Dang I'm kicked out of the novid club.

Board 8

COVID has certainly been an interesting ride.

Start with just a scratchy throat.

Then the weird fatigue with a bit of brain fog(I was just really spacey that day, not severe like I've heard people talk about but definitely some weird brain shit going on)

Transitioned to just feeling bleh and feverish(The weird hot/cold swings), had immense trouble sleeping and lots of night sweats. Helped but not alleviated with medication.

Woke up with the big congestion, day was a mix of congestion and minor feelings of hot/cold compared to before but still present without taking tylenol.

Last night slept well. Woke up with congestion, pretty normal for a cold/flu, but its really abated as the day has gone on. Had what I thought was a severe soar throat but maybe just dried out a bit, i can still feel it but not even a little bit close to what I woke up. Abandoned the tylenol for just a sudafed/mucinex combo today as I don't have any signs of fever or discomfort.

Feel pretty good right now but its really been a wild swing of symptoms.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.