[BOST 2022] DAY 7 - Deluxe Delays

Board 8

Blue Area
Green Area
ANEMONE (Original Mix)

[blank line here if additional contents after]

First match is ridiculous. Blue Area is bouncy fun zaniness and I am here for it. There's just so much creativity. But Nocturnal also absolutely nails what it's going for. The breakdown is so well done too; I love it when a song fills its runtime the way Nocturnal does. I'm going to give the edge to Blue, but god this is close.

Green is a clear step down from Blue, but it's still not bad. I like the syncopated rhythm on the scales, not quite sure how to describe it but it's cool. The bit at 1:00 is just neat. Silver bullet starts out with bullet-fast piano, which is weird because fancy pianos are made of ebony and ivory, not silver god what a silly song-namer you are. The song threatens to be more than just a show of piano dexterity at times, but it never gets there for me. Though the doubling with... whatever that is in the back half is a nice touch.

Boss Fight feels very megamany. I want to grab onto something, and the song just says "no." That's definitely not a bad thing in a boss fight, but it makes it hard for me to enjoy quite as much. WHY IS THERE A RANDOM GREEK LETTER IN A JAPANESE ARTIST'S NAME i don't approve of this. i'm going to be doing a translation of this aren't I. Ooh I like the instrumental bit after the intro. "iya nan da" with the instrumentals dropped off ooh that was nice.

Feels weird to go from a close match, to a blow out one way, to a blow out the other way, but here we are. "Here" being lyricland. Enjoy:

Amid the turning seasons
Sang out a tiny voice
Leaving behind
Doubt and regret

I knew,
Yet I made the wish.
This world, adorned by

At twilight, the two of us gazed up at the sky
The stars twinkled; we were fragments

Two lost kids who kept looking back
I had to act, even if I couldn't change

Grief and nerves come out even,
I said in a glance: the usual signal

The secret code to open our hideout
A simple thing, to make me so happy

I want to make contact
And am close enough to reach
Am I just to run away again?
Hell no

Let be destroyed
The side of me that will never bloom
The sky begins to cry
As if to hide both hope and truth

I could just disappear
And this place would again wait
For the next season to come
Yet even so,
I want to stay radiant till the ending I imagined

I won't give up on the chance miracle
From the night the stars entwined, and so we walk

I reached a hand to the pale light
So we begin
From here to the future

Let it come true!
No matter how ugly, how weak
I screamed again and again
So I would never forget

Just take me away with you
This place would still be waiting
For the next season to come
Yet even so

Let be destroyed
The side of me that will never bloom
The sky begins to cry
As if to hide both hope and truth

A story without parallel:
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius