Dang I'm kicked out of the novid club.

Board 8

oh and details, woke up with a bit of scratchy throat, thought nothing of it. Went to work, walked up the hill to work, felt a little more winded than usual but couldn't be sure if I had just had a busy week and was still recovering.

Feel a little sluggish, wasn't sure, so I kept a mask on and went about my day. It started getting cold outside, which is where I really suspected something, because my body didn't really ease into feeling cold. I just went from fine to feeling slightly chilled. Leaving work is where I really suspected it, because the chilled feeling started bouncing between hot and cold.

Got home took a test within 2 minutes a faint line appeared. Kicked out of the club.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.