I just finished watching Lost

Board 8

Board 8 » I just finished watching Lost
How does B8 feel about the legendary/infamous/trainwreck show?
I'd never finished it back when it was airing. I think I'd seen through some of season 3 and loved it back then but life happened and I kinda fell off and just randomly decided to go back to it. I finished it a few days ago and I'm still just totally obsessed, watching 6 hour yt vids about it, explanations and in depth looks, browsing the reddit, etc. I think it's one of my favorite shows of all time now! I'm already planning a second watch through at some point lol.

Anyway, please just share your thoughts or feelings about it! Like it, don't like it, don't remember, don't care, whatever!
PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
Switch FC: SW-6848-3841-9099
That's awesome that you think it holds up so well! I was worried it wouldn't.

I enjoyed it and the ending, was just disappointed how much stuff they left unresolved/mysteries unexplained. A show like that should have had more answers planned ahead.
Welcome to your Divinity.
Watched it in the summer of 2020. Loved the first three seasons, liked the fourth, finished the fifth and sixth because I'd gotten that far.

Sawyer best character, Desmond second-best, Charlie third.
Games beaten in 2023 - 7; Most recent - Professor Layton and the Curious Village
It could've been a great show all the way up to Across the Sea. Then that episode happened and I realized they weren't actually building to anything. Not only did it end as a hilariously terrible show, knowing that there was never a plan retroactively ruined large parts of the show.
picked up the show between seasons 3 and 4.

watching it with a community was an awesome experience because of how much discussion there'd be, even outside of theorizing.

ending was fairly trash but it certainly didn't make me feel like i wasted time watching and chatting lost for those years
yet all azuarc of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
Robazoid posted...
It could've been a great show all the way up to Across the Sea. Then that episode happened and I realized they weren't actually building to anything. Not only did it end as a hilariously terrible show, knowing that there was never a plan retroactively ruined large parts of the show.

I think they had the plot outline, but not the mythology outline.
Building up 50 % of season 6 on a misleading and also at first seemingly time-wasting premise sure was a choice tho.
And if they were willing to go there, they should also just have gone nuts with the lore of the island.
Violet IGN: Malta, Sword IGN: Pandora
Home: Pandorian/JBURSQAVTAGA
Still my favorite show of all time

Across the Sea was indeed awful though; easily the worst episode of the show (especially since most of the other bad episodes weren't very important).

Season 6 was the weakest, but I liked the finale itself.
Congrats to azuarc , GotD2 Guru champ!
Stranger in a Strange Land was the result of the show refusing to die, the last straw before the show got permission to move towards the ending.

Across the Sea was was their chance to make the ending worth it and they had little to lose.
Instead they made the biggest mysteries of the island lamer and also still didnt explain 'why anything'
Violet IGN: Malta, Sword IGN: Pandora
Home: Pandorian/JBURSQAVTAGA
Seasons 1-4 amazing.

Seasons 5&6 disappointing.
I just decided to change this sig.
Blaaaaaaargh azuarc
As somebody who binged it after it all aired, I too enjoyed the whole thing.
"Bordate is a pretty shady place, what with the gangs, casinos, evil corporations and water park." - FAHtastic
htaeD posted...
Stranger in a Strange Land was the result of the show refusing to die, the last straw before the show got permission to move towards the ending.

It's really more about them having no idea what to do with Jack's past specifically anymore.

Ironically, this makes TTLG all the crazier until you figure out what's going on.
"One toot on this whistle will take you to a far away land."
-Toad, SMB3
Lost is one of those shows you actually appreciate more if you don't try to dissect it.
Which unfortunately the show sort of encouraged everyone following along during airing to do.

I still love it though, personally.
kevwaffles posted...

It's really more about them having no idea what to do with Jack's past specifically anymore.

Ironically, this makes TTLG all the crazier until you figure out what's going on.

They honestly had that problem with a lot of characters by the time season 3 rolled around.
(John in the smoking hut, Sawyer in prison, Kate and her random other boyfriend)
I did like the Jin flashback tho
Violet IGN: Malta, Sword IGN: Pandora
Home: Pandorian/JBURSQAVTAGA
I watched seasons 1-5 on DVD all the time during off-season. I was a die-hard and loved this show. Then after the series finished after season 6, I never watched it again.

