Mega Mana Ranks The Songs

Board 8

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Board 8 » Mega Mana Ranks The Songs
Castaway: I didn't think I liked this type of dubstep sound, but that is an addictive beat here. I could see myself loving this song after a few more listens.

Shine: I dig their voices and the lyrics about embracing your darkness are definitely the type of thing I love, so this was an unexpected treat.

Why You Wanna Break My Heart?: My nostalgia pick. The first four nominations were easy selections: My top three songs of 2023 and then a wildcard option that I just wanted to show off & was determined to nominate the first time it was eligible anywhere because my bizarre love/hate relationship with it might produce some interesting rankings. For the fifth slot, I just asked myself "what song do I have a lot of nostalgia for, but haven't listened to so often that I've become sick of it--and ideally haven't heard it at all in a couple years?" & this track is the one that came to mind. I feel it's a slot that could be a radically different song depending on what day you asked. tazzy got "Winger - Battle Stations" when I asked the same question for his ranking. Today, I think I'd wind up with

Elvis Costello - Alison:

...Not that it matters, just a quick illustration of how this nomination slot could have wound up on basically anything. Aaaanywho , back to the song that actually was nominated. It's a simple song, a bit too basic and repetitive to be something that I'd love if I were just discovering it for the first time these days, but there's a lot of nostalgia attached that makes me kinda love it still. My mother never listened to much music, so I really didn't either growing up... but for reasons I cannot even begin to fathom, we borrowed the Wayne's World soundtrack from the library and spent quite a bit of time to listening to it. It's odd; of all the albums in the universe, why would this have been the one we went with? It's not as though this was a thing we did, I can only name two albums we ever borrowed to listen to in this way (I'll refrain from discussing the second for personal reasons & because I'm spending way too much time talking about my own life here as it is), but... well, we did, and it's given me a lasting attachment to Tia Carerre. Also for a very specific era of Alice Cooper--"Feed My Frankenstein" may not be his biggest hit, but I love it and the entire album it came from because that's *my* Alice... but I suppose that's a story for another topic.
Founding member of Raetsel Raetsel Inc.
Song Ranking Topic (Nominations Wanted):
I'm always hesitant to post in these things when I haven't had a nom drop in a while because that seems to trigger a drop but ya go my noms mostly in the top half.
BlueCrystalTear posted...
What on earth did I do to get on your ignore list?

I'm not going to comment on your factually incorrect comments, however. I'm better than that. (I don't even remember everything I nominated tbh)

I honestly have no clue.
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
One more time on new page. Should have new entries tomorriw night, but until then:


There are sixty songs left! What do you think are the TEN SONGS that have been mucking up my rankings since the FLUX Tier began? SPOILER: One of them is obviously Pink Dazzled 45.
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
Canto Della Terra
Dark Come Soon
Just a Ride
King of Swords (Reversed)
Pink Dazzled 45
Rose-Colored Boy
Sexual Healing
Smoke Too Soon
That Funny Feeling
It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Autumn Leaves Revisited
Canto Della Terra
Cha Cha Cha (Cover)
get him back!
Head First in the River
Koi No America
Pink Dazzled 45
Skylark Interabang?!
Tragedy + Time

You were the cancer, that's all you'll ever be
I really messed up this contest, but azuarc gave it a Breath of fresh air

After some careful and considered assessments and re-assessments over the weekend, this feels like the most appropriate title for the next Tier. If nothing changes this week, this tier should just be the next ten songs. These are songs that have lingered and been close to being cut for a long time now. They comprise a majority of the songs I deemed the 'Terrible Ten' as those that have been thorny to get rid of, but not all of them; and only one of the songs has been mostly ignored due to high initial rankings.

'Linger: x/10' will be in the description of each of the ten songs I described last week. Did I have to let them linger?


#60. Pink Dazzled 45
Artist: Hillary Reese
Nominator: Snake5555555555 (2/5)
Time: 3:20
Initial Rankings: Batch 1 - 6/15 (C) & Rubric 6
Weighted Rankings: Blue 16/16
Blockbuster: Grid C-5
FLUX: Up 20 & Even 15 More UP
Linger: 10/10

"Verrry country. Good voice. Honestly, some bonus points for how few views it has because it's much more solid than a couple hundred views." - First listen note

New Orleannnns, you're really something!

I don't think that's the lyric, but that's my favorite part. Hillary Reese has a great voice and it's very different from everything else nominated. It's also been very hit-or-miss, often finding itself on the chopping block before getting another boost. But it was also in Rubric 6 at some point which was a shoe-in for top half.

P.S. Oh, and thinking you could get away with no consequences? You managed to move up ten spots, but you're not making the top half!

P.P.S. ...And it made top half! Congratulations. It really is a catchy, vibrant song.


#59. Sexual Healing
Artist: Sarah Connor
Nominator: Redrocket (2/5)
Time: 4:11
Initial Rankings: Batch 7 - 15/15 (F) & Rubric 16
Weighted Rankings: Red 6/16
Blockbuster: Grid C-4
FLUX: Up 55 Spots!
Linger: 9/10

Go back two months to when I'm starting write-ups for my bottom five and tell me this almost makes the- no, with the extra five songs, this MAKES the top half. Tell me that and imagine the massive face of horrified confusion.

So, how does it get this high? First, comparing it to Marvin Gaye's version... is kind of eye-opening because I actually think Gaye's version is worse. I judged this song thinking Marvin Gaye's was, not a masterpiece, but an excellent song by an excellent crooner, but it's even more empty than this one. Sarah brings a smoothness and warmness to it that makes it feel less like someone trying to pick up somebody from a bar, and more like a girlfriend or wife on a sunny morning trying to encourage her partner to enjoy some domestic bliss. It feels like playful flirting that leads to a fun night in instead of trying to have a one-night stand. There's sunshine coming through the windows as this plays as she's putting on the rizz.

Second, I'm not the right audience for 'sexy' songs. I've come to think that I'm likely asexual or maybe demi or just an anxious overthinking depressed bean with body image and trust issues. This doesn't make me feel gross. It feels wholesome and understandable. There's love, passion, trust, honesty, playfulness, need, understanding, and warmth in her tone, the music, and the lyrics and I find it so much more enjoyable than I initially did. It's absolutely solid.

But it was going to be one of the first five out, and I'm glad it's not.

