All-Purpose Wrestling Topic 510 - The Best In WWE's Future Endeavors

Board 8

With the WWE draft coming up in the future, I briefly looked back at the original draft 21 years ago with brief thoughts on whether the picks were good or bad. Top 10 only, starting with...

1) The Rock - Obviously the biggest draw at the time and you can't blame Vince. Unfortunately, Rock wrestled Jericho once, took 3 months off to make a movie, then returned to win the Undisputed title and be on both shows before a longer hiatus. Soon after, Hollywood Heel Rock was on SD for a month until he beat Hogan, in which he then was granted permission to jump to Raw to bury Toronto on the mic and pursue Austin
Grade: C

2) Kurt Angle - Outstanding run on SD over the next 3 years with top caliber matches, 2 world titles, a tag title run, and even a GM spot.
Grade: A+

3) Chris Benoit - Started on Raw at first but took the IC title to SD for a couple weeks that same summer. Eventually had a tag title run and a Rumble victory before jumping back to Raw in 2004
Grade: A-

4) Hogan - Was written off by Lesnar in July 2002, came back to lose again to Rock and be Mr. America. Eventually (briefly) left WWE in summer 2003.
Grade: B- for putting HHH, Kurt, Rock, and Brock over

5) Billy and Chuck - 2x tag champs, followed by a ceremony ambushed by Bischoff. After the split, Chuck joined the FBI and Billy had a forgettable solo run
Grade: C+

6) Edge - Part of the Smackdown 6; two tag title runs and competed for the WWE title on a few occasions before an injury kept him out of action for 14 months. Was drafted to Raw near the end of said injury
Grade: B-

7) Rikishi - Forgettable at this point. Lost on occasion to Lesnar, heel Cena, and others, but did have a tag title run with Scotty at least. Left WWE in July 2004
Grade: D+

8) D'von Dudley - Started Reverend gimmick to very few laughs and would soon be traded to Raw within 7 months of draft. Still, he did beat HHH and introduced us to Batista, so it wasn't a total bust.
Grade: D-

9) Mark Henry - His feats of strength fizzled out after summer and was written off by Brock. Made it to Raw over a year later with Teddy Long
Grade: F

10) Maven - Immediately lost Hardcore title to Raven who took it to Raw. Did nothing of importance for 7 months before being traded to Raw himself.
Grade: F

Raw's top 10 up next
Formerly known as Raven 2