If given the option, which recent US presidential election would you flip?

Board 8

v_charon posted...
I voted for Hillary because I'm not certain a Gore win would have prevented Trump. Also, W's legacy will pale to Trump's in so far as what kind of lasting negative effect it has. 2016 is the one election that's probably changed the country, and the world, for the worst the most. At least in my own lifetime; you'll have to go back to the 60's to find an era when hatred was so mainstream.

I'd say Reagan deserves honorable mention however. If he had never been president so many things would be a lot better.

Id go back further. Nixon was arguably the worst President ever post WW II. Rejecting Taiwan and embracing mainland China, in retrospect, was arguably the most disastrous diplomatic move in the world in the last 70 years. And a lot of Reagans bad domestic policies had their roots in Nixon.
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