Board 8 Watches and Ranks Animated Movies 4 - The Results Topic

Board 8

Wow The Angry Birds Movie is one I actually watched back when I believed I could complete an entire ranking for this project. I ended up actually enjoying it more than I thought I would (of course, I thought I would enjoy it none so there's that). Of the 15 I watched, I ended up ranking it...

12. The Angry Birds Movie

Please enjoy this brief writeup I'm making up off the top of my head:

What can you really expect from a movie made to promote a flash in the pan game that was already past its prime by the time it even hit theaters? Well apparently you can expect a fun, if bit brain dead popcorn flick you can use to distract your kids with for 80 minutes and maybe get a chuckle or three to escape from you in the process. I was honestly impressed the writers of this film managed to take a handful of characters with a sole personality trait: angry, and manage to craft them into creatures that feel like actual people, and yes the irony of colorful cartoon birds feeling like real people has not been lost on me. Was it the most nuanced take? Absolutely not, but over the course of the movie I did manage to sympathize with Red and his inability to fit in even amongst his own kind due to his anger management issues. Apparently the movie actually did well enough to get a sequel that I also didn't see in theaters so maybe eventually I'll check that out too. Who am I kidding? I wasn't even motivated to watch Sita Sings the Blues , ain't no way I'm watching something with a 2 in the title!
:> I'll never stop smilin'