Seinfeld question

Board 8

Board 8 » Seinfeld question
Started season 8 this week, do people prefer the Jerry stand up openings or these cold open non-sequitur openings?
I find it kinda bussin, I find it kinda cap
That the dreams in which I'm dying are the ones that kinda slap
Cold open for me
E come vivo? Vivo!
There's something unique and kinda relaxing about opening with Jerry's stand-up routine, so I wish they'd stuck with it at the end.
The cold opens I think are technically stronger, but there's was comfort in the standup openings that I enjoyed. I wouldn't say I would prefer they stuck with it necessarily....I was actually thinking about this last night lol.

To me it's just an easy way to differentiate between Larry David being out after Season 7.
I don't know which I like more either. I did kinda like how the stand up openings sort of tied in to the main plot of the episode, it was sort of fun try and guess how'd they connect.

As an aside, I'm surprised at how many episodes/plots that I perceived as classic episodes (as in, episodes I knew about before sitting and watching the show all the way through) come from the last two seasons.
I find it kinda bussin, I find it kinda cap
That the dreams in which I'm dying are the ones that kinda slap
trdl23 posted...
Cold open for me

I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
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GANON1025 posted...
As an aside, I'm surprised at how many episodes/plots that I perceived as classic episodes (as in, episodes I knew about before sitting and watching the show all the way through) come from the last two seasons.

So this is actually a hot topic in the Seinfeld community....well, as hot as they can get. When Larry was out, some Seinfeld plots started getting a bit more exotic and surreal, and thus stand out a lot in people's memories. It's not like we didn't have plots like that before, but there was a level of exaggeration in some characters and character traits that weren't as present before.

Some people don't like this shift, some people prefer it. Me,'s Seinfeld, it's basically always the best thing you could be watching. But it's hard to deny that the season 8 and 9 episodes were more casually memorable on an episode to episode basis, while the season prior had some of the real heavy hitters and better ongoing threads.
trdl23 posted...
Cold open for me

GANON1025 posted...
As an aside, I'm surprised at how many episodes/plots that I perceived as classic episodes (as in, episodes I knew about before sitting and watching the show all the way through) come from the last two seasons.

Heartily agree.
"That was unnecessarily dramatic". - NY Mets motto (courtesy of InnerTubeHero)
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Jerry comedy opening. I always felt they were a great framing device.
~Jacksonville Jaguars~
Report: S8E20s cold open actually relates to the plot of the episode and gets referenced, dont recall this happening before (but wouldnt be too surprised if it has)
I find it kinda bussin, I find it kinda cap
That the dreams in which I'm dying are the ones that kinda slap
Board 8 » Seinfeld question