[BOST 2022] DAY 7 - Deluxe Delays

Board 8

Immediately I can tell that the music of WoRMeR Deluxe isn't quite my thing, but this is still endearing enough as a faux-retro romp. This track definitely improves as we go along.

I love how scary the intro to this one is. This song manages to hold up a feeling of "darkness" throughout. Like Dirty Androids was hired to remix some 80s horror theme to be "rhythm-gameish". I think the moments of levity do a good job at not making it sound like a sludge of noise.

Green Area is more my speed. I really like how the music descends. Makes me think of starlight.

I like Silver Bullet, but I feel like I'd *love* it if there was an extended version. It kind of just feels like its rushing through, and not in the absolutely insane way I usually say this about rhythm music.

This song is absolutely insane (complimentary) and I swear a part of it reminds me of a Shovel Knight song? I think I'm getting the right game here. Really cool, though it feels a little short/over too quick.

I kinda got some JRPG god entity vibe from the beginning, and like a second later vocals start. This is the fastest my expectations have changed. LOL J-pop is one of those things where it can take a few listens to get into the groove of it, but I know I enjoy this one right out the gate.

Can't believe I started out by saying WoRMeR Deluxe isn't my thing. Egg = on my face.

Nocturnal 2097 (Long Version)
Green Area
Final Boss Theme