Note: I'll be starting the next tier after this, and while it IS a song that rose so so much higher than planned, it was not one of the two benchmark songs I planned around FLUX initially. The FLUX has FLOWED.


P.P.S. No, this actually is right. It's solid, sunny, there's a playful growl and need and it evokes strong storytelling and images in my head (strong as in 'heavily visualized and easily discernible,' not strong as in 'Warning: The scenes playing are graphic and sexual in nature.' I think the hardest it ever goes is tugging forcefully on a shirt).

@AriaOfBolo (because I haven't forgotten and you deserve nice tags!)
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
#58. Tacky
Artist: Weird Al" Yankovic
Nominator: BlueCrystalTear (2/5)
Time: 2:54
FLUX: Up 32 Spots
Linger: 8/10

DAY ONE: Not my first time hearing this, and while I do like "Happy" quite a bit more than this parody (also "Handy," "Foil," and "Word Crimes" are the only songs I clearly remember from Mandatory Fun and all are much better... I don't know "First World Problems" but I want it to be a decade-early parody of "Champagne Problems" which it won't be). The best part of the song is the video (as is often the case with Weird Al). Aisha Tyler! Margaret Cho! Eric Stonestreet! Kristen Schaal! JACK BLACK, STAR OF OTHER MUSIC VIDEOS SUCH AS "TRIBUTE" AND "HUMILITY" AND "LEARN TO FLY!" It's not bad. It's probably out in Flux.

TWO WEEKS LATER: 'Tacky' has been super helpful for sorting the FLUX tier. Essentially, that 'one rule' I mentioned when posting FLUX was 'Would I prefer to listen to this song or to Tacky?' Since I could conjure up 'Tacky' so so so easily in my head, it made for a quick assessment with about forty songs I was dithering with.

ONE DAY AFTER THAT: This was supposed to fall at 80. Then it was written up for 75 before I decided to prematurely toss out Pink Dazzled 45. Now I'm taking a quick break from 71's write-up to note that this is slated to go out, currently, at 67, but who knows if that changes again?! What was originally an early checkpoint after ten songs in the FLUX tier may end up being the gate between FLUX and whatever I name the next tier!


THE WEEKEND AFTER: I absolutely love watching the video. As fun and spiriting as the song is, watching Eric Stonestreet come in and command the camera is great (and his pants and jacket are both colors of shirts I got for a friend's wedding back in 2013; I guess I might be Tacky, too!). I love seeing Jack Black go ham and his dancing finale as it switches back to Weird Al is so frenetic. Aisha Tyler is hilarious. Kristen Schaal's face acting rules. Margaret Cho... is not an actor. Or dancer. Or lipsyncher. And it's kind of charming to see that on camera (even as I lambasted Laufey earlier). Definitely a light of positive energy among some of the darker depressing songs.


#57. Skies
Artist: Protest the Hero
Nominator: Steiner (3/5)
Time: 6:23
Initial Rankings: Batch 5 - 12/15 & Rubric 10
Weighted Rankings: Orange 8/16
FLUX: Up 15 Spots

*cough, gasp, and sputter*

This and one other song I mentally note as having extremely weak beginnings and need to hold out at least a minute or two to enjoy. It's lyrics are very poetic about life and trying things out of your comfort zone despite the uncertainty and danger. At least that's what I take away from it sometimes. Other times, I just think about the show Lost. Also, the weird screaming voice at 1:24? I'm glad Nekrogoblin got a new gig after the entire band perished in "This Is It."

The energy and vocals and guitar really elevate this song.


#56. The Fallen Ground
Artist: Yutaka Minobe
Nominator: NFUN
Time: 5:04
Initial Rankings: Batch 8 - 9/16 & Rubric 6
Weighted Rankings: Green 8/16
FLUX: Even

Even without seeing 'Panzer Dragoon Orta' in the Youtube title or Sega Sound Team when it begins, it doesn't sound liek anything but a SEGA track. It sounds like it could come straight out of Skies of Arcadia, most likely if there was a Shrine dedicated to both the Green and Silver moons. I greatly enjoy the atmosphere and soothing nature of this song. It's like a call to adventure, but after the team's already come together and you're travelling to your destination in the wild.

There is one major annoyance I do have listening to this song, though. [Warning: May Ruin Song] At 2:06 & 4:09, there is this little 'bip' that sounds like I just received a Discord notification and I got tricked so so many times until I realized it was the song.


"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
Mega_Mana posted...
P.S. Oh, and thinking you could get away with no consequences? You managed to move up ten spots, but you're not making the top half!

Nice one
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
If you're gonna scream, scream with me
I didn't see the FUN GAME in time but I would definitely not be surprised if King of Swords is still to drop in this tier.

Chilly McFreeze
I just saw Weird yesterday and it was such a treasure. God I love Weird Al

mah mah mah my bologna
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG
Mega_Mana posted...
Go back two months to when I'm starting write-ups for my bottom five and tell me this almost makes the- no, with the extra five songs, this MAKES the top half. Tell me that and imagine the massive face of horrified confusion.

Im glad this grew on you. I prefer it to Gayes version too. Im curious though, how it started out so low? I didnt have high hopes for this one. Top half is a bit better than I expected, but bottom five seems harsh!
It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
redrocket posted...
Im glad this grew on you. I prefer it to Gayes version too. Im curious though, how it started out so low? I didnt have high hopes for this one. Top half is a bit better than I expected, but bottom five seems harsh!

I just didn't like it. It felt cheesy and bad and empty and sugary and I was just not into a lot of that stuff when I was first listening. And coming after Towering Inferno in the playlist left me a bit discombobulated with all the changes every fifteen seconds, so I was probably not feeling generous at the time... Looking on Batch 7, I was pretty unfair to a lot of the songs at the outset, even some still to be eliminated, a lot of initial bad vibes that went away later.
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
Well I'm 1/5 so far on guesses and it was the one already given lol I'm so good
You were the cancer, that's all you'll ever be
I really messed up this contest, but azuarc gave it a Breath of fresh air
#55. Autumn Leaves Revisited
Artist: Thursday
Nominator: Bane_Of_Despair (5/5)
Time: 6:54
Initial Rankings: Batch 3 - 13/15 (D) & Rubric 8
Weighted Rankings: Orange 1/16
FLUX: Up 5 Spots

I don't have too much to say on this one. Really great guitars, really great non-vocal sections, really amazing vocal sections. It's an excellent song.


