Anagram ranks anything Mario-related

Board 8

We've done this with Star Wars, Star Trek, Final Fantasy, Flags, Visual Designs, Metal Gear, Pokmon, the Legend of Zelda, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. I decided that I wanted to do another big epic genre series, but with SW, ST, and FF already out of the way, and the fact that I have major holes in my LotR (no Silmarillion), Dragon Ball (no DB, GT, or Super), and Persona (no 1, 2, and Royal) knowledge, I decided it's time for Mario.

Same rules as last time: post anything at least tangentially related to Mario, and I'll crank out a full writeup analyzing it, and rank it against other Mario-related things. But if you post some weird crap I'm unfamiliar with, I'll just veto it. I can't possibly name every Mario game I've ever played, or every Mario-related thing I've seen, though, so there's a lot of weird Mario crap I am familiar with.
Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005