I have to socialize with people I haven't talked to in 20 years tomorrow...

Board 8

This isn't something I would do normally and I am currently all sorts of anxiety ball.

My parents met up with parents of someone I was sort of friends with way way back through pre-high school baseball so naturally they were friends because parents of kids playing baseball are all friends or some shit. But these are the people everyone loses touch with when the activities stop. They met up at some place coincidentally last week and arranged a family-family get together that I am now roped into. Yes, I could say no but this crosses just slightly past the threshold of how willingly rude I am willing to be.

People that last knew me when I was like 16 and probably had all sorts of expectations of me that there is no way in hell I meet at all and I hate talking about me. I'm not a social butterfly and something like this has never really come up for me but brings up all sorts of existential anxiety dread.

I mean, its probably fine. I'm probably freaking out for nothing. But also about as far from a social situation I would put myself in as it gets. I like being a blank slate to people, or someone that people know in some way at least decently well. But having to fill in a bunch of blanks from A to B(For what I now realize is over half my life) scares the hell out of me on some level.

And I don't even know at this point the type of people I'm running into. 20 years is a long time. The world is different from 20 years ago.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.