Wii U Pro Controller

Board 8

Board 8 » Wii U Pro Controller
Underrated as fuck.

Wii U is now my favorite way to play Super Mario 64 because of it (no longer able to use Game Cube having transferred my Wii data to Wii U)
Games beaten in 2023 - 7; Most recent - Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Oh, I don't think I ever used one actually.
"God Hand is the ultimate expression of the joy of humanity, specifically the punching part of the joy of humanity."-Shigeru Miyamoto
Honestly its too light for me, prefer the Switchs
VeryInsane's mobile account
My Switch Pro controller's been drifting lately, so I'm using a Wii U controller instead. Works pretty well! I prefer the Switch's right analog position, though. Weight is just something you get used to over time.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
I was very disappointed the switch pro controller wasn't the same. Both sticks on top was great for smash.
pjbasis posted...
I was very disappointed the switch pro controller wasn't the same. Both sticks on top was great for smash.
agreed, but can't be surprised they keep consistency with the joycon scheme which fundamentally requires mixed sticks
I request affiliated many pipes.
Been a bad girl, I know I am. And I'm so hot, I need a fan. I don't want a boy, I need a man.
It's great yeah. Not a lot of people tried it I assume lol.

I prefer the one on Switch, but yes, a great controller.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
Board 8 » Wii U Pro Controller