It's such a fumbled last season where the big twist for the non-island scenes was just a giant waste of time. All of the characters sucked by the end. It's just depressingly bad.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Man I don't understand the bad ending complaints at all! I thought it was beautiful and I cried harder than I have at any other piece of media before. Although I will give a lot of the credit to Michael Giaccino and his incredible score. In general I think the music may be the strongest point of the whole show and Giaccino is the GOAT. I also felt like most of the questions and mysteries were answered, most blatantly so. Also they actually had basically everything planned out since theater half of season three and it was only made up as they went along as much as anything else is.
PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
Switch FC: SW-6848-3841-9099
It's one of those shows that I'm mad I spent time watching all of, like Game of Thrones and Heroes.
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
Waluigi1 posted...
Also they actually had basically everything planned out since theater half of season three and it was only made up as they went along as much as anything else is.

Yes, they claimed to have plans. Then at the end when people didn't like the non-answers and clearly repurposed purgatory plot they also said the mystery was never important at all, it was just about the characters. Why would they plan anything that far if that was how they felt? They wouldn't.
"One toot on this whistle will take you to a far away land."
-Toad, SMB3
kevwaffles posted...
Yes, they claimed to have plans. Then at the end when people didn't like the non-answers and clearly repurposed purgatory plot they also said the mystery was never important at all, it was just about the characters. Why would they plan anything that far if that was how they felt? They wouldn't.
The "all about the characters" BS burns me.

Like yeah, if I choose to just enjoy it for the characters, YOU RUINED EVERY CHARACTER. So wtf am I supposed to enjoy then!?

And yeah, the ending was beautiful and I cried too, but it was the ending of a show I watched religiously that was directed exceptionally well. It still sucked.

At the very least, Damon and Lindelof were able to take what they learned on this show and make some outstanding television after. Glad they bounced back.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
kevwaffles posted...
Yes, they claimed to have plans. Then at the end when people didn't like the non-answers and clearly repurposed purgatory plot they also said the mystery was never important at all, it was just about the characters. Why would they plan anything that far if that was how they felt? They wouldn't.
What non-answers? And it was pretty much all about the characters the whole time, that's what made it so strong. I cried because of how well we got to know the characters and how multifaceted they were.
PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
Switch FC: SW-6848-3841-9099
Season 1 - this is the GOAT show
Season 2 - very high highs, lots of lows
Season 3 - mostly terrible - that season finale though
Season 4 - this is the GOAT show
Season 5 - just kidding, the show is really bad now
Season 6 - super ass
while you slept, the world changed
Waluigi1 posted...
What non-answers? And it was pretty much all about the characters the whole time, that's what made it so strong. I cried because of how well we got to know the characters and how multifaceted they were.
It was NOT pretty much all about the characters. The mysteries were every bit as much as the characters in this show. That's why they continually put more and more mysteries in them. Being there and watching weekly makes it that much more clear too. I can understand watching it without having time to speculate makes it feel different though, but for those of us that watched live, it was a huge let down. For you, it was maybe half a year you watched it? For us, it was six full years of wondering what everything meant and speculating. And we got disappointed quite a bit.

It's funny because Damon Lindelof took the mystery approach one hundred percent better with The Leftovers. He made mysteries. Never really made it a focal point at all, and the finale description is literally "Everything is explained. And nothing is explained." Nobody watched that show expecting why a portion of the world disappeared. And they gave us an incredibly satisfying story around it, and a beautiful finale. It was a show truly about the characters, and it's so much more fulfilling.

So you should just watch The Leftovers if you haven't. Incredibly quality television.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
i really think the show was all about the characters; they just fucked up handling them at the end.
yet all azuarc of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
The show was all about the characters, but John Locke is one of the worst written characters sround
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
Locke was fine until he wasnt. And then he wasnt even himself anymore, but the final showdown between him and Jack somehow still matters.

