All-Purpose Wrestling Topic 510 - The Best In WWE's Future Endeavors

Board 8


1) Undertaker - Flair's top pick, just two weeks after their WM18 match. A solid, yet short run on Raw which included Taker's final WWE title reign. Would soon jump to SD after Summerslam to pursue Lesnar.
Grade: B

2) NWO - Giant bust. Hall was fired a month later, X-Pac was released by September, and Nash was on the shelf for 9 months. Vince mercy-killed the faction in July. The only positive was them bringing back HBK, but he'd have a better calling shortly after...
Grade: F

3) Kane - A pillar on Raw for over 4 years, even if involved in bad storylines with HHH and Lita. Won 3 tag titles on Raw and stayed on the brand until losing to Umaga in 2006.
Grade: A-

4) RVD - A strong part of Raw over the next two years. Competed for both the WWE and WHC titles, won 4 IC titles, 2 tag titles, and was the final European and Hardcore champ, all before being drafted to SD in 2004.
Grade: A-

5) Booker T - Worked his way up with this pick. Competed for the WHC a couple times, won the tag titles twice, and one IC title. Eventually sent to SD in a big trade in 2004.
Grade: B+

6) Big Show - As brief as his alignments. In 6 months, Big Show joined the NWO, lost to Austin, and feuded with Booker T before being traded to SD in October. First thing he did on SD was give Brock Lesnar his first loss for the WWE title.
Grade: F

7) Bubba Ray Dudley - Spent months in the hardcore title division with 10 title runs. Eventually reunited with D'von later that year and won the tag titles twice in 2003. Traded to SD with Booker T in 2004.
Grade: C+

8) Brock Lesnar - Wouldn't be long for Raw at all. Brock at least won King of the Ring and nearly won the IC title. Became the youngest WWE champion in history on his final weekend as a Raw superstar before Stephanie bought him out.
Pick: B+ at least for all he did in little time

9) William Regal - Brought European title to Raw, played hot potato with said belt with Spike Dudley and Jeff Hardy before it ultimately retired with RVD. Also won a handful of tag titles with Lance Storm, Eugene, and Tajiri before eventually ending up on SD around late 2005/early 2006. All in all, a pretty solid run.
Grade: B

10) Lita - Flair's unexpected live final pick turned out to be a well one. Lita remained on Raw for the remainder of her active WWE career which ended in November 2006. Sure, there was a bad angle with Kane and Snitsky, but Lita still won 3 Women's titles and was actively in the main event scene either as Kane's wife or Edge's girlfriend. Surely that counts for something
Grade: B
Formerly known as Raven 2