[BOST'22] Announcing the Best OST of 2022 contest - NOMINATIONS NEXT WEEKEND!!!

Board 8


Anyway, I guess I should finally talk a bit more about the whole nomination phase as a whole, and when everything is happening in general.

As you probably gathered already, nominations will run from Sunday, October 1st to Tuesday, October 10th. To be specific, I'm thinking about starting it in about... 2 and a half hours earlier than this topic has gone up now, I was actually aiming to get this up sooner but I ended up rewriting a lot of it after getting Dawn's final editing pass back to me (sorry!!!)

I'll be testing out my experimental new "soft-locking" system here (not that I think this is really the best place for it) where nominations that are within the tied top 8 at the end of any given day cannot be dropped. The games affected by this will reset each day, so it's not like something that had 2 supports on day 1 can never be removed for the rest of nominations or anything like that. It's just a non-intrusive way of preventing any funny business like people dropping noms that are "guaranteed" in and then them getting cut on the bubble... I'll be posting the relevant list of games at the start of each day so there's no confusion here.

At the end of the period, the top 32 most nominated games (tiebreaker process TBD. If anyone has a preferred method here we're open to suggestions) will make it in, and we'll be looking at a roughly two-week wait before the start of the contest proper. Hopefully, we'll have the bracket out on bracketmaker around the 20th or so maybe a couple of days later? And, as mentioned, anything that doesn't already have a thread made for it will get one then, too. Then, "the contest proper" should start sometime in the week starting October 23rd and running through to the end of November. It is highly probable there will be no delays in the schedule since we'll be using combined votes across the three matches as a tiebreaker measure instead of overtime. (If they should still be tied after that... well, there is a simple backup method in play here too. I'll talk about it if it ever comes up.)

As for stuff that doesn't make it in, we're exploring the possibility of running a quick snubs bracket and a mini-losers bracket for the last few rounds in the polls, likely using the first of the songs we get from sample picks in noms, we'll see if those ideas pan out.

Anyway... Yeah, this was a very long-winded, rambling post, even for me. Honestly, I'm not sure how well this whole thing is going to go down since I've never run a contest before; I doubt I ever could've gotten this far without the help I've received. I'd like to express my incredibly deep gratitude to those who supported these horrendous ideas of mine, especially my co-host Dawn, who really did 99% of the prep here (Dawn edit: UF8 is being very humble here. This is decidedly his brainchild <3). Thank you SO SO SO much I could not be more happy with how this is just a reality now.