Post Each Time You Beat a Game: 2024 Edition

Board 8

Happy New Year everyone! My 2023 retrospect was a bit sadder than my 2022 one mostly because it was just finishing my backlog so I can upgrade my machine. I'm hoping to get alot more AAA high end stuff in this year, but maybe not as well as I may have plans of moving out and I probably won't be able to game as much. I might also be delving into alot of Switch (Emulated) games now that my machine can handle it.

My play of 2023 was also mostly knocking out whatever was just around; I played 2 absolutely terrible games Syberia 3 and Curse of the Sea Rats and a bunch of others that I thought was great but did not meet my expectations like the moderately "okay, its Quake" HROT or the went on for way too long Book of Unwritten Tales 2. Code Vein was a surprise pleasure, and Ion Fury Aftershock filled a need. But game of that year for me was Phoenotopia Awakening with its charming design and lack of hand held gameplay. I know the ending was kinda meh and the mechanics were at times unnecessary but it was a whole mood and I enjoyed every step of that journey. It's a shame there really is no sequel.
It's not so cliche anymore when it's happening to you.