Politics Containment Topic 411: Presidential Election MMXX Rebirth

Board 8

Progressives are, as usual, going about everything backwards, looking for a shortcut. We need to learn to control the narrative, and that's something we've failed at miserably, and it's part of why we're where we are. Win the hearts and minds of the people first, THEN the politicians. You can't go after the politicians first, and demand to have your way first. It just doesn't work like that.

"But the people support a ceasefire!"

Yeah, they do. In general. At about the same level as Joe Biden does. Much like they also support universal healthcare until it comes time to talk about funding it.

Believe it or not, you have to win over people. Yes, even on genocide. You can't just shame them into it. And progressives haven't done enough to endear themselves to the more moderate democrats whose minds can be changed. And every time you say you're going to take your ball and go home, you push the democrats further to the right, rather than dragging them to the left. Because if they aren't getting your vote, they have to find someone else's vote they will get.

Progressives really need to learn how to play politics. Because I don't think many of them get it. When you take your ball and go home, you're telling women that it's okay to have their reproductive rights taken away. Letting Republicans win only enables them to do even worse shit. Because they know they can get away with it. We've let them get away with it for too long because we refuse to support the lesser of two evils. It's also why we have two evils. You have to starve off the worse of two evils to drag them into the modern day. There's some truly awful people in the United States who would get off on seeing dead Palestinian Children. You're not teaching anyone a lesson letting the worse evil win. Or at least not the lesson you want them to learn. You don't tolerate the greater evil to teach the lesser evil a lesson. Especially not when people will suffer even more, and particularly the people who are actually voting between said candidates.

You don't have to like voting for Joe Biden. I know I didn't. But I do it because the alternative is just so much worse. And I know that if I want to push people toward supporting a ceasfire and a two state solution, I need people who will actually listen, even if they don't change their mind. Because then it changes the conversation. With Donald Trump, there's no chance you're going to get him to change his mind. He's going to do what he wants, and nobody's going to stop him. There will be no adults in the room this time. You can't shame Republicans into not supporting destroying Gaza. Their DREAM is to have Israel take over, and usher in the end times. And Trump will never listen to Democrats. And the conversation will stall.

Sometimes you have to make the less bad choice. Otherwise, we end up with even worse choices. Because if you think Trump is bad, just wait until the right brings out whoever comes next. Think it can't get worse? Think again. I thought W. was as bad as it gets. Turns out, he's a lightweight.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!