Poor Sayid too

Again I do buy that they had somewhat planned out what would happen to the characters across the show. I even believe they planned for the time travel stuff.
But they clearly left in some "mystery holes to be solved later" that they just straight up forgot.
Along with some minor retcons like how the smoke monster cant leave the island or Frank Lapidus no longer being a candidate.
Violet IGN: Malta, Sword IGN: Pandora
Home: Pandorian/JBURSQAVTAGA
No living character in Season 6 has a satisfying resolution except maybe Hurley. It's hard to say who has the worst end to their story between Locke, Sayid, and Sun/Jin.
while you slept, the world changed
At least Sawyer got off the damn island.
Violet IGN: Malta, Sword IGN: Pandora
Home: Pandorian/JBURSQAVTAGA
Sun and Jin both conceding to orphan their child so they could have a heart-warming death together is an amazing choice.

Sayid being a zombie with basically no development in the last season rules.

And the entire Locke and smoke monster thing is so much fucking nonsense that I find it impossible to believe that was the actual plan.

Oh and they made Frank Lapidus a lead in the last season and gave him so little lines they fit a compilation of less than three minutes.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
PrivateBiscuit1 posted...
Oh and they made Frank Lapidus a lead in the last season and gave him so little lines they fit a compilation of less than three minutes.
He had more screen time billed as a recurring character than when billed with the main cast. It's great.
Games beaten in 2023 - 7; Most recent - Professor Layton and the Curious Village
We can talk all day about how disappointing individual character stories were. For me, though, it's the central conflict that ultimately ruins the show. Once everything is revealed, absolutely nothing makes any sense.

I haven't watched Lost since it ended so forgive me if I get any of this wrong.

So, way back on Across the Sea, a crazy lady is guarding whatever the hell the heart of the island is supposed to be. She murders someone and steals her children, MIB and Jacob. MIB grows up wanting to leave, but crazy lady is crazy and murders a bunch more people to prevent that. MIB responds by killing crazy lady. Then Jacob, instead of just acknowledging that their fake mother was crazy and kind of had it coming, instead of just letting his long-suffering brother leave this prison, he... throws MIB into the heart of the island? The very thing Jacob was supposed to be protecting? This creates the smoke monster, and now MIB can't leave without ending the world.

So right away this is stupid. Good job Jacob, you created this entire problem by being a moron. Luckily, even though you apparently can't kill MIB, he also can't kill you! And no one can even find this magical teleporting island unless Jacob allows them to. All he needs to do is accept his fate and keep MIB trapped forever. Instead of doing that, Jacob ruins countless lives across hundreds of years by bringing people to the island.

MIB, meanwhile, needs to convince one of these people to kill Jacob. And look! An airplane full of new people have just crashed on the island! Does he go and talk to them and manipulate them in any way? No. It's much smarter to spend the first few seasons harassing them randomly as a smoke monster, even killing several of them for no reason.

Like, this is what I mean about the entire show being retroactively ruined. Nothing that Jacob or MIB does at any point makes any sense. It's hard to get invested in individual character stories when the overall conflict they're a part of is this shoddy.
**R.O.B.A.Z.O.I.D** (On mobile)
Oh, yeah. The entire Jacob/MIB/Smokey stuff is terrible. Just some completely idiotic stakes and everything.

The fact it came out of nowhere in the last season and just has absolutely nothing to do with anything makes it even worse. I was flabbergasted this is the shit they decided to waste our time with and it's impossible to think that this was in any part of the plan from the start.

They had so much ambiguous "trust me bro" stuff that worked out and you could actually be like "I trust you bro" about it, but then when you reveal this end of the world stuff and it's just some weirdo magic smoke monster that's also a person that takes the form of people and needs to unplug a cork in the island or else he'll go free and literally destroy the world... I wish you just came up with more "trust me bro" bullshit instead of giving me tangible nonsense that is impossible to buy into.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
I say this as someone who was a regular on Lostpedia, but I'm pretty sure the original plan was just going to be the Widmore/Dharma/Linus stuff and Jacob was just going to be a red herring. However, this was guessed and theorycrafted by fans and the writers confessed that they changed it to make it less predictable. That might be a memory I Mandela'd. Like the fact that the smoke monster wasn't a machine is crazy.
while you slept, the world changed
Donny: Are they gonna hurt us, Walter?
Walter: No, Donny. These men are cowards.
PrivateBiscuit1 posted...
For you, it was maybe half a year you watched it?
About a week actually. I'm currently unemployed and so I pretty much watched the show all day every day until I finished <_<
PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
Switch FC: SW-6848-3841-9099
If anyone actually cares about learning what really happened or what things meant, I highly suggest checking out Lost Explained on YouTube. Excellent videos explaining nearly everything.
PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
Switch FC: SW-6848-3841-9099
Waluigi1 posted...
If anyone actually cares about learning what really happened or what things meant, I highly suggest checking out Lost Explained on YouTube. Excellent videos explaining nearly everything.