#54. What We Wanted
Artist: Newspeak
Nominator: DoctorJimmy133 (1/5)
Time: 3:56
Initial Rankings: Batch 1 - 3/15 (B) & Rubric 6
FLUX: Down 10 Spots & Up 15 Spots
Linger: 7/10

"Okay. Okay. The keyboard, the guitar solo, the flow. I don't think it'll be high up, but it could be-oooh, really getting good beat later here. Yeah, this is a definite rank-climber. I will forget this song often, think about cutting it, give it a listen before snipping it off at like 60 or so, and then go wide-eyed halfway through and making sure I keep it at least another week (before I completely forget again how it sounds)." - First listen note

I love the keyboard and the bass and random bits of percussion throughout. I'm struggling to talk about the message of the song, and it might've been cut earlier if I felt satisfied with a write-up. But delaying it, isn't going to do much. It's a scramble of where I am versus where I was fifteen years ago, planning for the future, what should life be, but none of it manifesting or coalescing as a solid nugget of thought and understanding and emotion like other songs have done. There's a fog surrounding this song.
23rd Place. DoctorJimmy133
#99. The Who, "Baby Don't You Do It"
#96. The Fratellis, "Flathead"
#71. Beck, "Saw Lightning"
#65. The New Basement Tapes, "Spanish Mary"
#54. Newspeak, "What We Wanted"
Average Score: 77
Total: 385

A fun selection of rock songs. The titles themselves are very memorable within the songs, but I have minor trouble remembering the rest of the song and instrumentation outside them. I didn't expect to strike you down to the ground this quickly, but "Saw Lightning," "Spanish Mary," and "What We Wanted" fell before rising tides. I wonder if these songs are what I'll be wanting fifteen years from now.

"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
#53. Smoke Too Soon
Artist: Carter Faith
Nominator: Snake5555555555 (1/5)
Time: 3:17
Initial Rankings: Batch 1 - 5/15 (C) & Rubric 9
Weighted Rankings: Purple 11/16
FLUX: Up 35 Spots
Linger: 6/10

"Great voice, nice country bump." - First listen note

It's been so long since I first wrote this write-up that the FLUX was "Down 50 Spots" and it was Snake's 3/5 elimination (so before "Fight Like a Girl" at #88). Hell, I'm surprised this wasn't on the Blockbuster list with how long it's been in queue for elimination. I do enjoy reading old, outdated write-ups, though:

"There's no question this is a good and dynamic song. A big part of [FLUX] tier is just how much I enjoy listening to it. I really like this song every once and a while, I just don't vibe to it as a lot of songs that keep floating up [Ha!]. I enjoy that the song is about how much she's like, 'alright! *shrug*' after the guy she's with leaves and has a whole list of reasons why he didn't want to be with her, and it's like, "Cool, see ya! I'mma continue doin' me!" A breakup song where the breakup is an afterthought. A good and interesting nomination. It just never caught me like other songs... maybe I'm just way too petty with my head up in the clouds."

One of the moments that grabbed hold of me and began riding relentlessly forwards was in the second verse where the list her ex left of all her faults and qualities in her that he saw as negatives were framed above her mantle, and I absolutely love how empowering and in control this woman is.
*NEW* 24th Place. Snake5555555555
#109. Donald Fagen, "Trans-Island Skyway"
#101. Laufey, "From the Start"
#88. Emilie Autumn, "Fight Like A Girl"
#60. Hillary Reese, "Pink Dazzled 45"
#53. Carter Faith, "Smoke Too Soon"
Average Score: 82.2
Total: 411

Very feminine energy, very tough cool customers. The country of the top two songs sank down very early, but kept surging above and avoiding execution so, so many times. Hillary Reese escaped certain death at one point, being placed at #75 before a major shake-up (or was it 76?). Really fun selection of songs that will be stuck in my head for years to come.

"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
Aw man I wanted to be last perfect standing, alas. At least I got another one of my predictions right lol.

Glad you enjoyed the song to a fair degree, I absolutely adore it. From my favorite Thursday album which is a semi-hot take in their fanbase but it's just so well done, gorgeous and still heavy/noisy but in such an atmospheric way. And this song especially I think exemplifies that, for me it's a journey that it takes me on.
You were the cancer, that's all you'll ever be
I really messed up this contest, but azuarc gave it a Breath of fresh air
#52. Head First in the River
Artist: Envy on the Coast
Nominator: Bane_Of_Despair (4/5)
Time: 3:51
Initial Rankings: Batch 3 - 12/15 & Rubric 11
Weighted Rankings: Orange 3/16
FLUX: Up 10 Spots

We weren't built to last this long.


#51. The Last Supper
Artist: 1992 Australian Cast of Jesus Christ Superstar
Nominator: Raka Putra (2/5)
Time: 7:02
Initial Rankings: Batch 1 - 13/15 (F) & Rubric 14
Weighted Rankings: Orange 7/16
Blockbuster: Grid B-7
FLUX: Up 65 Spots
Linger: 5/10

"I have no idea what is happening." - First listen note

The following write-up is unedited from when I wrote it in:

JANUARY: Starting off the list with Raka's nominations was rough. With this and Pumped Up Kicks, it was very old and historic. With this and Another Day, it was dramatic stageplay. With this and Dear Hearts, it felt religious. It felt/feels very bogged down when they're played in a block (which is why I've been doing so much random shuffle lately; there's a few nomination blocks where the neighboring songs anchor what shouldn't fall so far). I'm pleasantly surprised to see how high I ranked this in the Weighted Rankings, compared to its neighbors.

The song has grown on me considerably with repeated listens. I love the horns in the later apostle chorus, I enjoy Judas' and Jesus' shouting match, the sudden switch to the Gerudo Valley theme at 4:30 makes me feel giddy like it's a secret. I haven't read the Bible and have been raised agnostic, so I don't know much about the subject matter. I don't know how adherent it is to scripture or if it blasphemes. It... the absolute gall and cult of personality to immortalize himself by telling them to remember him through grain and wine. The others wanting to be apostles so they can be forever remembered as well. Judas sounds like someone who joined as a believer and adherent to Jesus' teachings and finds himself mortified and unable to continue with how far they and Jesus have strayed? Like... "once I admired you, now I despise you" surrounded by the rest of them talking about wanting to be remembered forever with ideas for how to be immortalized post-mortem through remembrance as people eat and drink or the apostles writing the stories, like, it sounds like a cult. It sounds like someone waking up and realizing they are in a cult and their eyes are open to reality. It feels like someone escaping the Westboro Baptist Church or Scientology. It's someone going against Trump and maintaining instead of eventually relenting and cowering back under the covers. It reminds me of Yossarian's walk through Rome in Catch-22 when the horros ofthe war are laid bare. I would probably need to know more about everything to really grasp it more, but this has just been my continued scattered thoughts on this song.

