If given the option, which recent US presidential election would you flip?

Board 8

Uh, I don't think that's true even if you restrict it to just "the West."

Afghanistan was more or less supported globally. But Iraq was a very different animal outside the US. It was basically the US, UK, Australia, Spain and a handful of other countries (mostly Eastern Europe I want to say?) opposed by France, Germany, Russia, China, India, Canada, Mexico, etc.

The US had to back out of proposing it to the UN because it was made clear that they couldn't get a 60% vote on the Security Council (I don't think it was ever certain they had more than 4 out of 15 votes actually) and knew that if the UN actively voted down an invasion of Iraq it'd be a tougher sell so they just ignored them entirely instead.

Hell, I'd wager global support was more against Iraq than for at the time of the invasion. And this is all putting aside ripple effect stuff like "would Gore really have pushed for his admin to straight up lie to the UN and American people to invade Iraq?" I can accept an argument that Afghanistan was more or less inevitable if we're working under the assumption that 9/11 still happens but again that was the invasion the world largely supported.
May you find your book in this place.
Formerly known as xp1337.