What four villains are on the Spider-Man Rogues Mount Rushmore?

Board 8

Green Goblin (Norman Osborn)
Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius)
Venom (Eddie Brock)


Hmmm... fourth is tricky tricky...

- Kraven: Being an original Sinister 6er, Kraven's Last Hunt
- Lizard: The Hyde of great power and unfettered science, a dark reflection and cautionary tale
- Kingpin: A constant presence in the background of a lot of heavier Spider-periods, though definitely Daredevil's #1 for Rushmore
- Jackal: Behind the Clone Saga, another Lizard-esque caution
- Mysterio: A secondary villain until he became much more influential and manipulative with the tangled web of multiversal spiders

And I don't have enough knowledge of more modern villains and impactful they are like Mr. Negative, Judas Traveller, Mephisto post-OMD, or if Spot's gotten a lot more outsize influence aince the brilliant Across the Spider-Verse (ooh, Miguel... and there's Prowler if we fold in Miles)...

Actually, with how often she can flip the script on Spidey as a self-interested third-party...

Green Goblin
Doctor Octopus
Black Cat
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