I wanted to say "who needs that, it's so obvious"

but I still have a friend who thinks the ending means they were in purgatory the entire time so ?_?

anyway, I can post full thoughts once Thanksgiving drinks wear off, but I love the show and I thought it nailed the ending. How it got there was a little shaky and you can feel the fact that they were kind of figuring it out as they went, but there are still some exceptional episodes towards the end, and overall it's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be.
also full disclosure I have "see you in another life" tattooed on my arm so I might be a little biased in my fandom of lost
PrivateBiscuit1 posted...
The "all about the characters" BS burns me.

Like yeah, if I choose to just enjoy it for the characters, YOU RUINED EVERY CHARACTER. So wtf am I supposed to enjoy then!?

I know we've talked about this before but


Exactly this.
Im not a big rewatcher or player of things. Handful of games, books, movies, tv.

lost gets rewatched

its amazing
stop victory lapping around your desk, your chair has rollers, it's not even really exercise
PrivateBiscuit1 posted...
The "all about the characters" BS burns me.

Like yeah, if I choose to just enjoy it for the characters, YOU RUINED EVERY CHARACTER. So wtf am I supposed to enjoy then!?

This. There is so much I love and still love and get nostalgic over with Lost. I have zero issue going down a memory hole for the first three or four seasons, lamenting some decisions that had to be made ( Eko and Rousseau not wanting to be in Hawaii, Walt aging faster than expected and being written off, Ana-Lucia's death not having the emotional impact they want so Libby dies too/no DUIs allowed on the cast ), but overall loving everything about it.

But when I think on the final two seasons... yeah, at first I remember the good. LaFleur, Frozen Donkey Wheel, Ab Aeterno, everything in Jughead, Jin in DHARMA, Faraday & Desmond, Sawyer & Juliet... and then I start remembering the characters. Like Sun whose only line most episodes is "Have you seen my husband?" or Sayid who goes evil and soulless but not really or Claire who is crazy and soulless but not really or anyone from Ajira 316 / The Temple /Team Widmore, or how there were so many rules and lore regarding the Man in Black like not talking with him or being influenced by him and can only be killed by someone completely uninfluenced by him and you've got Miles barely avoiding every encounter they have the entire time and can talk to dead people and is primed with Richard and Lapidus to actually come out of nowhere and save the day and you've got Kate showing up to shoot him for reasons and it's all so dumb, so very very dumb. God there's a lot that's dumb. Jin/Sun/Sayid in the freaking submarine... ugh, it's just a lot of dumb.
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
Some quick notes:

  • I realize I spoiler-tagged off-show context but not actual plot from later seasons. I no longer cared in my vitriolic ranting.
  • Season 1 remains one of the best ensemble shows, and holds strong to that until mid-season 4 with the writer's strike
  • I have to give Damon Lindelof a lot of credit for actually delivering on "It's all about the characters" on his next project The Leftovers . Season 1 is ROUGH, but I highly highly recommend it. It delivers in ways Lost completely failed.
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
hot take: seasons 4-6 are all better than S1-3
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
Aecioo posted...
anyway, I can post full thoughts once Thanksgiving drinks wear off
Reminder bump if you still wanted to come back to this
PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
Switch FC: SW-6848-3841-9099
Waluigi1 posted...
Reminder bump if you still wanted to come back to this

Oh yeah, good bump. At work but I will
So I was at FanExpo today and they had a panel with Dominic Monaghan and Emilie de Ravin. My biggest takeaway from it was that they both, especially Dominic, thought that Lost was a complete mess of a story that they didn't love. lol But they seemed delighted to reunite and enjoyed their time with the show.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
I knew about Dominic's feelings but Emilie doesn't surprise me either. Her character wasn't handled the greatest.
PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
Switch FC: SW-6848-3841-9099
Board 8 » I just finished watching Lost