren't paid what they deserve. And in most of the world, people are. There are many countries where it's downright rude to tip. I don't care what you do with your extra $2, I do care that if you didn't hand it to the delivery boy yourself that their employer might try to take a cut of it for themselves, or that they'd make the delivery person split it with other employees that weren't paid what they deserve. I think it's stupid that anyone who is doing a job is reliant on the kindness of strangers in the same way a homeless person begging for money is reliant on the kindness of strangers.

We have created a society where some people who have jobs and work hard are still essentially beggars. THAT is gross. And it is far more gross when someone who actually does have a wage commensurate for the job they do believes they are just as entitled to be a part of that system as the people who can't live without the tips. The whole system is bad and wrong, and it only exists because employers know they can get away with not paying anywhere near a fair wage as long as tipping culture exists.

My problem isn't that you want to tip people. My problem is that no one should need tips to survive, and no one who doesn't should demand tips because their job is kind of similar even though their pay is clearly not similar. It is a broken cultural system.
"If you ever feel good about yourself, just look on the Internet." - Ryan Reynolds
Steiner posted...
oh my god what is wrong with your country

so many things, how much time you got
although I'm not sure yours is in a place to be throwing stones either >_>

anyway I usually pay with a card, I'll throw em a buck or so if I have it on me in cash, or if the place lets you tip on the card, but I don't lose sleep over it if I can't
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foolm0r0n posted...
Tipped workers are the ones that reject moving away from tipping. There are plenty of restaurants that got rid of tipping but the top servers don't want to work there because it's a pay cut to them individually, even though they know it's better for everyone overall.
And it shouldn't be a pay cut. If it is, that is still the employer not paying the employee what they deserve. If a member of waitstaff is better off with tipping involved, that means the customer is willing to pay enough... and it means that the employer is still the one not willing to pay their employees what they deserve.
"If you ever feel good about yourself, just look on the Internet." - Ryan Reynolds
Tipping is peak capitalism where the business tries to push as much of their operating costs onto the consumer as possible to maximize profits.

Like the "delivery fee" pizza places charge you that isn't a tip but doesn't go to the driver even though it's usually the driver's car that's getting the wear and tear and gas used. That's free money for the shop and you still need to subsidize the wage of the driver with a tip.

Absolutely asinine.
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
ChichiriMuyo posted...
And it shouldn't be a pay cut. If it is, that is still the employer not paying the employee what they deserve.
If you really believe this then you are STRONGLY protecting tipping culture. What you're saying is that we can't get rid of tipping unless 100% of employees benefit. That's completely impossible. It's the kind of propaganda that rich people put out to prevent change from happening. I don't blame you for falling for it, but don't pretend you're some pro-labor activist. You care more about the feel-good idea of anti-tipping than actually making it a reality.

A lot of servers will lose income when we get rid of tipping. The most avid servers, the ones who are most invested in the culture, certainly will. It will be super painful in the short and even medium term until things equalize. We need to embrace that. Covid would've been a great opportunity for it since there was already pain, but it only got worse.
he says listen to my story this maybe are last chance
yeah. I'm not "pro-tipping" but I'm going to do it because it's the right thing to do and I can afford to do it. I'm not a labor genie who can all of a sudden give people salary jobs.
while you slept, the world changed
I only tip for a full body latte.
Bells, bells, bells!
Board 8 » Do you tip on coffee at coffee shops?