Politics Containment Topic 411: Presidential Election MMXX Rebirth

Board 8

KamikazePotato posted...
I do, and I think this is something we're just going to fundamentally disagree on. I don't consider third-party votes to be a valid option for anyone legitimately concerned with a potential Trump presidency. If everyone who 3rd-party protest-voted against Hillary Clinton just...voted for Clinton, Trump might have been dead in the water eight years ago.

You've been tricked by liberals into thinking the left undecideds are the problem, but if the Libertarian 3rd party voters (ostensibly, Republicans) voted for Trump, he would have walked away with it.

(In fact, while fact-checking my numbers, I found multiple articles mentioning that Jill Stein voters caused Hillary's loss, meanwhile the numbers in their own articles show 4x as many Libertarian votes. It's a resilient talking point not supported by numbers, and I'm so over it.)

what you consider just expressing displeasure against the *blank*, is to me harmful rhetoric that some more neutral onlookers will be tempted to follow.

I mean how is this any different than when MAGA call the most conservative people you've ever seen in your life RINOs for saying they find Trump distasteful? "Only say good things about the party or you're helping the bad guys--which makes you a bad guy".

Over the past few years I've just grown very tired with the way that the left handles optics and rhetoric as a whole. It feels like watching them constantly shoot themselves in the foot.

I think what's actually happening is that you tend to BE around left leaning people more, and so when you see leftists grousing in a way you don't like, you assume that it's strictly a leftist thing. Just look at any right wing protest or speak to the ACTUAL don't tread on my right wing dudes--they are legitimately the most off-putting people you'll ever meet.

There is something to be said for Leftist infighting, but "I only like leftists who shut up and color" is not a coalition-building tactic, so can you really blame them for doing the same in return?
Phantom Dust.
"I'll just wait for time to prove me right again." - Vlado