If given the option, which recent US presidential election would you flip?

Board 8

Politicians lie about the why of things for all sorts of reasons
Politicians misrepresent the why of things for all sorts of reasons
Politicians compromise with other shitty politicians so things can get done

I don't doubt people said it at the time and I don't doubt it was intended because the system had to be signed off on and there were enough people involved that were just out to help themselves and their own, but no I do not think the system was entirely birthed to empower slave owners-- there is a much much easier way to do that and that's just to allow slave owners to register slaves and have registered slaves count as extra votes. So easy.

Why I'm saying I don't think you're actually thinking is because you're taking historical accounts as though "it happened that way just because people said it happened that way" but if you look at why the system is as it is you'll see there is a lot of robustness to it to accomplish exactly the "whitewashed things" I'm saying it should accomplish.

I'm not in love with it. I'm not saying "this system is great because this quote from schmucky mcschmuck back then says it's great"-- I'm completely looking at it from the theory lens. And the theory makes sense. The practicality of implementing it in terms of detecting voter fraud makes sense. I don't have a horse in propping up the founders like you have in tearing them down, I'm just explaining why the system works and why popular vote isn't really better.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!