Favorite Ace Attorney Character (Day 44): Detective Gumshoe vs. Apollo Justice

Board 8

I'm having a difficult time choosing.

The problem with Apollo is that he was the title character of a game where he was nothing more than a narrator - and it took until two games later for him to feel like a complete character. But when that payoff happens, BOY is it good.

Gumshoe, however, had a complete personality from the start, as he's partly there for comic relief. He's one of the best "lovable oaf" types I've encountered. And despite that archetype, he does have some character progression in ways other than personal growth, with the only problem being how poorly 4-4 treated him.

So I'm struggling with this. It's deciding between a character that takes too long to get going but is amazing when he does and one that's entertaining the whole way through.
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