Getting into religious stuff is tricky, but I hope I presented my thoughts and feelings on this particular song and the way I feel okay. I don't know much surrounding this or what the 'one of you denies me' refers to.

MARCH: When I originally started the FLUX Tier, "The Last Supper" was going to be the endpoint. Whenever "The Last Supper" was cut, that would be it for FLUX. FLUX was named because of this song crawling out of my bottom dregs. It was higher than "Another Day" but not by much and was slated to go out not long after. But then "Another Day" survived and I really dug into this song and got to enjoying it, too. I read more into Jesus Christ Superstar and how Judas was given a more nuanced role than what he have saved in the Bible so my feelings towards his breaking point weren't off-kilter. The song is great, and I've been loving this nomination. Not so much that I've listened to any other songs from this play, any other renditions of this song, or finding and opening up a bible, but loving it nevertheless.

@Bane_Of_Despair (Again, Sorry!)
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
Mega_Mana posted...
109. Donald Fagen, "Trans-Island Skyway"
#101. Laufey, "From the Start"
#88. Emilie Autumn, "Fight Like A Girl"
#60. Hillary Reese, "Pink Dazzled 45"
#53. Carter Faith, "Smoke Too Soon"
Average Score: 82.2
Total: 411

Very feminine energy, very tough cool customers. The country of the top two songs sank down very early, but kept surging above and avoiding execution so, so many times. Hillary Reese escaped certain death at one point, being placed at #75 before a major shake-up (or was it 76?). Really fun selection of songs that will be stuck in my head for years to come.

Very glad you mostly liked my songs! The Pink Dazzled reshuffle was a welcome surprise. Honestly country with tough women has been like my preferred genre the past few years!
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
If you're gonna scream, scream with me
Glad that you grew to like it!

JCSS has one of my favorite soundtracks (or 'cast recordings'), and the 1992 Australian cast is my favorite out of the other versions I've heard. The rock sound is just right.

And yeah, I'm not a Christian either but from discussions I've read it seems like although it gives Judas a more nuanced take, it's not typically seen as outright blasphemous since they're not really saying Judas is right either.
God has heard my soul.
Going over the remaining songs, there isn't much relative variation from where they began. There are a few that have very low Initial Rankings, but stayed on the top half pedestal for a majority of listening time. There are very, very few songs remaining that I even considered in FLUX tier that, for the most part, these are just about where they'd always end up. Very solid nominations!

What? No, I absolutely chose this tier because of the name! I'm not just burying these songs six feet deep and turning them into a street torward songs I have less generic 'this is good' types of write-ups for!

#50. Tragedy + Time
Artist: Rise Against
Nominator: Steiner (2/5)
Time: 4:20
Initial Rankings: Batch 5 - 3/15 (B-) & Rubric 5

It kind of feels like a song pulled straight from the Digimon: The Movie soundtrack, and I can absolutely picture Digimon firing off their signature attacks on Myotismon in an AMV to this song. The guitars, the bassline, the early 00s skater rock feel. And it has a positive perservering message of surviving pain and hanging on for another day. It's an excellent song!


#49. Feather
Artist: Nujabes
Nominator: Blur (3/5)
Time: 2:55
Initial Rankings: Batch 8 - 3/15 (A-) & Rubric 3

The forever elevator has new occupants and Feather has drifted off from its high perch. My biggest problems are both how short it is (I would love to hear it go up another notch or two for another minute at least) and how abruptly it cuts off after the random Don McLean reference. The melody is nice, but it does get more tiresome on repeats.


#48. Light Up the Night
Artist: The Protomen
Nominator: NBIceman (4/5)
Time: 4:04
Initial Rankings: Batch 6 - 8/15 (B-) & Rubric 10
Weighted Rankings: Green 4/16

"I'm Just Ken" - First listen note

Some power rock, very '80s feeling. Lot of shoulder dancing. The singer is absolutely amazing and I love the music. Just so fun. It definitely adds a boost of positivity and enjoyment to my listening experiences.


#47. Remind Me
Artist: Ryksopp
Nominator: ZaziGuado (2/5)
Time: 3:39
Initial Rankings: Batch 5 - 5/15 (B-) & Rubric 6
Weighted Rankings: Violet 8/15

"Reminds me of that Scrubs song; "I can't get to sleep / I think about the implications" ; The 4400 theme, too" - First listen notes

I always forget about the silent echoes in the background when I listen quietly or without full headphones. It doesn't change the ranking any, but I think this is only the second time I've realized they're there. It brings me back to high school feels, bus ride into Boston on a field trip or something. Very long drive enjoyment. Overcast skies, but not unwelcome; scattered carpets of clouds with pockets of sunny blue casting roving shadows across the cityscape on an early spring morning.


#46. Past Lives
Artist: BRNS
Nominator: Bitto (3/5)
Time: 4:34
Initial Rankings: Batch 8 - 13/15 (C-) & Rubric 12
Weighted Rankings: Orange 2/15

I don't know who that chorus reminds me of. Paramore? Not sure. Lost love fated across the generations or strong pick-up lines? Who cares, it's a fun mood. Might be higher if the "Baby Love, I need you now" parts weren't like annoying speed bumps.

"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
I want you to know that every time I see the topic title, I misread it as "Mega Mana Mega Ranks The Songs" and then I get mad that it isn't
List the ominous stern whisper from the delphic cave within:
They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin
#45. Cha Cha Cha
Artist: Lord of the Lost
Nominator: paulg235 (2/5)
Time: 2:59
Initial Rankings: Batch 3 - 7/15 (C+) & Rubric 8
Weighted Rankings: Blue 4/16

I love not only how much harder this hits but also how freed up and jovial the completely sauced singer gets after too many pina coladas. It's a better blend and mix. I don't know much else to say. This has always been top fifty, and a massive seat dancer. Lots of cha cha, lots of can can.


