So my mother has cancer

Board 8

I'm really sorry to hear about your mother, Pun; but, I'm also very relieved to hear y'all caught it at an early stage because that means she has a much better shot of overcoming this bull with the proper treatments. As for how to afford those treatments you just can't stress out over that yet. Health before wealth. My condolences to eventual the loss of your nest egg to the ceaseless hunger of the ravenous good ol' American healthcare system though. It's gonna suck all of the ass, but hopefully it will all be worth it in the end. Best wishes to you and your mother for a full recovery and remission. Fuck cancer.

No seriously, fuck cancer right in the pee hole. For anyone else who shares this sentiment and doesn't have excess funds to pour into anti-cancer research I encourage you to do what I'm doing today: donating blood platelets. It's an absolutely free process that will take up roughly 2-3 hours of your time and goes a long way in helping cancer patients fight off tumor cells*. It's a great way to help without any cost to yourself, and unlike donating blood, which is an act that can only be done once every 56 days you are able to donate platelets once every 7 (though I myself go out to the American Red Cross every other week because my iron levels fluctuate too much to support that many donations).


I digress, but cancer really does suck and fuck it. Punny, my dude, I hope both you and your mother will be able to look back on this diagnosis one day and cry tears of joy because she's cancer-free for the remainder of her life.
:> I'll never stop smilin'