[BOST'22] Announcing the Best OST of 2022 contest - NOMINATIONS NEXT WEEKEND!!!

Board 8

Next, here's some more specifications on the whole nomination format (the posts, I mean).


  • There is no total limit on game nominations. HOWEVER, same as BOST, you get one nomination every 24 hours from the contest start (hard rule), and the nomination period is only 10 days long, meaning there is effectively a 10 game cap.
  • If you miss a day, the following day you can nominate up to TWO games (for the current and prior day) at once. (Keep this in mind, since this still applies if you drop in for the first time from day 2 onward.)
  • There is absolutely no cap on supports, you have an unlimited amount and you can also retract them. You cannot support your own nominations (obvious).
Double Supports
  • You get up to five (5) revocable double supports, where your vote to support a game counts twice. You get one double support every day for the first five days.
So to reiterate, you can nominate up to 10 games, and there is no cap on the number of games you can support. HOWEVER, you have to wait until the following day to post any more (hard rule). Same as last BOST, if you miss a day, the following day you can nominate up to TWO games (for the current and prior day) at once. And yeah anyone that drops in after the first day can just start off with 2 noms this way, of course it can also apply more than once over the nomination period.

Double nominations exist, however there are similar restrictions placed here too. For one, you can't double your own nominations, here they only apply to games you're supporting. And for another, you can only do up to 5 of them, and you start off only being able to do one per day as well (if you use them later on you can just do all 5 at once though, unlike noms where you can only do up to 2 at a time).

Finally, I'd like to encourage that people include the earliest release dates for the games you nominate yourselves, preferably a line below your noms proper (note that by earliest release, it is the earliest relevant release date between original release, 1.0 release and leaving early access in 2022, and just the original release for games completely prior to then.

Okay, are we on the same page here? No? Well, fortunately, I've provided some examples here.

Taiko no Tatsujin: Nijiiro Version
(released 3/24/2020)

sample songs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGAE0rTLxVU (added 2/12/2022)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBc_QxP2haE (added 9/19/2022)

Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival

Taiko no Tatsujin: The Drum Master!

Taikou Risshiden V DX

Taikou Risshiden V DX

Okay, I admit it, I left some details out until now. So the big change as you can tell here, is this. Nominations are formatted simply with just the game, unlike BOST and even VGMC you actually don't nominate songs specifically, you nominate game soundtracks as a whole. How does this work? You decide.

Well, not actually, but actually though. The nominator and supporters work together during the contest to set the songs for the matches! One major focus for this contest is to cast aside most of the RNG of the matchups usually seen in BOST and put control in the hands of the players.

At any point from pretty much now onwards, I'd like to encourage that people make use of the #bost-vgm forum on the Board 8 Discord server (see here: https://discord.com/channels/87835278454050816/1031588897345511454) to make threads to brainstorm tracks to use, as they WILL be directly relevant if they're among the 32 games that get in.


Now I'm sure this is leaving you with even more questions than before, so I'll try to explain a few more things.

Games that get in will make use of threads made either in advance or as soon as the bracket is released, and I, your humble (co-)host UF8, will be pinging both the users and the nominators for each game that makes it in, to come to an agreement before the next match on the songs that will be used. I won't say there's a hard rule on how to go about this, as open discussion is encouraged. Either way, at the same time, I'll also be making a dedicated thread for each match, also on #bost-vgm. I'll ping the nominator (please join the Discord if you're not there) or else a suitable representative (preferably somebody who doubled the nomination at least) to submit a set of 3 songs for the match by the deadline (which is 24 hours before match time, or 12 hours in later rounds) in said match thread. These match threads will go up a day or two before the following round, except for the last matches each round (obviously).

Now, I'm sure you just noticed that bolded text in the last paragraph. Yes, with the smaller bracket, it felt like a good excuse to make the whole contest like a finals match in BOST, with 3v3 all the way through (this is also why nominated games need three new songs). Whether you would want to pick a game with only that many songs, thereby demanding their usage in every round, is up to you.

There's also NO LOSERS' BRACKET here if it wasn't obvious from the smaller contest size and different scope, as the inclusion of one would change the pacing of the contest considerably which is just not what we were looking for here. Considering every game that gets in is guaranteed to use at least three songs you pick yourselves, I hope people don't take too much issue with this; it's a much smaller project overall by design.

Lastly, I didn't find a good place to insert this before, but back on noms: without a dedicated set of songs being nominated, I was worried about how awkward the nomination period would be without music to listen to, so... This isn't an outright rule, but I strongly encourage you to post a set of "sample songs" with the sets you nominate yourselves. Preferably 2, so we can have a playlist like those "first 2 songs from each set" ones az usually does for BOST proper. For songs you know were added after the initial release, including their release dates is also encouraged too, since I'd like to use some of that info for the matches if possible)