The Curse had the most unbelievable finale ever (No Spoilers)

Board 8

Board 8 » The Curse had the most unbelievable finale ever (No Spoilers)
I shilled for The Curse 10 weeks ago, and it just ended today! It starred Nathan Fielder and Emma Stone, and it's about a couple that hosts an HGTV show selling their eco-friendly homes in a Hispanic town that they're also trying to build up. But they're absolutely not good at any of it, and they are constantly in uncomfortable scenarios as they fail to navigate them properly. Just constant cringe humor, where they never actually tell a single joke, but it becomes completely hilarious. Where the main couple and the director are all outrageously broken people all trying to convince themselves that they're better than they really are.

And tonight, the finale happened. Never in a million years could anyone guess what happened in it. I am in AWE if what went down. Just the most absolutely creative ending to this show that could ever happen, and when it's over you think of bits and pieces in the finale and throughout the series that somehow make it make sense. In a show that strives to make you incredibly uncomfortable, this might be the most uncomfortable experience ever.

Just an incredible show that's definitely going to stick with me. Get Showtime and just binge it all. You won't be disappointed, because it's sooooooo so so so so good.
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Watch The Curse
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I watched the first episode when it came out, and decided it was the worst first episode of a show, I had ever seen. I was bored, uninterested, and uncomfortable but not in a fun way, just an icky way. I almost felt like they were trying to make the worst show possible, just to see how people would react.

Is it still possible I would like the rest?

I am a huge fan of Nathan For You and enjoyed The Rehearsal, and I like Emma Stone quite a bit, so I really was shocked I didn't like it.

To be fair, I'll readily admit, I have poor media comprehension skills, and felt like it might have been going over my head a bit. I felt like I was missing some context, too.
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I can't relate to not liking it the first episode. Lol I would say this show does an outstanding job paying off everything that happens, and that parts you may have thought were dumb somehow have a point when you keep watching.

When you learn more about these characters, a lot makes sense. And you see the way they all change throughout the series in such a fascinating way.

I do think the end of episode 3 kind of makes everything click though what the show is about, and it just sets things up until then.
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I watched the whole thing and I enjoyed it but didn't love it. I like the uncomfortable nature of it but I did have to skip some parts because god damn. Reading some analysis helped a lot to really get some of the themes. But overall I don't think it's necessarily that out of the box or unique.

It's just a really great character study with some really great acting. Some people prefer more plot (I def do) but it's cool to try something different.

The best thing they do is reflect the viewer in the characters (mirror and camera are huge themes) so it's kinda a study of yourself. The uncomfortable bits can be almost therapeutic if you see yourself in them. And you can tell the parts that reflect you are different from what the parts that reflect others.
he says listen to my story this maybe are last chance
Also if you just want to see Emma Stone acting, it's the perfect show. I'd say she gets most of the screentime and every episode she does more and more. Easily one of the best performances ever on TV. And her cringe is easier to swallow than the other chars.
he says listen to my story this maybe are last chance
I absolutely loved the camera work in this. How it was just voyeuristic sometimes. Like it really felt like you were just someone creeping and watching something you know you should be walking away from, but you still feel compelled to watch. They had some very, very interesting camera shots that felt very deliberate throughout the show.

You're right in that there are very deliberate themes and attempts to put a mirror to yourself. It's not really evident immediately, but it really makes sense later sometimes.

My favorite part was just something weird and baffling that happens in episode 2 and you write it off as just nonsense put in the show to make you feel uncomfortable, but then they pay it off in episode 8 in such an incredible way that recontextualizes that whole scene and the entire character as well. Just exceptional writing there.
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Yeah I've been putting this off just to let the show finish but I'm SO excited to dig into this
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One analogy I was thinking of was it's like Evangelion but with none of the robots or cool stuff. I watched it recently so it might just be fresh in my mind, but I think the emotions and some themes are definitely similar.

At the least, if you really appreciated all the "ugly" parts of Evangelion, I think you would like this show.
he says listen to my story this maybe are last chance
it's incredible. don't spoil yourselves
The Artist Formerly Known as Hannyabal
I'm about halfway through. It's good. While The Rehearsal feels like an evolution of Nathan's mixing of reality and TV, The Curse feels like an evolution on Nathan's cringe humor.

I typically don't watch shows like this or...really, shows at all. So I don't know how much my opinion counts. But I do enjoy watching every episode. It makes me want to find more shows similar to this.

I think Episode 1's actually the strongest episode by a large amount so far. Every scene is just so good in different ways.
"[Freud] started his scientific career by trying to explain the sexuality of a fish. And he failed."
Board 8 » The Curse had the most unbelievable finale ever (No Spoilers)