Bloodborne Mafia Topic 1: A Yharnam Sunset

Board 8

Third time is the charm

1. Normally this is where I would say the standard time schedule for days and nights. However by the time the game begins the sun is already setting and the hunt has already begun.
So instead when the night falls, the day will not restart and it will be an eternal night that lasts for the rest of the game. Pray that the night does not get even worse.
...This however is merely a cosmetic change to fit the mood. It will not affect how roles, and day/nightphases works other than how they are called.
Instead of cycling between days and nights, the game will cycle between hunts and rests. Each hunt last 48 hours, unless someone is elimited through a lynch early. Rests last 24 hours.

Though Hunt 1 (aka the evening hunt) will last 50 hours due to the early start. In any case the rest of the phases ends and starts at 7 PM.
2. Town is called PREY. What scum is called is unknown.
Every town needs a good old lynching and lynches are decided the same way as usual, through popular vote. Do not forget to bring your pitchforks!
If there is a tie, than the game will go on for another 30 minutes until the tie is broken. If the tie is not broken afterwards, then the day ends in no lynch. How disappointing.
3. Voting and unvoting will use the standard template of ##Vote: Death. You can also vote yourself, but do not abuse this feature as you still have to play to win.
Unvotes are no longer required to change your vote, but you may still do so if that makes it easier for you.
4. You may claim your flavors name and role and also paraphrase your flavor, as long as you do not go too much into detail. As usual, meta the flavor at your own risk.
Brighter minds than ours have tried to decrypt the lore of Bloodborne and failed.
5. If you have questions that need to be answered during the game, you may PM me or Ctes or BCT Only paraphrase the answers given and do not repost or quote any other parts of the host communications.
I will not always be around, but me and the hosts will try to answer as quickly as possible. Also forgive me if we make any mistakes during votal updates and feel free to point them out.
6. Do not delete your posts or edit them heavily. Fixing a minor typo is okay. But thats about it.
7 .And since this is common nowadays, here is a list of how actions resolve. This does not mean that all of these are in the game, this is just my accepted order.
Host Messages
Day Powers
Any form for kidnapping/commuting/hiding
Any other power
Regular killing
8. Be present. If you do not show up at all for the hunt, we will find another to replace you!
9. Play nice, for the spirit of jolly cooperation!

Violet IGN: Malta, Sword IGN: Pandora
Home: Pandorian/JBURSQAVTAGA