Marvel Snap Topic 15: Lack of Phoenix Forsight

Board 8

Patch rolling out

"Evolved" Wasp
[Old] 0/1 - On Reveal: Afflict 2 random enemy cards here with -1 Power.
[New] 0/1 - On Reveal: Afflict a random enemy card here with -1 Power.

"Evolved" Hulk
[Old] 6/12 - Ongoing: +2 Power for each turn you ended with unspent Energy.
[New] 6/12 - When you end a turn with unspent Energy, +2 Power. (if in hand or in play)

[Old] 3/1 - On Reveal: Discard a card from your hand. Destroy a random enemy card.
[New] 3/3 - On Reveal: Discard a card from your hand. Destroy a random enemy card.
  • Now must discard a card to destroy anything (no text change).
[Old] 3/2 - On Reveal: Give the 2 leftmost cards in your hand +2 Power.
[New] 3/3 - On Reveal: Give all cards in your hand +1 Power.

[New] Gameplay Change: Now triggers On Reveals if the copied Ongoing card had one (no text change).

does anyone even read this