#44. The Gathering Sky
Artist: Pat Metheny
Nominator: NFUN (3/5)
Time: 9:22
Initial Rankings: Batch 8 - 1/15 (A) & Rubric 2

'The Weather Channel' - First listen note

And now, for your local weather. Did anyone else put on The Weather Channel some days just to vibe to the music? There's a commercial during Hey Arnold! and it's 6:17? Change the channel to Weather Channel in time for Local on the 8s! A pile of spelling homework to do and you actually totally seriously want to focus and do it and not play Secret of Mana or watch Aladdin again? Switch to The Weather Channel and only occasionally get distracted by the Michelin Man commercials.

The Gathering Sky is smooth jazzy comfort and oddly, maybe singularly, nostalgia-inducing. I even enjoy when it goes more frenetic about six minutes in and turns into nostalgia for evening news bulletins. This just in! Our first batch leader dropped! It fell from its high perch as six still remain nested.


#43. get him back!
Artist: Olivia Rodrigo
Nominator: Player_0 (5/5)
Time: 3:31
Initial Rankings: Batch 4 - 6/15 (C+) & Rubric 7
Weighted Ranking: Blue 5/16

And that's now everyone with an elimination! Before this ranking project, I had only heard of Olivia Rodrigo in passing and through 'good 4 u' playing on television commercials or Youtube ads. I had no expectations that any of her songs would be high up, much less all five making top fifty.

get him back!'s biggest drawback is the last thirty seconds of the song with really annoying chatter that feels vapid and fake and super valley. There were many times where I felt like tossing this song down lower because that part irked me a lot like "After the Storm" did way back when. But the "I'm my father's daughter so maybe I can fix him" always gives me a chuckle and charms me with how totally flustered she is with her relationship. My mindset easily reverts back to high school and the push-and-pull of emotions. I enjoy the wordplay and back-and-forth of love and hate and revenge and loneliness.

"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
Artist: AKB48
Nominator: DanKirby (3/5)
Time: 5:50
Initial Rankings: Batch 6 - 10/15 (C+) & Rubric 9
Weighted Ranking: Yellow 4/16

See the write-up for "Raisin' Me Up." It does the same thing, but much better of just being a boost of positive and bouncy energy especially when it sometimes to feel like a chore. Love turip, love love love dream. I become someone in an 80s music video, pumping me fist in front of my chest to the great beat. It sends me on my way.


#41. Seize the Night (Carpe Noctem)
Artist: Meat Loaf
Nominator: BlueCrystalTear (2/5)

DAY ONE: Immediate dread for a new almost-ten-minute entry. But it's Meat Loaf so I know it'll end up being amazing. It's been completely instrumental for almost two minutes and it's easily the best so far. Oooh, then the energy picks up right after the first singing. Frenetic, rocking. Top half, clearly, and still six minutes to go. Yeah, don't expect this to drop until towards the end of the month.

It has definitely held up and remains one of the best long nominations I've gotten. It feels a bit too long sometimes, though.

*NEW* 23rd Place. BlueCrystalTear
#123. Sunspot, "Arthuriana"
#115. Queen, "One Year of Love"
#63. Gin, Chocolate & Bottle Rockets, "Shine"
#58. Weird Al Yankovic, "Tacky"
#41. Meat Loaf, "Seize the Night (Carpe Noctem)"
Average Score: 80
Total: 400

I just realized I could've had Shine get 64th.

My apologies again to you, Tear. I still do not know for what nor when I abandoned your posts, and I thank others for pointing your absence out. I really enjoyed three of your nominations (even as one drove me a weeeee bit mad there for a while) while I am happy to never hear "Arthuriana" or "One Year of Love" again if I can help it. Thank you again.

"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
Oh I got which olivia rodrigo song would be out first right at least
You were the cancer, that's all you'll ever be
I really messed up this contest, but azuarc gave it a Breath of fresh air
There it is! I was getting worried that you might already be an Olivia fan after it took this long, and that's no fun. I only got into her stuff last year myself - this song was an instant standout when GUTS came out, especially since good 4 u was my favourite before that. I expect I'll start quickly dropping songs now, but your comment about being taken back to high school tells me that the right emotional connections have been made!
-Abraham Lincoln
news report music is an underrated genre

and of course
List the ominous stern whisper from the delphic cave within:
They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin
NFUN posted...
news report music is an underrated genre
goat will always be
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
so true
List the ominous stern whisper from the delphic cave within:
They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin
Well, good notes and bad notes.

Good note: I enjoy all the songs remaining quite a lot!

Bad note: Choosing any to eliminate suuucks.

Any tips from fellow music ranking veterans?
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
Glad you liked Light Up the Night! "Fun" is the right descriptor - just has a ton of energy and gets stuck in my head all the time.
Chilly McFreeze
Mega_Mana posted...
Any tips from fellow music ranking veterans?

just start breaking ties based on the user you hate the most
Born to bear and bring to all the details of our ending
To write it down for all the world to see
Ties are the laziest--err, easiest --solution. Remove whatever is definitely not going to be eliminated at this point; everything left over is tied & eliminated simultaneously. I wound up with three massive sets of tied songs and it was fine; a 20 way tie here, a 10 way tie there, and bam everything not in the top ten has been eliminated in two quick steps.

(A 40 way tie for first would be unorthodox, but not technically forbidden. You can do whatever you want. Obviously replace made up numbers with however many songs you want, don't go with a 20 way tie unless you want one.).

You also have the ability to retroactively un-eliminate songs. You've done, I've done it. If an elimination turns out to be in error, just... ya know... fix it in post instead of stressing too much.

Things get messier if you refuse to do ties and refuse to retroactively fix things you changed your mind on. In that case, I went with the strategy of "repeatedly listening to every song I didn't want to cut, assigning points each listen, and using each song's average score to determine placement". Made sure the winner was the most consistent song, instead of what I was into at that exact moment... but it's a long process with no real pay off. Possibly fun and rewarding, but long and only fitting when you refuse to go with the tied option.
Founding member of Raetsel Raetsel Inc.
God help the outcast with her witchcraft.
Steiner posted...
just start breaking ties based on the user you hate the most
why would you do this to me
List the ominous stern whisper from the delphic cave within:
They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin
Mega_Mana posted...
Well, good notes and bad notes.

Good note: I enjoy all the songs remaining quite a lot!

Bad note: Choosing any to eliminate suuucks.

