Bloodborne Mafia Topic 1: A Yharnam Sunset

Board 8

Well met Paleblood. Welcome to the home of the blood ministration, the once great city of Yharnam. Many before you have come here in search of a cure for their ailments, whether that be disease, insanity or sheer tedium. Well I would say they have came to the right place. As have you.
Of course before we can begin the transfusion, you will have to sign the contract. What? You wish to know what you stand to gain from this? Well that I cannot say, it is a mystery for you to unravel. Just place your name here...and the secrets of the old and new Yharnam are yours for the taking.

1. Ben
2. Blade
3. Corrik
4. FD
5. Ifrit (formerly known as Ashethan)
7. JC
8. Lopen
9. Mzero
10. Peaf
11. Red
12. Sbell
13. Sultan
14. Ulti
15. Wall

Yes, that will do nicely. And I must say, not only have you have come to the right place but you have also come at the right time. For you see the night of the hunt is upon us. That is why you will need some of that good old yharnam blood. Hunters blood. You are going to need blood to get more blood. What is the hunt you may ask? Well you need not concern yourself with such matters right away. Just go out there and get your blood flowing. Kill some beasts, lynch some cursed townfolk. It will make you feel alive. Oh how I wish I could join you. Now go. Do not feel worried by what you may see...
You may think it all a mere bad dream...

??? has died, he was the Blood Minister, PREY Vanilla

With 15 alive, it takes 8 players to lynch.
The Day/The Hunt ends at 7 PM, Tuesday the 21st

Violet IGN: Malta, Sword IGN: Pandora
Home: Pandorian/JBURSQAVTAGA