Politics Containment Topic 411: Presidential Election MMXX Rebirth

Board 8

AriaOfBolo posted...
I think we're kinda out of room for anybody to do "far worse." Legitimately, what can he do that Biden and the Dems aren't doing?

Send troops to Palestine, for one thing. I don't doubt for a second that Trump wouldn't do it if someone paid him to.

You say this like the Dems are trustworthy and dedicated allies. They aren't trying to kill us, but they're not doing a whole lot to stop the other guys, either. It can be worse on this front, but its already pretty shit, on their watch.
Okay. And? This isn't about whether or not Democrats are perfect allies. They don't need to be perfect, or even great, to be infinitely better than the alternative. That's the problem I have here. Every time that fact gets pointed out, the response is "Well yeah, but-" and there shouldn't be a but. The stakes are too high. This is a choice between slow recovery/progress and a hellscape. Everyone opposing Trump should be throwing almost full support against Not Trump, and they aren't.

Does that still leave some room for pointing out issue and problems? Sure. But leftist complaining has long since ascended from 'pointing out problems with the Democratic party' to 'virtually indistinguishable from a GOP plant making bad faith arguments'. I actually do a double-take on half your posts because I read them, look at the name, and have to remind myself that you probably aren't someone who secretly supports Trump.

Tonight is a microcosm of that. It is apparently impossible to just say: hey, I'm glad the speech was well-received because that helps re-election chances. You don't have to give a shit about it. I don't. I didn't watch it. I take it for what it is - good optics. We always need good optics. That's something the left generally doesn't understand.
It's Reyn Time.