Anagram ranks anything Mario-related

Board 8

- Kuribo's Shoe Tier
Rosalina: I've cooled a lot on Rosalina, I liked her more when she first came out. What makes her unique is that she's the only Mario character who actually has a backstory. No one else does. The most you get is that Mario and Luigi were babies once maybe I dunno. Go to the Mario Wiki right now and find any other mainline series character whose Background tab is even one-tenth as long as hers. Rosalina, and Rosalina alone, has an entire backstory with lore attached to it. And yes, it obviously gets completely contradicted in later games by the introduction of Baby Rosalina (unless you believe in the idea that the baby characters aren't really connected to the adult characters, or that they're regressed versions of themselves rather than being from the past, etc), but the fact that this character got past Miyamoto is crazy. He's well-known for shutting down any attempts to do anything different with the Mario brand, and somehow, someone slid Goth Space Peach right past him. God bless the soul who did that. And poor Daisy! Before Wonder, she hadn't been in a real game since 1989, and Rosalina just shows up and takes her place as 'Girl 2,' despite Daisy putting in the hours in all of the spinoffs. But Rosalina has something Peach doesn't: cool magic tricks. She floats! She has a wand! A star follows her around! Her voice has a cool reverb effect! It's not a mystery why Rosalina is way more popular and beloved than Daisy, and probably more popular than Wario, I would guess. She's everything I want in a woman: blonde, 8 feet tall, magic, and owns a spaceship. If you're a woman who has all of those attributes, call me.
Kuribo's Shoe
1-1 Theme: This has the most memorable first two seconds of any video game song, and then after that, obviously it's still super memorable... But you compare this to the LoZ main theme, and it's not comparable. The Zelda one completely annihilates this in terms of quality. The Zelda one feels epic and compelling and draws you toward a classical fantasy adventure even though it's a shitty NES chiptune, and the 1-1 theme is just kind of silly fun. It's not even especially wacky or cartoonish, it's just, here's a bright, colorful video game. I'm not saying it's bad or anything, it's still like the most important piece of video game music ever made, but... is it really the best? Is it even the best Mario theme? I doubt it. And you compare this to the Pokemon RB opening theme, and it's completely destroyed. DK Country beats it, too. I dunno. It's better than the main themes for Kirby, Metroid, F-Zero, Kid Icarus, and Star Fox. And yet, for all I just ragged on it, it's still going into my second highest Mario tier, so take from that what you will. When I think of Mario, I do not think of a series that's really defined by its music in the way that, say, MGS or FF are. It has music, and the music enhances the games, but I'm not like "goddamn that 1-1 theme unf."
Thwomp: I love thwomps. They're like a perfect video game enemy. You understand the rules they operate by instantly, they always follow those rules, and their movements can be predicted and used to solve puzzles by standing on them and getting up to places you can't normally reach. They're an A-tier enemy, but not an S-tier one.
Super Mario Maker 2
Hexagon Heat: One of the classic minigames. Perfect concept and execution. Not my favorite MP minigame, but probably in my top ten.

- Hammer Suit Tier
Chris Pratt
Hell Valley Sky Trees: I'll be honest, I kind of love stupid stuff like this. Completely unexplained nonsense thrown in to make the game more mysterious. My favorite example of this is the bag in the dumpster in RE4. Did the dumpster bag show back up in the remake? I can't remember. I've played RE4 like ten times, but RE4R only once. It's not even bad, it just could not possibly match the original in terms of influence and importance.
Smash 64 Commercial: I know there's a whole 'thing' about nostalgic adults thinking their childhoods were better than modern kids', but I'll say this: the best 90s commercials absolutely trounce the best modern ones. You can't have a completely uncynical stupid commercial anymore. You could not play the Mr. Bucket commercial today without it becoming a Tiktok meme in one second.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005