Any tips from fellow music ranking veterans?
sort songs into tiers. put each song in the lowest tier on the chopping block and see which makes you least sad. or just do a tourney to decide which you like least, comparing song by song
List the ominous stern whisper from the delphic cave within:
They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin
Steiner posted...
just start breaking ties based on the user you hate the most

Haha. Honestly, I've pretty much blocked out who has nominated what, or at least their count, until I do the elimination write-up outside a few cases. And I don't hate anyone! Being an unstrung lurker, whose last knowledge of e-factions were during the Board 8 2/Trantown/Mercenaries days, has some minor benefits.

Fluttershy_Pony posted...
You also have the ability to retroactively un-eliminate songs. You've done, I've done it. If an elimination turns out to be in error, just... ya know... fix it in post instead of stressing too much.

Hasn't been a problem with this since then. I've been fairly thorough at having a low-tier basin of songs I listen to and swirl about until one drops ready for elimination, and if that basin gets plugged up, I'll add more songs from higher tiers, listen to those, toss the ones that remain levels above back into elevated status, and see what filters out. That's where Flux tier ultimately came from as songs kept plugging the drain.

With the one song I un-eliminated, I had added a whole slew of new songs I hadn't touched in a while to the mix and realized my previous batch had grown too narrowed in. It's been relatively easier since then, even with four of those Flux noms heavier and harder to drop down the chute.

NFUN posted...
sort songs into tiers. put each song in the lowest tier on the chopping block and see which makes you least sad. or just do a tourney to decide which you like least, comparing song by song

Oh, but the sad songs are the most sticky! They give feels and latch on to emotions like puppies! Who wants to let go of sad puppies???

Been doing tiering all along, and especially since Flux ended I've been listening to all that remain during work downtime, then gouging about half to listen to a few times more, then setting up about five to ten to kill later in a certain order (with a floating few that may be leaving soon). When I get home, I listen again with better headphones as I write the songs up, and reevaluate both its placement and if I'm okay eliminating it here and now. Some songs move up or down a peg. A few escape to live another day (or week or month in the cases of "The Last Supper," "Smoke Too Soon," "Another Day," "Sexual Healing," "Cool Cat," and a few songs still to come).

Since I posted this morning, let's see how I've progressed actually. Future me might take notes!

1. I listened to everything again. I batched everything by 8s to divide in halves, but that didn't work out.

2. I instead set aside the songs I knew were safe, leaving a 16-24 split.

3. I set those 24 songs into four random brackets of six and tried to do halves there, and it worked slightly better, but fell apart into chaos quickly.

4. For the past few hours, I've been listening to about a dozen songs over-and-over-and-over again until I'm satisfied with keeping all but one for another round. I'm three preliminary exits down. It's been three hours since then and nothing is shifting and the lottery balls keep bouncing about.
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
use an rng
List the ominous stern whisper from the delphic cave within:
They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin
NFUN posted...
use an rng

Legitimately the first roll.

That would be "Noble Savage." Would you like to recant that suggestion? :p
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
Head to head battles where you decide if you like 1 song vs the other. Repeat a certain number of times and you end up with a ranking overall

Like in this MCU quiz tool. You might be able to build one yourself?
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG
by "rng" I mean "ask me what songs should be dropped first"
List the ominous stern whisper from the delphic cave within:
They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin
Too late!

A note, since it relates to earlier discussions. This was a batch of five, planned as a batch of five, with a #40 planned since, like, 10am. Then write-ups began and... #40 isn't appearing until I re-evaluate some more. Everything else? I'm... okay. I will miss them in rotation. But that's the fun of ranking songs. It never goes as planned.

#40. Canto Della Terra
Artist: Andrea Bocelli
Nominator: paulg235 (1/5)
Time: 3:59
Initial Rankings: Batch 3 - 5/15 (C+) & Rubric 8
Weighted Rankings: Violet 3/16

What a beautiful voice. Absolutely gorgeous, and the strings in the background are lovely. Even with the big chorus coming in and sweeping me away, I... I have other songs ahead of this. Absolutely beautiful.

20th Place. paulg235
#121. "Atlas Earth Ad Song"
#104. SilvaGunner, "Fight Against an Armed Boss (In-Game Version)"
#70. Propaganda, "The Murder of Love"
#45. Lord of the Lost, "Cha Cha Cha"
#40. Andrea Bocelli, "Canto Della Terra"
Average Score: 76
Total Score: 380

Definitely some contentious and confusing selections. "Atlas Earth" burns in fire. SilvaGunner's song bounced about for a while. "The Murder of Love" pled for mercy sooner than I expected, but Lord of the Lost Cha Cha'd into my heart. It was some weird, wild stuff, and I appreciate the experiences.


#39. Bachelorette (Family Tree Version)
Artist: Bjrk
Nominator: MaxGalactica (3/5)
Time: 5:16
Initial Rankings: Batch 6 - 3/15 (A-) & Rubric 6

The first comment says it best, "I still maintain my opinion from the first time I heard this song decades ago, this is the opening theme of a James Bond movie yet to be made." [AndrewMacLaine]. That's one of the things that's kept it high in mind; how much it sounds and feels like something that plays with Bond on-screen. I can picture Brosnan perfectly.

I confess even after listening many times and reading the lyrics, they still confuzzle me quite a bit. But it's real good sounding, innit?


#38. Run
Artist: Younha
Nominator: DanKirby (2/5)
Time: 3:28
Initial Rankings: Batch 6 - 6/15 (B+) & Rubric 5
Weighted Rankings: Blue 1/16

Gorgeous voice and melody. I thought this would run higher up the list, but bigger connections and different loves have formed. I do love thiiiiis, though~ Beautiful.


#37. Astronomy
Artist: Blue yster Cult
Nominator: NBIceman (3/5)
Time: 6:23
Initial Rankings: Batch 4 - 8/15 (C-) & Rubric 8
Weighted Rankings: Green 1/16


It's a slow start-up, and there was a time early on where I got this and "Baby, Don't You Do It" confused so this almost got eliminated way earlier. I'm really, really glad I didn't make that mistake. This is excellent. Again, I don't know much about the characters or concept of the album, but it grew on me greatly!

