All-Purpose Wrestling Topic 510 - The Best In WWE's Future Endeavors

Board 8

Eddv posted...
Last Nights Raw now the 3rd worst show in cage match history ahead of only Heroes of Wrestling and that episode of season 3 of the gameshow version of NXT that had 0 matches.

I can see that.

Like... I'm looking at two particular WCW shows in 1999 and seeing if they match up

Nitro - March 8, 1999
- 1 full hour of prerecorded segments from the nWo
- Finally get Nitro opening segment at 9 pm, starting with a Flair/Goldberg promo with Flair turning heel, six days before facing Hogan for the belt
- Raven vs Hak ends in a no contest when Bigelow interferes, despite it being falls count anywhere
- Jericho defeats Lizmark Jr by submission
- Scott Steiner defeats Booker T by submission
- Rey Mysterio defeats Scott Norton by pinfall
- Bret Hart defeats Van Hammer by submission
- Flair and Goldberg end in no contest after nWo interference

Thunder - December 16, 1999 (It's noteworthy that literally zero matches ended clean on this specific show)
- Buff Bagwell d. Vampiro by pinfall
- Prince Iaukea d. Evan Karagious by pinfall
- Jim Duggan and Midnight d. Saturn and Asya by pinfall
- David Flair d. Norman Smiley by countout
- Steve Williams d. The Wall by DQ
- Dustin Rhodes d. Curt Hennig by DQ
- Sid Vicious and Chris Benoit d. Hennig, Shane, La Parka, and Creative Control by DQ
- Kanyon d. DDP by pinfall
- Bret Hart and Goldberg vs Outsiders never started due to interference and time runs out on the show

Now, I'm pretty positive WCW in 2000 had quite a few duds, but I'm in no mood to look them up
Formerly known as Raven 2