Platinum #296 - Final Fantasy

Board 8

Back to where it all began. I had already beaten Final Fantasy in the past, so I tried out a new team in this one - tried out the 8-Bit Theater team to see how well a run without a white mage would be. Guess it was not a bad choice as this version is much easier than others; the map pretty much reveals all the rooms with chests so you can safely avoid others, and only two fights really were any challenge - Warmech and the final boss itself. (Though Warmech might have been more challenging had the party not gained 12 levels trying to find him. 1% chances are terrible). This is also the fastest version as the auto-battle speeds you through random encounters so you don't have to mash A or X. Or you can just avoid them all together (I didn't). Took around 8 hours for the story, and then another 1 and a half to find Warmech and complete the bestiary for the last trophy.

I have downloaded Final Fantasy II already, but I'll take a break from FF for a bit before delving into that one.