@NFUN (to scare ya!)
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
I was very scared

even worse because I have one song left in rwlh's and I'm hoping it goes all the way, so seeing t a notification is nerve-wracking
List the ominous stern whisper from the delphic cave within:
They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin
Hell yea Bachelorette is sick
You were the cancer, that's all you'll ever be
I really messed up this contest, but azuarc gave it a Breath of fresh air
Again, I don't know much about the characters or concept of the album,
Don't worry, neither do I, and actually I'm pretty sure that the only person who does is Sandy Pearlman. I find it hard to believe that even the members of BOC understand much of what the hell is going on in the Imaginos story except that it's about a bunch of aliens starting World War 1.

Honestly, I generally think the song functions better without even trying to place it in the context of any stories. Looking into it too hard just obscures some of the best and most poetic lyric writing ever in my view. So I'm glad you enjoyed it regardless of everything else!
Chilly McFreeze
#36. A Lifetime of Adventure
Artist: Tuomas Holopanian
Nominator: FL81 (1/5)
Time: 6:13
Initial Rankings: Batch 5 - 2/15 (B) & Rubric 6

I don't think I realized it was about Scrooge McDuck until a month in. I thought it was a beautiful call to adventure. It still is a beautiful call to adventure. Every time the chorus rolls around, there's a new instrument or two in there and the bombast builds and builds and builds. It feels somewhat operatic. Oof, those drums and horns really hitting at 3:28.

*NEW* 21st Place: FL81
#98. Kiuas, "After the Storm"
#92. Tokoyami Towa, "U.F.O. - U Feel Overjoyed!"
#84. Rachel Wallace, "Cool Cat"
#79. Consonances & Dissonances, "Pohjolan Lmmin Valo ~ Platinum Solstice"
#36. Tuomas Holopanian, "A Lifetime of Adventure"
Average Score: 77.8
Total Score: 389

When this is over and I take a look at your nominations, I think the only song that's going to come to mind is "Cool Cat" and its nineties club mix, though you did leave a nice trail of hits behind. "Cool Cat" is a massive earworm even now a month since I last listened to it. "U.F.O." is just awesome vocals. "A Lifetime of Adventure" is soaring. I am annoyed that you're two of my four songs I couldn't playlist, but that's on me being stubborn. Much appreciated!


#35. The Guillotine
Artist: The Coup
Nominator: Blur (2/5)
Time: 4:47
Initial Rankings: Batch 8 - 10/15 (C+) & Rubric 8
Weighted Rankings: Yellow 2/16

Whoops! I had this down on my shortlist, but forgot to write it down at all when I was manually ranking earlier. "Bubble" is better and I cannot pop it up. I needed to break out the guillotine and split right into tonight's entries. The Guillotine hasa great Wizard of Oz music video, I love the smooth snakelike delivery of the lyrics, and I have a lot of political thoughts flash through my mind when listening to this it can't be helped. It grooves, certainly.


#34. Bubble
Artist: STAYC
Nominator: DanKirby (1/5)
Time: 2:59
Initial Rankings: Batch 6 - 14/15 (C-) & Rubric 10
Weighted Rankings: Red 1/16

Speaking of massive earworm in the vein of "Cool Cat," this is the ultimate "Cool Cat" of these nominations. Written off early as just bubblegum poppiness, it has lasted for so long through the power of positivity. I'm sorry, Bubble Bubble Bubble makes me want to do cheers and high kicks and learn choreography. Instead I dance in my seat and bounce my head and feel sweet sugary bubbles pop in my brain and chase away any of the lingering moods that might be caused by other songs still to come.

18th Place: DanKirby
#85. Rurutia, "Michiru Mori"
#77. Nami Tamaki, "Speedway"
#42. AKB48, "LOVE TRIP"
#38. Younha, "Run"
#34. STAYC, "Bubble"
Average Score: 55.2
Total Score: 276

Wow! You are going to be placed fairly high! Right now paulg's next in rank and he's over 20 points beneath you! Some incredible nominations, and a lot of positivity. It's kind of stunning how "Bubble" was not only the highest ranking of your songs after initially being placed last of them (and only beating "Idioteque" in its batch... another "Cool Cat" connection!), but that it had always floated just high enough that it never entered the Blockbuster brackets nor was considered one of the main Flux irritants. I would've never expected it'd be ranked higher than the great "Michiru Mori" and "Speedway" and be two full tiers higher than them. and never ever never ever overtake "Run." "LOVE TRIP" could've gone anywhere and I'm glad it always bounced up. I loooved these. Awesome selections I would have never ever heard on my own. Thank you!

"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
Just a note as I get started for today, this past weekend I have had "After the Storm" and "Remind Me" stuck in my head for about 75% of this weekend, and it's developed into some kind of parasocial relationship between the two songs where they endlessly loop in and out of each other and I can't describe how because I don't where the blend happens or where it switches from "I want to live a life a simple life" to "Of another place and time" to "we will never be content with what we're given" to that instrumental interlude in Remind Me and around and around and around we go.

So, I'm looking forward to listening to everything else today.
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
#33. Sleep Dealer
Artist: Oneohtrix Point Never
Nominator: rwlh (2/5)
Time: 3:11
Initial Rankings: Batch 2 - 4/15 (B) & Rubric 4
Weighted Rankings: Purple 4/16

"Confusing! But... ephemeral and dang that hits my brain funny." - First listen note

I didn't mention it, but back when "Falling" went out at the start of the Blockbuster Tier I was comparing it to this song as a nomination that did scratched the weird brain itch right. This is just a strange, disruptive, wonderful tune. It tingles my brain and helps disrupt running trains of thought and I look forward to keeping it in my library for a long time.


#32. Skylark Interabang?!
Artist: Made in Heights
Nominator: Blur (1/5)
Time: 4:43
Initial Rankings: Batch 8 - 8/15 (B-) & Rubric 6
Weighted Rankings: Green 3/16

An unofficial member of the Terrible Ten, but only because it was always a step above even as it rose from possible elimination in the early 80s and 70s. I didn't think it'd get so carried away.

*NEW* 18th Place: Blur
#112. Joe Fursciante, "Falling"
#87. Brett Dennen, "Ain't No Reason"
#49. Nujabes, "Feather"
#35. The Coup, "The Guillotine"
#32. Made in Heights, "Skylark Interabang?!"
Average Score: 63
Total Score: 315

A very chill selection for the most part. "Ain't No Reason," "Feather," and "Skylark Interabang?!" are calming and establish mood, while "The Guillotine" is a fun sort of anger and upset. "Falling" didn't work for me, but I appreciated it enough to start a new tier with it. Ain't no reason to keep this write-up short, but I don't know if I have much to say.


#31. Be the GAL~Early Summer ver.
Artist: HANABIE.
Nominator: Murphiroth (4/5)
Time: 3:36
Initial Rankings: Batch 7 - 9/15 (D+) & Rubric 10
Weighted Rankings: Green 3/16

When Damage Control turned on Bayley and we learned Bayley was trying to get Paramore to play her entrance, I deeply hoped/hope that Poppy comes back to introduce Iyo. And if Kairi Sane/Asuka were to get someone to play, after hearing this, I'd hope it would be HANABIE. It's dangerous. It's scary. It's sugary sweet. It's demonic. It's rocking. It's melodic. It's... What The ****! Not this song, but their style and singing would make for an insane Kabuki Warrior entrance, so put that on my 'never gonna happen' wish list. I thought this would go a lot earlier, but it's just such great vibes.

"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
#31. Be the GAL~Early Summer ver.
#32. Skylark Interabang?!
#33. Sleep Dealer
#34. Bubble
#35. The Guillotine
#36. A Lifetime of Adventure
#37. Astronomy
#38. Run
#39. Bachelorette (Family Tree Version)
#40. Canto Della Terra
#41. Seize the Night (Carpe Noctem)
#43. get him back!
#44. The Gathering Sky
#45. Cha Cha Cha (Cover)
#46. Past Lives
#47. Remind Me
#48. Light Up the Night
#49. Feather
#50. Tragedy + Time

#51. The Last Supper
#52. Head First in the River
#53. Smoke Too Soon
#54. What We Wanted
#55. Autumn Leaves Revisited
#56. The Fallen Ground
#57. Skies
#58. Tacky
#59. Sexual Healing
#60. Pink Dazzled 45

#61. Why You Wanna Break My Heart?
#62. You Make My Dreams Come True
#63. Shine
#64. Castaway
#65. Spanish Mary
#66. Forward to the Past
#67. Winter Wrap-Up
#68. Shakticat
#69. Hors D'uvre
#70. The Murder of Love
#71. Saw Lightning
#72. Cha Cha Cha (Original)
#73. Raisin' Me Up
#74. GHOST
#75. Crash Into Me
#76. Cactus in the Valley (Feat. Owl City)
#77. Speedway
#78. Cryptograph
#79. Pohjolan Lmmin Valo ~ Platinum Solstice
#80. A Tap Dancer's Dilemma
#81. Square Hammer
#82. The Remedy
#83. Wonderland
#84. Cool Cat
#85. Michiru Mori
#86. Another Day
#87. Ain't No Reason
#88. Fight Like A Girl
#89. We Are The one
#90. So What
#91. Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso in A Minor, Op. 28
#92. U.F.O. - U Feel Overjoyed!
#93. Through the Looking Glass

#94. Leaving the Light
#95. Eddie My Love
#96. Yume Utsutsu
#98. After the Storm
#99. Flathead
#100. Kiss A Little Longer
#101. From the Start
#102. Baby Don't You Do It
#103. tabula rasa
#104. Fight Against An Armed Boss (In-Game Version)
#105. Pumped Up Kicks 1066 AD Cover in Old English
#106. The two cradles / stage2
#107. Night Cruising
#108. Dear Hearts and Gentle People
#109. Trans-Island Skyway
#110. Experienced Girl
#112. Falling

#113. Dragonsong
#114. Main Theme (Towering Inferno)
#115. One Year Of Love
#116. Both Sides Now
#117. 0314
#118. Idioteque
#119. This Is It
#120. Sexy Sexy
#121. Atlas Earth Ad Song
#122. Anywhere Is
#123. Arthuriana
#124. The Art of Sombre Ecstasy
#125. Cherry Chapstick

Player_0 (80%)
Murphiroth (60%)
Bane_Of_Despair (60%)
mcflubbin (60%)
NBIceman (40%)
MaxGalactica (40%)
NFUN (40%)
Bitto (40%)
CoolCly (40%)
rwlh (20%)
ZaziGuado (20%)
Steiner (20%)
Raka_Putra (20%)
Redrocket (20%)
Fluttershy_Pony (20%)
tazzyboyishere (20%)

17th [55.2] - DanKirby
18th [63.0] - Blur
19th [76.0] - paulg235
20th [77.5] - Xtlm
21st [77.8] - FL81
22nd [78.2] - DoctorJimmy133
23rd [80.0] - BlueCrystalTear
24th [82.2] - Snake5555555555
25th [98.2] - UF8
26th [101.7] - handsomeboy2012

Initial Rankings
A - 12/16 (-3)
B - 12/29 (-9)
C - 2/29 (-10)
D - 4/37 (-4)
F - 0/9 (-2)
BlueCrystalTier - 0/5 (-2)

1-4 [100%] [80%] [75%] [83.3%]
5-8 [37.5%] [11.1%] [50%] [25%]
9-12 [27.3%] [16.7%] [25%] [12.5%]
13-16 [0%] [0%] [0%] [0%]

Weighted Rankings
Red - 0%
Orange - 0%
Yellow - 18.75% (1, 10, 12)
Green - 6.25% (9)
Blue - 25% (2, 3, 6, 11)
Purple - 37.5% (1, 2, 5-7, 9)
Violet - 66.67%

Grid A (0%)
Grid B (12.5%)
Grid C (25%)
Grid D (0%)
Grid E (0%)
Grid X,Y,Z (0%)

"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
Songs Remaining:

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life
Car Wash Hair
Dana Dan (Indian Folk Metal)
Dark Come Soon
Dream Job
dreamy night
driver's license
good 4 u
Heaven and Hell
Herald of Darkness
I've Been Waiting
Just a Ride
King of Swords (Reversed)
Knocked Down, Made Small
Koi no America
The Noble Savage
Pelican Canyon
Rewind (Feat. Ashe & Armani White)
Rose-Colored Boy
That Funny Feeling
the world is yours
The world of spirit
Your Deep Rest

"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
Yeah HANABIE.'s entire aesthetic and vibe is super cool. Just a fun time, and I'd love to see them get the more mainstream attention something like collaborating with the WWE would bring.

Fun fact, they actually started out doing Maximum the Hormone covers in high school.
Board 8 » Mega Mana Ranks The Songs
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